
Right: Stephen Meerwald, the executive director of Australian livestock exporter, Wellard, , has said, "This has been an unhappy and difficult chapter, but we need to continue to spread Australia's high animal welfare standards throughout the world ..."

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Arguments against banning live animal exports

1. The brutality with which Australian sheep were treated in Pakistan is an exception to general practice
It has been claimed that the brutal Pakistani slaughtering practices revealed in the recent Four Corners' program are not typical of the slaughter methods used in most of the countries to which Australia exports livestock.
Just prior to the broadcasting of the Four Corners' program, 'Another Bloody Business', the Australian Livestock Exporters' Council, the National Farmers' Federation, the Sheepmeat Council and the Cattle Council sent a joint letter to all federal members of Parliament. This letter states, 'The incident in Pakistan was unprecedented and occurred under exceptional circumstances, and a full investigation is currently being undertaken by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.'
The letter goes on to detail the general success of the program Australian exporters have encouraged among livestock importers. This point is made in order to demonstrate the unusual nature of the cruelty to which Australian sheep where subjected in Pakistan. The letter states, 'Significant animal welfare improvements have been made in approved facilities across Australia's livestock export markets in Asia and the Middle East though the implementation of the new animal welfare regulatory regime - the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) - which now covers 99 percent of Australia's livestock exports and will cover 100 percent by the end of 2012. We continue to work with the Australian Government on delivering animal welfare outcomes through the ESCAS system established by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and his Department.'
Similarly, Stephen Meerwald, the executive director of Australian livestock exporter, Wellard, has stated, 'What happened in Pakistan was a sad, a terrible event, but it is not reflective of the hundreds of thousands of sheep we have exported under the new Australian export regulations.'

2. Australia has regulations in place designed to ensure the humane treatment of livestock exports
The regulations governing Australian livestock exports are detailed on the Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) website. The information which follows is taken from this website.
Australia exports livestock by sea and air. The industry is recognised as having the world's highest animal welfare standards for livestock export. Australian live export operates under strict regulations and is committed to maintaining Australia's world leading reputation. Live exporters must be licensed by the Australian Government and livestock vessels must meet strict requirements governed by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. These standards, along with strict regulation and the industry's commitment to caring for livestock on their voyages overseas, mean that over 99% of all Australian animals arrive fit and healthy at their destinations.
At the export destinations, livestock are cared for by trained stockmen in feedlots where they have constant access to food, fresh water and shade. Australian animal welfare experts are based in export locations and regularly deliver animal welfare training and education programs and make improvements to infrastructure and livestock facilities.
MLA and LiveCorp invest levies paid by Australian red meat producers and exporters into supporting and fostering the industry through the Livestock Export Program. The joint MLA and LiveCorp initiative invests in activities and tools to improve the trade both in Australia, onboard livestock vessels and overseas.

3. Australia is the only livestock exporter working to improve slaughtering practices in importing countries
Australia has developed a set of protocols to ensure that animals exported live to other countries will be treated humanely by the importer. Australian livestock exporters note that Australia is the only country to attempt to educate exporting countries on humane slaughter practices. Therefore, Australian farmers have claimed that were they to stop live exports conditions for exported animals would worsen.
Just prior to the broadcasting of the Four Corners' program, 'Another Bloody Business', the Australian Livestock Exporters' Council, the National Farmers' Federation, the Sheepmeat Council and the Cattle Council sent a joint letter to all federal members of Parliament. This letter argues, 'Australia is the only country, of the more than 100 countries across the world that export livestock, which actively works in overseas markets to help improve animal welfare conditions.
Major reform is never easy and it takes time to get it right. If Australia was to stop exporting livestock, global animal welfare standards would unquestionably decline.'
A similar point has been made by the federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). The DAFF website states, 'Australia leads the world in animal welfare practices. The Australian Government does not tolerate cruelty towards animals and will not compromise on animal welfare standards. Our ongoing involvement in the livestock export trade provides an opportunity to influence animal welfare conditions in importing countries.'
Similarly, Geraldton farmer, Michael Trant, has stated, 'Every country exports live animals pretty much and Australia is the only one that does anything in their markets to improve anything.
So cutting us out with the argument it will stop the cruelty is ridiculous. It just won't happen. They'll [livestock importers] just get stock from elsewhere.'
The same point has been made by Stephen Meerwald, the executive director of Australian livestock exporter, Wellard, who has stated, 'This has been an unhappy and difficult chapter, but we need to continue to spread Australia's high animal welfare standards throughout the world so all animals - Australian or otherwise - are treated humanely and with respect.'
This point has also been made by Bert Findlay, a spokesperson for the rural lobby group Agforce, who has stated, 'There's a 108 exporting countries around the world of which Australia is one. If Australia was to pull out, animal welfare outcomes would no doubt not improve. We're there, we lead it, we have to make it improve and then hopefully lift the bar across the world.'

