
Below: A TAC anti-speeding promotion, ‘Pictures of You’, which also seeks to explain the use of cameras to detect those who speed. Please note, this features relatives of people who have died in speeding accidents. It is powerful and potentially distressing. .

Below: A January 25, 2011, Channel 9 news report of successful challenges to speeding fines as a result of possible faults with some fixed speed cameras in Sydney

Below: A February 9, 2011, Channel 10 news report on a traffic policeman’s successful challenge of a speeding fine. The victory took eight years and cost several thousand dollars.

Below: A July 27, 2011 ABC news report on the decision taken by the New South Wales government to remove 38 speed cameras after an Auditor-General report indicated they were ineffective. The audit also found most speed cameras were successful in altering driver behaviour.

Web links, documents

(Please note, not all these sources are of equal status. Some of these sources, primarily those supporting speed cameras, draw on a wide range of studies, while some of those opposing speed cameras draw either very narrowly or selectively on supporting evidence.)

The Victorian Government's 'Speed Camera's Save Lives' is a public information site explaining the operation of speed cameras in that states and supplying resources intended to demonstrate their effectiveness.
This site can be accessed at http://www.camerassavelives.vic.gov.au/

On August 6, 2010, The Sydney Morning Herald published a news report from England detailing the results of an insurance company survey which indicated that speed cameras may actually contribute to road accidents because of the manner in which drivers behave in order to avoid them.
The full text of this report can be found at http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/speed-cameras-cause-erratic-driving-20100806-11mct.html

In August, 2010, the West Australian government released a position paper titled, 'Effectiveness of Speed Cameras and Use in Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales'. The paper draws on Australia-wide evidence to justify the use of speed cameras. The full text of this document can be found at http://www.ors.wa.gov.au/Documents/speed-rscpositionpaper-speedcameras.aspx

In November, 2010, the British Royal Automobile Club Foundation conducted a review titled, 'The Effectiveness of Speed Cameras: A review of evidence'. The review found that speed cameras were an effective means of altering driver behaviour, reducing speed and increasing road safety. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.police.wa.gov.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=r%2F4Haoo1i%2FY%3D&tabid=1761

On June 22, 2011, the Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece by
Harold Scruby, the chairman of the Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited. The comment is titled, 'Why NSW needs more speed cameras'.
The full text of this comment can be found at http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/why-nsw-needs-more-speed-cameras-20110622-1geye.html

In July, 2011, the New South Wales Auditor General released a report titled, 'Improving Road Safety" Speed Cameras'. The report is generally favourable in its findings regarding speed cameras; however, it claims that 38 of the state's speed cameras have been misplaced and so should be removed.
The full text of this report can be found at http://www.audit.nsw.gov.au/publications/reports/performance/2011/speed_cameras/speed_cameras.pdf

In August, 2011, the Victorian Auditor General released a report titled, 'Road Safety Camera Program'. The report uniformly supports the current operation of speed cameras in Victoria.
The full text of the report can be found at http://www.audit.vic.gov.au/publications/20110831-Road-Safety-Cameras/20110831-Road-Safety-Cameras.pdf

RoadSenseOz is a public information site run by Mr Harry Brelsford. The site opposes the use of speed cameras. Some of its arguments against speed cameras can be found at http://www.roadsense.com.au/misleading_data.html

CarAdvice is a motorists' information site, which includes car reviews. It opposes speed cameras. Some of its information in opposition to speed cameras can be found at http://www.caradvice.com.au/6756/speed-doesnt-kill-its-official/

CARR (Citizens Against Road Ripoffs) is a lobby group set up to oppose what it considers inequitable road law practices. It is highly critical of speed cameras.
A site "disclaimer" states, 'The author asserts his right to publish this information in the public interest. No responsibility is taken for consequences resulting from using any information contained herein.'
The site's arguments against speed cameras can be accessed at http://www.carr.org.au/traffic%20cameras.htm

Aussie Speeding Fines is a group that has been set up to help motorists combat speeding fines. On September 13, 2007, the site published an opinion piece citing two Melbourne drivers who had successfully challenged speed camera identifications.
The full text can be read at http://www.aussiespeedingfines.com/articles/2/1/THE-accuracy-of-mobile-speed-cameras-is-under-assault-by-the-legal-world/Page1.html

RoadWatch is an Internet site established 'to help motorists voice their opinion on all things road-related. The focus is often on speed cameras.' The site is generally opposed to speed cameras. It can be accessed at http://www.roadwatch.com.au/forum/default.asp