
Below: On September 21, 2011 Channel 10 News reported police defending the use of pursuits after two drivers were hospitalised in just one week.

Below: On December 18, 2011, ABC News reported that a 19-year-old L-plater had been killed as a result of crashing his car shortly after a police pursuit at Cobram in Victoria's north. The report comments on another recent fatality following a police pursuit and includes an official police comment and warning.

Below: On Dec 28, 2011, Channel 10 News reported that police are hunting an injured fugitive, who survived a car crash and a burst of capsicum spray following a police chase. The car crashed into a funeral home and police found a gun in the vehicle. .

Below: On July 20, 2011, ABC News reported that the ACT Government had dismissed a Greens proposal to limit police car chases to the most violent offences. .

Web links, documents

On July 31, 2007, ACT Department of Justice and Community Safety issued an 'Independent Review of the AFP Urgent Duty Driving and Police Pursuit Guideline'. The review was written by consultant, Alan Cameron.
The review recommended that the Australian Federal Police should adopt some of the guidelines in use in Victoria and New South Wales. The full text of this review can be found at http://www.justice.act.gov.au/resources/attachments/Independent_Review_of_Pursuit_Guideline_Review_31_July_2007.pdf

On March 22, 2010, the ABC issued a report titled, 'Banning police pursuits not the answer'.  The report gave information on four deaths which had occurred in Canberra following a police pursuit. It then gave the views of Professor Paul Mazerolle, the director of the Key Centre for Ethics, Law and Justice at Griffith University in Queensland, who argued that police are constantly trying to maintain a delicate balance of ensuring public safety while minimising risk of harm to individuals.
The full text of this report can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-03-22/banning-police-pursuits-not-the-answer/375414

On March 23, 2010, The Sydney Morning Herald published a news report titled, 'Call to ban pursuits of stolen vehicles' which outlined the plea made by the parents of Clea Rose that police pursuits only be conducted to guard against a public danger. Clea Rose was killed in 2005 after being struck by a teenage driver who was being pursued by police.
The full text of this report can be found at http://www.smh.com.au/national/call-to-ban-pursuits-of-stolen-vehicles-20100322-qra2.html

On March 23, 2010, The Punch published an opinion piece by Shane Wilkinson, a former police officer with ten years' service. The piece is titled, 'Just let cops do their jobs'. In it Wilkinson defends police pursuit procedures. The full text of this comment can be found at http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/just-let-cops-do-their-jobs/

In July, 2011, Shane Rattenbury, ACT Greens MLA released 'A community discussion paper on police car chases'. The Greens are seeking to have police guidelines on pursuits altered in the Australian Capital Territory. They want a trial of more severe restrictions. The full text of this paper can be found at http://act.greens.org.au/sites/greens.org.au/files/A%20community%20discussion%20paper%20on%20police%20car%20chases.pdf

Civil Liberties Australia (CLA) is opposed to police pursuits. On October 27, 2011, CLA published an opinion piece on its Internet site titled, 'Chase vehicle is the police's most dangerous weapon'. The full text of the piece can be found at http://www.cla.asn.au/0805/index.php/policing/articles/chase-vehicle-is-the-police

On December 29, 2011, The Herald Sun published a comment by Lorraine Bennett. Mrs Bennett criticises the police pursuit procedures that she believes contributed to her son's death. The full text of her comment can be found at http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/my-son-paid-the-ultimate-price/story-e6frf7jo-1226232159721

On December 30, 2011, an ABC news report detailed Victoria Police defence of their pursuit procedures in the face of criticisms after two recent incidents. The report can be viewed at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-29/police-defend-pursuit-policy/3751850

The On January 10, 2012, 3AW radio journalist Derryn Hinch conducted interviews with former Victorian Assistant Commissioner and then West Australian Police Commissioner Bob Falconer and former prison chaplain and now RMIT academic, Peter Norden. Falconer supports police procedures while Norden believes police pursuits should be banned.
These interviews can be accessed at http://www.3aw.com.au/blogs/blog-with-derryn-hinch/police-damned-either-way-hinch/20120110-1pt78.html

Idea Connection has published a number of alternatives that either are or could be adopted instead of high-speed pursuits. These can be read at http://www.ideaconnection.com/solutions/352-High-Speed-Chases.html