
Right: Melbourne's trains at night: many commuters are reluctant to travel after dark, not only for fear of assault in carriages, but also on unmanned suburban stations.

Arguments in favour of placing armed protective services officers on Melbourne train stations after dark

1. This was a pre-election undertaking from the Baillieu government
The Victorian government claims to have a mandate to place armed protective services officers on Victorian trains. It made a pre-election promise to provide an armed protective services officer at each of the 212 metropolitan train stations.
This promise appears to have been taken up with enthusiasm by much of the electorate. A survey of 6500 commuters taken before last November's election showed 89 per cent of respondents felt unsafe on public transport at night.
After his party's election victory, the newly elected premier, Mr Ted Baillieu, stated, 'It's a commitment we made before the election, and it's a commitment that is much appreciated by the electorate and we're going to introduce PSOs in stations.'
In the face of opposition to the protective services officers, Mr Baillieu has reasserted his government's commitment to the policy. On April 14, 2011, Mr Baillieu reiterated, 'The Government went to the recent state election committed to putting Victoria Police protective services officers on train stations.
A number of unions and interest groups now want the Government to water down or abandon its commitment. Our Government stands firm in its commitment to deliver on that policy.'

2. The protective services officers will receive additional training and have increased powers
The Victoria premier, Ted Baillieu, has indicated that protective services officers guarding railway stations will receive the same firearms training as is given Victoria Police officers.
In an article published in the Herald Sun on April 14, 2011, Mr Baillieu stated, 'There are 150 PSOs working in Victoria and all of them, as well as the new PSOs who will be assigned to protect train stations, have the same firearms training as Victorian Police.'
Mr Baillieu indicated that PSOs train at the same academy as police in Glen Waverley and receive the same firearms training and defensive skills training as police recruits. PSOs are also required to requalify every six months, in the same manner as police.'
This is a modification to the proposal that was originally announced.  Police Minister, Mr Peter Ryan, confirmed the training period was to be lengthened, and indicated this would increase the $160 million cost of the program. Mr Ryan stated that this additional training would not delay the officers' introduction.
In a recent media release issued by the Victoria government it is further stated, 'In their training, Victoria Police Protective Services Officers cover firearms handling, defensive skills, critical incident management, non-violent conflict resolution and dealing with mentally ill and drug or alcohol-affected people.'
Over the term of their current training course, PSO recruits must qualify in the following academic components: law and PSO procedures; communication skills; information technology and scenario training. The must also qualify in the following physical components: defensive tactics; firearms training and operational based scenarios.
As part of their current employment provisions, upon graduation from the Victoria Police Academy, PSOs undertake 12 months probation. Following their initial training, over the next fifty-two weeks, appointees are required to fulfil a number of workplace competencies. In addition, PSO can undertake further courses delivered internally and externally.
It has also been announced that the PSOs will have their powers extended beyond that of citizens' arrest.
The Victorian Police Minister, Mr Peter Ryan, has stated that although details were still being worked out with police command, the guards would be 'appropriately empowered' to make arrests and handle 'the sort of antisocial behaviour that people should not have to cop when they're using the train system'.
Mr Ryan stated, 'The powers will change to a sufficient degree to enable the PSOs to deal with the problems we have historically encountered on the platforms. To the extent that requires people to be arrested - yes they will have the powers of arrest.'
The officers may also be given the power to seize weapons and search offenders - including minors.

3. The protective services officers will receive adequate resources to perform their duties
The Victorian government has announced that it will take all measures necessary to ensure that every Victorian metropolitan station is properly equipped to allow the PSOs to complete their duties. This is in response to concerns expressed over the fact that about half of the metropolitan stations to be manned by PSO are without toilet facilities and a lesser number would offer the PSOs nowhere to shelter from the weather.
In a recent Victorian government media release it was stated, 'The Coalition Government has already announced that $20 million will be invested in upgrades to train station infrastructure, including the provision of clean and safe toilet facilities. There will be no need [for PSOs ] to hail a police car to get a toilet break.'
The Victorian Opposition has recently suggested that PSOs needing a toilet break would have to be transported by Victoria Police officers as PSOs are not able to travel in public while armed.
Mr Baillieu has responded to such speculation by indicating that toilets and other capital works such as shelters at railway stations were costed and upgrades would be provided where needed.
Mr Baillieu has stated, 'We understand those basic needs. What we have seen from the Labor Party is an attempt to denigrate PSOs.'

