Below: On July 31, 2013, Sky news ran a report on proposed increases in tobacco excise. The report included an interview with federal treasurer, Chris Bowen, in which he defends the increases.
Below:In August 2013, political commentator and cartoonist, Winston Ryder, produced a video suggesting that the Rudd government was unfairly targeting smokers to plug a hole in its budget. (Please note: the piece inaccurately suggests that comparisons can be made between the money the federal government raises through taxing tobacco companies and the money the Opposition formerly received from donations made by these companies.
Taxes are used to fund government programs for the benefit of the electorate; donations to political parties are used only to benefit that party, usually by funding its advertising during elections.)
Below: On May 15, 2009, QUT News reported on the Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull proposal for an increase in tobacco excise of 12.5 per cent to fund the national pension increase.
Below: On March 24, 2009, KMBC 9 News Kansas City reported on government plans to increase the excise on tobacco products. The report gives the reactions of tobacconists and smokers. One tobacconist is quoted ‘educating’ his customers to get in and buy their cigarettes ahead of the price hike.
Below: On June 4, 2008, WPTZ reported on proposed increases in taxes on cigarettes in New York state, making its cigarettes the most heavily taxed in the United States. The report features interviews with smokers and public health experts
On August 5, 2013, Bloomberg Professional, a United States-based news and information site servicing the business sector, published 'Australian Smoking Rate to Beat U.S.'s on Tax: Chart of the Day'. The site publishes a chart each day offering significant information on a current news topic. This chart compares decreases in national smoking rates in Australia, the United States, China, Germany, France and Japan. The chart is accompanied by an article commenting on Australia's intention to increase the excise on tobacco products.
This material can be accessed at
On August 5, 2013, The West Australian reported on comments made by the Opposition shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, that a Coalition government would reconsider whether increased taxes should be imposed on tobacco products because his party had concerns about their impact on lower socio-economic groups.
The full text of this news report can be accessed at
On August 2, 2013, The Conversation published an opinion piece by Dr Becky Freeman, a Public Health Researcher at the University of Sydney, titled 'Tobacco tax rise will help smokers butt out for good'. The piece argues that tobacco excise leads to reductions in smoking.
The full text can be accessed at
On August 1, 2012, Bloomberg Professional, a United States-based news and information site servicing the business sector, published an article by Jason Scott titled 'Australia to Raise Tobacco Tax to Narrow Budget Shortfall' The piece looks at a range of possible justifications for the tax increase but focuses on its implications for reducing the budget deficit.
The full text can be accessed at
On August 1, 2013, the ABC opinion site, The Drum, published a comment by Annabel Crabbe titled 'Ciggie stardust: is this really a win-win dash for cash?' which questions whether tobacco excises can be effective as both a revenue-raising measure and a public health measure.
The full text can be accessed at
ACOSH (Australian Council on Smoking and Health) has published an article by Professor Ian Olver, CEO of the Cancer Council Australia and Maurice Swanson, the National Heart
Foundation's tobacco control spokesperson. The piece is titled 'With so many opinions on tobacco tax, let's look at the facts'. It presents counter arguments to a series of claims made against increase the tax on tobacco products.
The full text can be accessed at
On July 31, 2013, the ABC ran a news report titled 'Kevin Rudd flags increase to tobacco excise ahead of release of Government's economic statement'
The piece includes the government's justifications for the proposed increase in tobacco excise. The text can be accessed at
On July 31, 2013, ASH Australia and the Australian Heart Foundation issued a combined press release in which they urged the federal government to increase the excise on tobacco products. The piece explains the links between increased tobacco taxes and reductions in smoking rates.
The full text can be accessed at
In April 2012, The Institute of Public Affairs published a monograph by Julie Novak, a senior fellow with the Institute, titled 'Nanny State Taxes: Soaking the Poor in 2012'. The 36-page treatment presents a series of arguments against taxes designed to modify people's behaviour.
The full text can be accessed at