Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline (see also the Web Links / Internet Information section) NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website. The Australian: September 5, 2013, page 3, news item by Rachael Baxendale, `Exercise is a great idea but women just run out of time'. The Age: October 17, 2013, page 15, news item (with statistics) by Dan Harrison, `More Australians classed obese'. The Age: October 22, 2013, page 10, news item by Dan Harrison, `Act on obesity crisis now: professor'. The Australian: November 20, 2013, page 4, news item by Tom Whipple, `Research shows kids running out of puff'. The Age: November 30, 2013, page 8, news item by Tessa van der Riet, `Obesity becoming "norm" as diabetes apathy grows'. The Australian: January 18, 2014, page 14, comment by Christopher Bantick, `I'd rather have a plump child who wants to eat'. The Herald-Sun: February 3, 2014, page 22, comment by Alice Clarke, `Extreme diet cuts will only set yourself up for failure'. The Age: March 30, 2014, page 3, news item by Jill Stark, `Heavy and healthy: the latest take on obesity'. The Australian: March 29, 2014, page 3, news item by John Ross, `Skinniest are racing obese to early death'. The Age: May 21, page 13, news item by L Carroll, `Academics alarmed by nation's child "couch potatoes"'. The Age: June 9, 2014, page 2, news item by Lucy Carroll, `Junk food advertising rife in children's sport'.;jsessionid=4F069856EF5B0535E9D4B36477C694A9?sy=afr&pb=all_ffx&dt=selectRange&dr=1month&so=relevance&sf=text&sf=headline&rc=10&rm=200&sp=brs&cls=14&clsPage=1&docID=AGE140609CK61V5DJRJC |