
Below: In April, 2011, the multinational pharmaceutical company, Novartis, produced a promotional video titled ‘Think how far we’ve come’ which argues for the necessity of animal research..

Below: On December 18, 2012, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) produced a video segment outlining the questionable uses for which some primate research in Great Britain has been employed.

Below: On November 9, 2012, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, announced that it was intending to alter local animal welfare by-laws so that a research facility within the county that employs animal testing would be exempt fro the operation of these laws.

Below: On March 18, 2012, Nicky Campbell hosted a debate program from Samworth Enterprise Academy in Leicester. The question being discussed was: Is Animal Testing Justified?

Web links, documents

Internet information
The Australian federal government's National Health and Medical Research Council has developed an Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. The Code is regularly reviewed. The most recent edition of the Code, No 7, was issued in 2004. It can be accessed at http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines/publications/ea16

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is opposed to animal testing. Where it cannot be avoided, the RSPCA urges that humane practices be followed, including the use of analgesics to minimise pain.
A full statement of the RSPCA's position on animal testing can be found at http://rspcavic.org/issues-take-action/testing-on-animals/

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is opposed to animal testing. They have a section of their Internet site given over to a discussion of this issue. This material can be found at http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/animal-testing-101.aspx

On December 9, 2012, The Age published four letters under the heading 'Sunday Age big issue: animal testing'. The letters present a range of views on the issue. These can be accessed at http://www.theage.com.au/national/letters/sunday-age-big-issue-animal-testing-20121208-2b2tn.html

On December 2, 2012, The Age published four letters under the heading 'Testing animals a harvest of shame'. The letters were prompted by a report on the use of primates in animal testing and present a range of views on the issue.
These can be accessed at http://www.theage.com.au/national/letters/testing-animals-a-harvest-of-shame-20121201-2ao8f.html

On October 2, 2012, The Conversation published an opinion piece by John Hadley,
a Research Lecturer at University of Western Sydney.
John Hadley's research seeks to consolidate the project of moral inclusion initiated by the first-generation of philosophers working on animal and environmental issues.
His article is titled 'Nothing to hide: opening the files on animal research'.
Hadley is arguing for greater and easier public access to statistics indicating the extent of animal testing.
The full text of this article can be found at http://theconversation.edu.au/nothing-to-hide-opening-the-files-on-animal-research-9686

On August 9, 2012, The Conversation published an opinion piece by Swetha Murali, a PhD student at the University of Sydney. She works in a neuropharmacology lab researching the development of novel therapeutics for treating chronic pain.
Swetha Murali's comment is a defence of animal testing and is titled 'Animal-based research is still relevant and necessary'.
The full text of this opinion can be accessed at http://theconversation.edu.au/animal-based-research-is-still-relevant-and-necessary-8700

On December 31, 2010, The Guardian published a background piece titled 'How animal testing is minimised' by Alok Jha. The piece looks at the three Rs principle - replacement, refinement and reduction - which underpins animal testing in Britain and Australia.
Practically speaking, this means trying to avoid the use of living animals, minimising the number used, and reducing their suffering and distress during any experiments.
The article looks at techniques currently being employed to reduce the number of animals used in testing.
The full text can be accessed at http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2010/dec/31/animal-research-alternatives

The United Kingdom Internet site Understanding Animal Research aims to provide information and educational materials to increase understanding of the need for animal testing and the protocols which govern it.
Understanding Animal Research also outlines the three Rs principle which underpins the humane use of animals in testing.
The full text can be found at http://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/how/the-three-Rs

On June 25, 2005, The Age published an investigative report by Richard Baker looking at the increasing number of animals being used in testing and suggesting that many were not used for valid purposes.
The full text of this piece titled 'Sacrificed for Science' can be found at http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/sacrificed-for-science/2005/06/24/1119321904401.html