
Right: recreational fishing at Shark Bay, long known as an angler's paradise. The region is likely to become a protected area under the new Marine Reserves plan.

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Arguments in favour of Australia's proposed network of marine parks

1. Fish stocks are dangerously depleted and marine biodiversity is at risk
Overfishing is believed to be devastating the world's oceans.
Jack mackerel stocks have dropped from an estimated 30 million tonnes to less than a tenth of that in two decades. The world's largest trawlers, after depleting other oceans, now head south towards the edge of Antarctica to compete for what is left.
An eight-country investigation of the fishing industry in the southern Pacific by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has suggested that the fate of the jack mackerel may be predictive of the progressive collapse of fish stocks in all oceans.
Within Australian oceans, among the 74 species that are Commonwealth-managed, the number of stocks that are overfished has increased in the last 12 years. The highly migratory Southern Bluefin Tuna is considered to be overfished. At least some of the additional 40 species for which status is uncertain are likely to be overfished. In 2008, 18 of the 98 fish stocks (18%) surveyed in Australian government-managed fisheries were overfished, or subject to overfishing. It is probable that similar trends are present in non-Commonwealth-managed areas.
Recreational fishing also places significant pressure on fish populations, particularly for the onshore and near shore resources. In the 12 months prior to 2000, recreational fishers were estimated to catch approximately 136 million aquatic animals.
While many recreational fisheries are managed through size and bag limits for individual fishers, this often does not limit the total catch in the fishery or adequately link the catch to a level that can be sustained by the fish population.
Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term used to describe the variety of living things in the natural environment: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms; the genes they contain; and the ecosystems in which they occur.
Australia's diverse marine ecosystems are home to 11 per cent of the world's known marine species. They support over 5000 species of fish - one of the world's most diverse fish faunas - and about 30 per cent of the world's sharks and rays. The southern Australian coastline alone is home to one of the most diverse collections of crustaceans, sea squirts, sea mats and sea mosses in the world as well as the highest known diversity of red and brown algae - more than 1150 species.
It is clear; however, that biodiversity in a number of Australian marine and coastal areas is in decline. For example, the Great Barrier Reef is experiencing significant damage from a number of factors, including agricultural runoff and rapid changes in climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned that the Great Barrier Reef faces 'functional extinction' within decades.

2. Marine conservation reserves will protect the biodiversity of Australia's coastal waters
A range of studies have demonstrated that marine parks conserve biodiversity.
Michelle Grady, spokesperson for Save Our Marine Life, has stated, 'There is now overwhelming evidence across Australia and overseas that sanctuary or "no-take" areas within marine parks increase fish populations.'
In 2011, the University of Adelaide published a report outlining 63 science-based studies that provide evidence that the healthier environments found in marine sanctuaries led to an increase in fish numbers and a decrease in marine predators, such as the Crown of Thorns Starfish.
The University of Adelaide analysis includes evidence from studies conducted in Tasmania, the Great Barrier Reef and Rottnest Island in Western Australia, and from marine sanctuaries in New Zealand, the Philippines, the Caribbean and Chile.
In New South Wales, the Batemans Bay Marine Park has been in place since 2005. The manager of the marine park has confirmed that fish populations have increased by 210 per cent, including the popular snapper.
In February 2010 a research paper titled 'Adaptive Management of the Great Barrier Reef: a globally significant demonstration of the benefits of a network of marine reserves' noted, 'With 32% of Great Barrier Reef area in "no-take" reefs, and fish densities about two times greater on those reefs, fish populations across the ecosystem have increased considerably...the reserve network is also helping the plight of threatened species like dugongs and marine turtles.'
In 2008, the Australian Marine Science Association issued the following position statement, 'A figure of 10% under "no-take" protection would slow but not prevent loss of biodiversity: the current "no-take" level in the GBRMP of 33% is more likely to achieve substantial and sustained biodiversity benefits... Rare and vulnerable ecosystems or communities should be provided with greater protection - up to 100% where an isolated ecosystem or habitat type is endangered.'
Professor Carlos Duarte, the Director of the UWA Oceans Institute, has given numerous instances of the manner in which halting fishing can replenish fish numbers.
The two great wars in the 20th Century, when fishing almost stopped over large areas of the European seas, provided ample evidence that a moratorium in fisheries lead to rapid rebuilding of robust fish stocks
The Atlantic Cod stock in Georges Bank, one of the largest fish stocks in the ocean, collapsed in the late 1980s. Twenty years after the 1993 "no-take" moratorium was established, there are now, for the first time, encouraging signs of recovery of the Canadian cod stock.
Professor Duarte concluded, 'Closing areas to fish extraction is a compelling tool to restore depleted fish stocks.'

3. Commercial fishermen will gain long-term advantage from the marine parks
New research into the effects of 'no take' zones suggests that the federal government's marine park network could benefit rather than harm the fishing industry.
Research undertaken by James Cook University tropical biology expert, Professor Geoff Jones, has found that coral trout numbers within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park's green zones were greatly increased.
The study, which used genetic testing to track intergenerational fish movements, also found that nearby fishing areas experienced increased numbers of trout.
Professor Jones said the research showed the conservation zones, established in 2004, had not only maintained but had greatly increased the number of coral trout in the surveyed region and that this benefited the fisheries operating outside the conservation zones.
Professor Jones stated, 'We found a lot of coral trout within the Great Keppel Island area, and of course a lot more were turning up within the blue (fishing) zones. So the idea that reserves are good for conservation as well as for the fishing industry has been supported.'
Minister Ludwig said the marine parks are a win-win for fishermen and the environment, rejecting claims that the marine parks will lock out commercial fishing and devastate the industry.
The Greens have also argued, 'The health of Australia's fishing industries is dependent on adequate conservation and sustainable management measures that ensure the replenishment of fishing stocks.'