4. Australian livestock exports supply necessary food to those in importing countries
Livestock are an important source of food for many people living in countries to which Australia exports. These countries are often not able to grow sufficient food to feed their populations. It has also been noted that these animals need to be exported live. Cultural sensitivities require that many importing countries slaughter the animals they import in a manner consistent with their religious beliefs. It has also been noted that many importing countries do not have the facilities to distribute frozen carcasses safely from the docks at which they would be unloaded. This would require refrigerator trucks that are not available. Thus, it is claimed, this important food source needs to be exported live.
Just prior to the broadcasting of the Four Corners' program, 'Another Bloody Business', the Australian Livestock Exporters' Council, the National Farmers' Federation, the Sheepmeat Council and the Cattle Council sent a joint letter to all federal members of Parliament. This letter explains the importance of Australian livestock exports to the countries which receive them.
The letter states, 'The supply of Australian livestock ensures hundreds of thousands of households across Asia and the Middle East have access to essential and affordable protein. This was highlighted by the Federal Government's Asian Century White Paper, which showed Australia's important role in providing food to Asia's growing population. We strongly believe that the livestock export industry is a critical element of this.'
Similarly, Meat and Livestock Australia states on its website, 'Australia is the world's leading supplier of high quality live cattle, sheep and goats to countries around the world, in particular throughout the Middle East and South-East Asia.
Many countries across these regions do not have the resources or geography to efficiently produce enough livestock to feed their population. Australia meets the demand for essential red meat protein by exporting cattle and sheep for food production and breeding, as well as chilled and frozen meat products.'

5. Live sheep and cattle exports are economically important to Australian rural communities and the Australian economy
Livestock exports are an important source of income and employment in Australian rural economies.
Just prior to the broadcasting of the Four Corners' program, 'Another Bloody Business', the Australian Livestock Exporters' Council, the National Farmers' Federation, the Sheepmeat Council and the Cattle Council sent a joint letter to all federal members of Parliament. This letter explains the importance of Australian livestock exports to the economies of rural communities in this country.
The letter states, 'The livestock export industry also plays a vital role in supporting jobs throughout regional Australia - particularly in the northern and western parts of the country. The livestock export industry contributes 13,000 jobs, including more than 11,000 jobs in rural and regional Australia, and wages and salaries totalling almost $1 billion annually.'
Live sheep, cattle and goat exports are a major part of Australian farmers' incomes.
They account for an estimated average of 20 per cent of the income earned by livestock producers in Victoria and other eastern states, according to the Victorian Farmers' Federation livestock division president, Simon Ramsay.
For Victorian farmers, the live trade also keeps up prices in the local market. Mr Ramsay has claimed 'Because of the demand for live sheep, the local price is being propped up. Without the live trade, the local price would drop 20 to 30 per cent.'
Meat and Livestock Australia states on its website, 'In addition to providing much-needed protein for global communities, the livestock export industry also supports the livelihoods of thousand of farming families and communities.' The industry employs 13,000 people across rural and regional Australia and is worth $1.8 billion to the Australian economy. The industry is also vital in underpinning livestock prices for sheep, cattle and goat producers across Australia by providing an additional market for livestock.'