Right: the glamour of horse racing - especially steeplechasing - has faded over the years, but to many, the racehorse is still a stirring spectacle. In September 2010, having satisfied a limit on the maximum number of deaths among starting horses, hurdle racing was granted a three year extension by Racing Victoria. The Racing Victoria Limited Board determined that there would be a three year program of hurdle racing subject to meeting a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of no more than 0.65% of fatalities per starters. This will be measured as a rolling three year average at the end of the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Two more deaths this season would push the figures outside that allowable under the KPI; however, given that measurements are not being formally taken and reviewed until the end of 2012 it would appear that jumps racing is safe up to that time. The Victorian Racing Minster, Denis Napthine, has clearly indicated his support for the sport. On November 3, 2010, prior to his government's election, Denis Napthine's office issued a media release stating, 'A Liberal-Nationals Coalition would boost funding for jumps racing in Victoria by $2 million... Jumps racing is exciting and spectacular. It plays an important part in Victorian racing, especially during the winter.' The Coalition's policy appears to be to secure the future of jumps racing via increased government funding to go, in part, towards increased prize money, so that the event becomes more attractive to overseas' competitors. The Government wants to lift the profile of the sport, including increasing the quality of the horses that compete. Some commentators have argued that an improved field, made up of better horses, would reduce the accident and fatality rate. This would appear to be the Government's hope. The Baillieu Government is clearly aware of the current and potential boost to rural economies, especially the Warrnambool economy, that jumps racing represents. While still shadow minister, Denis Napthine stated, 'The May Grand Annual Carnival is worth many millions of dollars to this region each year... The Coalition jumps racing policy not only secures the future of this great event, but provides an opportunity to make it even bigger and better by taking it onto the international stage.' The Racing Minister appears to view the poor start to the 2011 jumps racing season as a temporary obstacle to be overcome, rather than a marker that the sport is doomed. He has indicated that his government is committed to continuing the sport through to 2013 and appears to believe that by this time the KPIs will be acceptable. He has also categorised the spectator injuries as an atypical occurrence which could occur at any horse racing event and therefore not a problem peculiar to jumps racing. South Australia may take action on the issue earlier than Victoria. On May 5, 2011, the South Australian Greens announced they would be introducing a motion into State parliament to refer jumps racing in South Australia to the state's Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) following the events in Warrnambool where only two of the eight starters finished the course and a number of spectators were injured. It remains to be seen whether the Victorian Greens attempt similar action. The Victorian Racing Minister has repeatedly claimed the matter is outside his jurisdiction as jumps racing in his state is under the control of the independent authority, Racing Victoria. However, the pressure from animal welfare groups will remain constant. If an improved field does not result in reduced fatalities and if the Victorian KPIs are not at acceptable levels by 2012, it will be very difficult for Racing Victoria to allow it to continue. |