4. Commercial fishermen will be given immediate compensation
Fisheries Minister Joe Ludwig said assistance would begin to flow before the reserves were activated. This would include transitional assistance to support changes to fishing business operations; assistance for employees; investment in research and monitoring; possible purchases of fishing entitlements; and targeted assistance to vertically integrated fishing businesses.
The package will be designed to meet the case-by-case needs of these fishers and businesses, and the Government has offered assurances it will work further with industry to develop appropriate assistance measures.
Minister Ludwig has stated, 'Those impacted who want to change where they fish, how they fish, and what they fish, will be helped to do so. Those who can change their business model, or who opt to leave the industry, will get the assistance they require.
There will be specialised assistance on a case by case basis for vertically integrated businesses that are especially impacted.'
The Minister noted in addition, 'Importantly, as a Labor Government, we will make sure impacted workers receive the help they need.'
The Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Tony Burke, has claimed that throughout the process the Government has worked to minimise the impact on fishing of all kinds.
Mr McKenzie has stated, 'Reserves had been designed to minimise the impacts wherever possible. The reserves are estimated to displace approximately one to two per cent of the annual value of wild catch fisheries production in Australia.' The Government believes that its efforts to reduce the impact on fisheries will make the level of compensation it is offering appropriate.

5. Oil and gas exploration will be able to continue under appropriate provisions
The creation of 44 marine parks across Australia will make about one-third of Australian waters off-limits to oil and gas exploration.
Although oil and gas exploration and production are prohibited in some of the declared reserves, the oil industry has won some concessions, with exploration allowed off part of southwest Western Australia and around the Rowley Shoals in the Kimberley where Woodside and Shell have recently been awarded exploration permits.
The marine reserves have different levels of protection - from an outright prohibition of mining and fishing to multiple-use zones that would permit some activities.
Mining activities - including petroleum exploration and development - would not be allowed in Marine National Park (IUCN II) zones or anywhere in the Coral Sea proposed reserve or in the Special Purpose (Oil and Gas Exclusion) zone proposed in the final South-west Marine Reserves Network proposal. Most mining activities would not be allowed in Habitat Protection (IUCN IV) zones.
Mining operations would be allowed within Multiple Use (IUCN VI) zones and some Special Purpose (IUCN VI) zones in the proposed marine reserves networks. A permit or approval by the Director of National Parks would be required for mining activities, some of which would also be subject to the assessment and approval provisions of the EPBC Act.
The transit of vessels though all areas of the proposed marine reserves network, including through proposed Marine National Park (IUCN II) zones, would be permitted. While ballast water exchange is managed under national arrangements, restrictions may apply in sensitive areas. Any such restrictions would be considered in the development of management plans.
Activities associated with port development activities, including maintenance dredging and the dumping of spoil, would be permitted in Multiple Use (IUCN VI) zones, but may be subject to assessment and approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). These activities would not be permitted in Marine National Park (IUCN II) zones and Habitat Protection (IUCN IV) zones.

6. Australia's tourist industry will be enhanced by the marine reserves
It has been claimed that the announcement of these new marine reserves will promote Australia's marine environment overseas. It has been suggested these reserves will be particularly attractive to eco-tourists who are a lucrative section of the tourism market.
Mr Col McKenzie, a Cairns dive operator and the spokesman for the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators, claimed the announcement would have a positive effect on the north Queensland tourism market.
The Australian Conservation Foundation has stated, 'Marine reserves are proven to boost tourism and encourage boating.'
A Foundation spokesperson elaborated, 'The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park generates more than $5 billion through tourism every year. Boat sales and registrations have increased in towns near the Barrier Reef Marine Park.
In fact, these reserves will benefit recreational fishers because they allow fish to breed without the threat of damaging commercial fishing methods like bottom trawling.'
As early as 2003, a federal report on the benefits of marine reserves stated, 'Marine protected areas with education centres ... play an important role in tourism through providing training and support for local people involved in the tourist industry. The centres themselves often provide an attraction for tourist visitors seeking local knowledge of the area.'
The Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation has stated, 'Our coastal waters are valued by Western Australians. The wide range of ecological, cultural, commercial and recreational values they offer generate employment and revenue and provide people with a source of pleasure and recreation.'
The Department continued, 'Marine recreation and tourism are very important in this state. However, the capacity of our marine areas to continue to provide these benefits depends upon them remaining healthy.'
The federal Department of Sustainability and the Environment has noted that in 2009 the nature-based tourism sector contributed over $33 billion to the Australian economy, with more than 28 million visitors taking part in nature-based activities.
In regional Australia, tourism accounts for 9.6 per cent of total employment and more than 200,000 jobs. For many regional economies, tourism brings much needed jobs and a new cash flow to local businesses.
The federal government believes that the newly-established marine reserves will further boost nature-based tourism in all Australian states.