
Below: An ABC Landline report from October 23, 2011, detailing responses to the Farmer Review and giving an overview of the current state of Australia’s live export trade especially within the sheep industry. .

Below: Footage from an Animals Australia report on animal slaughtering practices in Turkey, showing Australian sheep being killed in a manner which would be unacceptable within Australia. The footage was downloaded on August 17, 2011
Warning: this footage contains material likely to cause distress to viewers.

Below: A television advertisement produced by the RSPCA and Animals Australia calling for a ban on live exports. The ad was broadcast on August 7, 2011.

Below: A June 29, 2011, segment from Channel 10’s 6.30 Report interviewing a Northern Territory cattle-rearing family on the adverse effects upon them of the federal government’s temporary ban on livestock exports to Indonesia.

Web links, documents

On Monday May 30, 2011, the ABC aired a 'Four Corners' investigative report on Indonesian abattoirs and their methods of slaughtering cattle.
A full transcript of the program titled, 'A Bloody Business' can be accessed at http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/content/2011/s3230934.htm
The full Four Corners program together with links to relevant news reports and transcripts of interviews with experts and stakeholders can be accessed at http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/special_eds/20110530/cattle/

An Australian federal government online information page giving links to different aspects of its response to the live export issue can be accessed at http://www.liveexports.gov.au/government_action
It includes a summary of the Farmer Review; an outline of the government's response and a timeline for the implementation of the recommendations.

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) describes itself as 'a producer-owned company, working in partnership with industry and government to achieve a profitable and sustainable red meat and livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) industry in Australia.'
MLA is the authority cited by government and news media as having the ultimate responsibility for overseas abattoirs guidelines.
The MLA's Live Exports page makes no reference to standards for handling and slaughter. It gives sale statistics for live exports of sheep and lambs from Australia. This page can be accessed at http://www.mla.com.au/prices-and-markets/trends-and-analysis/sheepmeat-and-lamb/live-exports
The MLA's homepage can be found at http://www.mla.com.au/Home

The Western Australian Farmers' Federation sent a submission to the Farmer Review essentially defending current livestock handling practices. The full text of this submission can be found at

The Australian Veterinarian Association (AVA) sent a submission to the Farmer Review arguing for improved standards of animals management in the live export industry. Included in their recommendations is the general adoption of stunning.
The full text of the AVA submission can be found at http://www.livestockexportreview.gov.au/submission_received/australian_veterinary_association

The Australian Lot-feeders' Association also made a submission to the Farmer Review, supporting the live export industry but recognising the need for improved standards and greater oversight. The full text of the submission can be found at http://www.livestockexportreview.gov.au/submission_received/australian_lot_feeders_association

The Australian Livestock Exporters' Council also made a very detailed submission to the Farmer Review, acknowledge the need for reform and oversight but arguing that certain sorts of oversight are counterproductive. This is a long submission and it is recommended that careful use is made of its table of contents to take the reader to relevant material.
The full text of the submission can be found at http://www.livestockexportreview.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/1951442/aust-livestock-expalec.pdf

The Animals Australia describes itself as 'Australia's second largest and the most dynamic national animal protection organisation, representing some 40 member societies and thousands of individual supporters.' It was an Animals Australia investigator who supplied the footage of Indonesian cattle slaughter practices that formed the basis of the controversial Four Corners' report on the subject.
Animals Australia's response to live exports can be found at http://liveexport-indefensible.com/

Dr. Temple Grandin is a designer of livestock handling facilities and a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Facilities she has designed are located in the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries. Curved chute and race systems she has designed for cattle are used worldwide and her writings on the flight zone and other principles of grazing animal behaviour have helped many people to reduce stress on their animals during handling.
She has also developed an objective scoring system for assessing handling of cattle and pigs at meat plants. This scoring system is being used by many large corporations to improve animal welfare. Other areas of research include effective stunning methods for cattle and pigs at meat plants.
Her website site contains text, graphics and video. The site can be accessed at http://www.grandin.com/

On August 23, 2011, The Conversation published an opinion piece by Siobhan O'Sullivan, Research Fellow, School of Social and Political Sciences at University of Melbourne. Dr O'Sullivan argues that public disquiet about animal handling practices will ultimately end the live export trade. The full text of this comment can be found at http://theconversation.edu.au/live-animal-exports-and-australian-politics-more-than-a-case-of-conscience-2964

On August 23, 2011, On Line Opinion published an opinion piece by David Leyonhjelm titled 'Slaughtering Indonesia's cattle trust'. The piece argues that the ban on live cattle exports had seriously damaged Australian trading relations with Indonesia. The full text of this comment can be found at http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=12508

On October 21, 2011, the Minister for Agriculture issued a media release outlining the government's response to the Farmer Review. The full text of the release detailing those recommendations the government will accept can be found at http://www.daff.gov.au/ludwig/media_office/media_releases/media_releases/2011/october/gillard-government-reforms-live-export-trade