
Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline

(see also the Web Links / Internet Information section)

NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website.

The Australian: November 25, 2013, page 11, editorial (with cartoon), `Why take the Queen's shilling?'.

The Australian: November 25, 2013, page 4, news item by Nicola Berkovic, `Fraser queries Bryce's "timing"'.

The Australian: November 25, 2013, page 9, background / analysis (photos) by Jamie Walker, ``A role fit for a queen')

The Age: November 25, 2013, page 20, comment by Amanda Vanstone, `The "look-at-me" G-G'.

The Age: November 25, 2013, page 18, editorial, `Bryce's vision for our nation'. (online version: scroll down to the second editorial)

The Australian: November 23, 2013, page 3, news item by Sarah Elks, `Monarchists not happy as Quentin backs republic, gay marriage'.

The Age: November 23, 2013, page 1, news item (ref to Australian republicanism, gay couples and Governor-General Quentin Bryce) by Tony Wright, `G-G backs republic and gay marriages'.