Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline(see also the Web Links / Internet Information section)
NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website.
The Australian: May 7, 2014, page 7, news item by Jared Owens, `Doubt cast on chaplain funding'.
The Age: May 15, 2014, page 7, news item by Daniella Miletic, `Chaplaincy funds "should be used" for disabled students'.
The Australian: May 14, 2014, page 7, news item by Justine Ferrari, `Top spending outlay offers $245m for religious advisers in schools'.
The Age: May 29, 2014, page 13, news item by Preiss and Butler, `Schools to lose secular welfare staff'.
The Age: June 1, 2014, page 2, news item by Michael Lallo, `"Jesus is a person, not a swear word"'.
The Age: June 8, 2014, page 4, news item by J Stark, `Chaplain plan: gay pupils at risk' (ref to counselling and discrimination against homosexuals).
The Age: June 21, 2014, page 32, letters incl, `If you want religion, then go to church / Students deserve a professional approach'.
The Age: June 21, 2014, page 3, news item (photo) by Jewel Topsfield, `Showdown over chaplains in schools'.
The Australian: June 20, 2014, page 3, news item by Nicola Berkovic, `Schools chaplain funding "invalid"'.
The Age: June 20, 2014, page 8, news item by Jane Lee et al, `Parent wins battle on funding of chaplains'
(with photo of Ron Williams and background item, `Throwing book at religious study').