Video Information

Below: On October 2, 2014, the Senate President, Stephen Parry, attempted to explain the segregated seating for those who come into the Parliament wearing facial coverings. This was replayed on ABC News.

Below: On September 30, 2014, Jacqui Lambie was interviewed by Mail Online explaining why she believes that the burka should be banned in public.

Below: On September 30, 2014, the ABC interviewed the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, about his views on the burka, both as worn among the general public and in buildings that need to be kept secure.

Below: On October 17, 2013, the ABC televised a brief segment on Muslim women in Australia incorporating traditional styles of dress with a fashion sense.

Below: A November, 2012, interview with a female Muslim academic who defends the wearing of the niqab as a matter of personal choice.

Web links, documents

On October 5, 2014, The Daily Mail published a report titled '"I'm offended by the burqa. Women are known to have hidden bombs underneath them": Pauline Hanson's outrageous comments further fuel conflict over Muslim headscarves '
The full text of this report can be found at http:

On October 4, 2014, The Tasmanian Times published a comment by Danny Carney, an anthropologist whose research focuses on power and decision-making in multicultural settings. The comment is titled 'Bitter harvest...ignorance in Tasmania'. The comment suggests the negative consequences of intolerance regarding the religious observances of others.
It can be accessed at

On October 3, 2014, Liberal National backbencher George Christensen was interviewed on News Breakfast about why he supports the push for a ban of the burka in Parliament House.
This interview can be heard at http:

On October 3, 2014, the ABC broadcast an interview with Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane in which he argues that forcing women wearing a burka to sit in separate glass-enclosed galleries when viewing Parliament would be treating them as 'second-class citizens'.
This interview can be heard at http:

On October 3, 2014, SBS published a comment by Greg Jericho titled 'Let's face it - the Parliament House burqa ban is nothing more than political persecution dressed up as security concerns'
The full text can be accessed at http:

On October 3, 2014, The Canberra Times published a comment by Peter Hartcher titled 'Let's fight barbarism overseas but let's keep it civilised here too'
The full text can be accessed at http:

On October 2, 2015, The Sydney Morning Herald published a report on the decision of the Speaker and the Senate President to restrict those wearing facial coverings to the glassed in upper galleries of the federal Parliament.
This report can be accessed at http:

On October 2, 2014, The Sydney Morning Herald published a report titled 'Burqa debate: Jacqui Lambie goes head-to-head with female Islamic leader on Sunrise'. The report details Jacqui Lambies debate with Maha Abdo from the Muslim Women's Association.
The full report can be accessed at http:

On October 2, 2014, ABC News published a series of interviews with Muslim women commenting on the extent to which they were feeling isolated within the Australian community. These interviews can be accessed at http:

On September 22. 2014, The Conversation published a comment by Renae Barker, a lecturer in Law at the University of Western Australia. The comment is titled 'Banning the burqa is not the answer to fears about public safety'
The full text can be accessed at