Below: On November 24, 2013, BBC News reported on a coroner’s report into the death of a French cyclist, killed while using one of Britain’s new cycling super highways, intended to make safe parallel provision for cyclists. The coroner’s report was critical of the scheme, claiming it had not been properly implemented to reduce hazards.
Below: On September 27, 2013, ITV's The Alan Titchmarsh Show, broadcast a debate on whether cyclists should be banned from the roads.
Below: On July 31, 2012, South Australia’s Department of Public Transport and Infrastructure posted a report on the laying of specially surfaced green bike lanes in parts of Adelaide.
Below: On February 4, 2011, a report from The Netherlands was downloaded dealing with popular reaction to a dangerous driving incident in which four young cyclists were put at risk. The report demonstrates the high regard in which safe driving is held in Holland and the importance which is placed on cyclists’ safety.
Below:A private video posted by David Hembrow on November 4, 2011. The video shows details of the full separate provision made for cyclists in The Netherlands. It runs for 10 minutes, but viewers will more quickly be able to see how the Dutch system works.
On April 15, 2014, the ABC News ran a report titled 'Rising road toll: Cyclists accuse police of going soft on dangerous drivers'. The report considers the high number of cyclists being killed on Australian roads, considers a recent accident involving cyclists and considers the accusation that police do not adequately pursue those motorists who kill or injure cyclists.
The full report can be accessed at
On March 21, 2014, The Guardian published an opinion piece by Steven Herrick titled 'Cyclists aren't the enemy - Australia needs road rules to protect us'. The comment considers recent accidents and road fatalities involving cyclists and argues for both an increase in the number of bicycle lanes and better road rules, such as the new law in Queensland which requires motorists to leave a space of one metre when overtaking cyclists.
The full comment can be accessed at
On January 17, 2014, The Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece by contributing editor, Michael Pascoe, in which he explores the inherently hazardous nature of cycling and suggests a number of measures to reduce the risks. Included among these is that cyclists be barred from many roads. The opinion piece is titled, 'Regulate bicycles off the road'. The full text can be accessed at
On November 15, 2013, ran a report titled 'Death spike: why cyclists are dying twice as fast on our roads'. The report looks at the high number of fatalities among cyclists, considers a number of accidents involving cyclists in some detail and gives some cyclists views on why such accidents are occurring.
The full text of this report can be accessed at
On November 1, 2013, Crikey published a comment by Alan Davies, a transport and urban development consultant, in which he defended cyclists against a series of accusations and argued for a change in attitude among motorists. The full text of this piece can be found at
On September 26, 2013, The Guardian posted a comment by Carlton Reid titled 'Should all cyclists be banned from the roads?'
The piece describes the situation in Britain, and despite its title, the author is a supporter of cyclists' rights and seems to have only considered banning bicycles from roads ironically.
The full text of the piece can be accessed at
On April 20, 2013, the online magazine Sydney Cyclist published a letter from a reader Basil Brush (possibly a pseudonym) titled 'Bike riders on major arterial roads should be banned'. The letter looks at the various hazards of bicycle-riding and suggests that solutions to road congestion lie with better urban planning.
The full text of this letter can be found at
On November 11, 2009, former New South Wales Minister for Roads, Carl Scully, had an opinion piece published in The piece is titled 'Cyclists do not have the same rights as motorists on roads'. It reviews the reforms Scully attempted to make when in government and explains his view that wherever possible, cyclists should be removed from main roads.
The full text of this piece can be accessed at
On November 12, 2009, published a comment by Simon MacMachael titled 'Aussie former politician says cyclists should be banned from roads'. The piece considers Carl Scully's views and looks at the historical circumstances under which exclusive provision for cyclists has been made in other countries.
The full text of this article can be found at