Right: Australian aid helps Pacific Island nations like Kiribati.
Further implications This appears to be a period in Australia's social development when a significant proposition of the electorate is becoming more inward-looking and self-protective, at least in terms of the foreign aid and asylum seekers policies. Public opinion surveys have indicated support among a majority of Australians for policies which aim to discourage asylum seekers who attempt to reach this country by boat. Further, the Coalition's pre-election statement of its intention not to increase foreign aid funding does not appear to have negatively impacted on its vote. However, it should be noted that this announcement was made after the media blackout imposed on all political parties by the Australian Electoral Commission, thus avoiding any political debate and limiting media coverage. Some of the expressions of public opinion sent to the ABC on the issue of foreign aid give the impression that for many people the perceived interests of Australians comes before assisting those in poverty overseas. A range of these comments have been quotes below. 'Why should we give foreign aid when our hospital system is in a shambles and we have homeless?' 'Charity begins at home, when you've got a surplus you can help others, but till then you help your own people first!' 'I'm not against foreign aid but until we can honestly say all of our aged and ill are not struggling let's keep the money here.' This popular attitude seems unlikely to change given that from an international perspective Australia is better placed economically than many other nations that give a higher proportion of their gross domestic income to foreign aid. It would appear that relative wealth prompts indifference to the welfare of other nations, rather than compassion for them. However, this is not the total picture. In response to both local and international disasters, many Australians are very generous when asked to assistance financially. The World Giving Index 2012, compiled by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), an international charity which promotes charitable giving via companies and individuals, found Australia topped the 2012 table, and also headed a new five year index which looks at giving between 2007 and the most recent year of fieldwork, 2011. The survey, compiled by CAF using polling information from Gallup on the charitable behaviour of more than 155,000 people in 146 countries, found more Australians had, on average, donated money, volunteered time or helped a stranger in the past month than any other country, ahead of Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Overall 76% of Australians had given money to a good cause in the past month, up on last year, while 67% had helped a stranger. More than a third (37%) of Australians had volunteered time. According to CAF Australia Chief Executive Officer, Lisa Grinham, 'The start to 2011 was tragic for many Australians, with the floods in Queensland and Victoria. This was followed by the devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand and tsunami in Japan. Australians are very generous when it comes to helping each other and our close neighbours in times of disaster, so it's not surprising that we have topped the 2012 World Giving Index.' Overall the index found that Australia was the most generous country on earth, followed in second place by Ireland. Canada was the third most charitable nation, New Zealand the fourth, and the United States the fifth. The five next most generous countries were the Netherlands, Indonesia, the UK, Paraguay and Denmark respectively. What this suggests is that Australia's political leaders have failed to tap the generosity that Australians, as individuals, are prepared to display. Perhaps Australians do not trust their governments to give on their behalf; or perhaps governments underestimate what Australian tax payers might be prepared to give if asked. Many political commentators have suggested that both political parties have begun appealing almost exclusively to self-interest among the electorate. This may well be selling the electorate short; however, until another position is adopted by governments we will not know. |