4. There is widespread community concern about the safety of Victoria's trains after dark
It has been claimed that large numbers of commuters feel unsafe on Victoria's trains, especially after dark. This concern has been acknowledged by the head of Metro.
The chief executive of Metro Trains, Mr Andrew Lezala, has stated, 'I ride the railways a lot and I sometimes feel intimidated. I'm not a particularly shy guy. So I know we have an intimidation issue...
We have a number of issues with youth gangs, with people who are intoxicated and some people who have got some mental issues. I've seen it first-hand.'
Armed protective officers are part of the Victorian government's plan to address safety issues on the State's trains. Victoria's premier, Mr Ted Baillieu has stated, 'The commitment is for every station and we think that's important to create a culture of safety around stations and it helps you develop those stations in the future, with increased patronage and increased investment around it.'
A survey of 6500 commuters taken before last November's election showed 89 per cent of respondents felt unsafe on public transport at night.
On April 14, 2011, Mr Baillieu stated, 'The vast majority of Victorians have told me they strongly support our plan because they are scared to use public transport at night, and train stations in particular have become places of fear instead of places of safety...
We recognised this pattern of train violence in opposition and pledged to do all we could to improve safety and security for travellers.'

5. Assaults at train stations are increasing
It has been claimed that train stations are becoming less safe places to be. The number of assaults at train stations is increasing. Police assault figures show that assaults at train stations grew by almost 11 per cent in 2009-10 from the previous year. This seems to be part of a general trend as bus-stop assaults grew by 31 per cent in the same period.
On April 13, 2011, the premier, Mr Ted Baillieu commented on the train violence figures that contributed to his party's decision to introduce protective services officers on railway stations if it were elected to government. Mr Baillieu explained, 'Women and elderly Victorians especially want urgent action to improve safety and security on the public transport network.
This fear is not a mere perception, given that there were more than 400 assaults on the metropolitan rail network from March 2010 to February 2011, with many occurring at or in the vicinity of train stations.'
As part of his party's pre-election pledge Mr Baillieu declared, 'We'll turn stations from places of fear into places of safety.
We want anyone - a young girl, an elderly woman - travelling home on the train at night to do so with confidence and not with fear.'
The Victorian government recently issued a media release which stated, 'There were more than 400 assaults at train stations in the Melbourne metropolitan network in the 12 months to February 2011. Metro Trains recorded an average of 34 station assaults per month - meaning at least one person a day is assaulted on Victoria's train network.'

6. Protective services officers have been used successfully in other capacities
The premier, Ted Baillieu, has stressed protective services officers (PSOs) are not a cheap short-term solution to the problem of train station security.
Mr Baillieu notes that PSOs have been successfully used in Victoria in a variety of situations for many years.
The Protective Services Division (PSD) is Victoria Police's specialist provider of security services. The PSD was established following a 1986 security review and formally commenced operations on 1 May, 1988.
On April 14, 2011, Mr Baillieu stated, 'Our Government is proud of our PSOs and the great work they do protecting Government offices, our courts, Victoria Police's St Kilda Rd complex and the Parliament. If PSOs are good enough to protect our Parliament, courts and our members of Parliament, they are good enough to protect all Victorians.'
The Premier went on to note, 'They [PSOs] often deal with protests outside of Parliament. Their work in the court system means they are constantly dealing with and assisting people with drug or alcohol problems, mental illness, and people who are angry or violent.'
In a recent media release the Victorian government noted, 'Victoria Police Protective Services Officers are under the command, direction and control of the Chief Commissioner of Police. Victoria Police Protective Services Officers are subject to the same codes of ethics and conduct and the same disciplinary system as members of the police force. Victoria Police Protective Services Officers have been operating in Victoria for more than 20 years, protecting State Parliament, the courts, MPs and judges.'