Below: On July 16, 2014, Channel Ten’s The Project detailed Kevin Donnelly’s apparent support of corporal punishment and gave an overview of its use in Australia. The report includes comments from Green’s Senator Penny Wright.
Below: On July 15, 2014, the SunriseOn7 panel discussed Kevin Donnelly’s support for corporal punishment. Three of the four panellists appear opposed to the punishment.
Below:On July 16, 2014, Green’s Senator Penny Wright called on the Government to terminate Kevin Donnelly’s position as reviewer of the National Curriculum.
Below:In June 2007, Behind The News ran a five segment on corporal punishment, explaining how it used to be employed and exploring views in whether or not it should be employed.
Web links, documents
In October 2002, The Australian Psychological Society published a paper by John Reddington in which he gave an overview of the harm associated with the corporal punishment of children and considered the role psychologists should take in seeking to have such practices outlawed.
The full text of this paper can be accessed at
On October 16, 2010, News Weekly published a comment by Dr Kevin Donnelly in which he appears to favour 'old-school discipline', including corporal punishment. Though, as in his 2014 comments, he acknowledges that such practices are no longer accepted in Australia.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at
In July 2013, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians Paediatric & Child Health Division released its Position Statement on the Physical Punishment of Children. The College is opposed to the corporal punishment of children on multiple grounds, including the potential psychological harm inflicted.
The full text of this position paper can be accessed at,d.dGc
On July 16, 2014, the Education Institute, which Dr Donnelly heads, republished a comment published by him in The Herald Sun, in which he claimed to have been misrepresented by both the Fairfax press and the ABC and in which he stated that he recognised that Australian schools would not be returning to corporal punishment.
This comment can be accessed at
On July 17, 2014, The Northern Daily Leader published an editorial in response to Dr Donnelly's comments on corporal punishment. The Northern Daily Leader appears to offered qualified support for corporal punishment, at least as exercised by parents.
The full text of this editorial can be accessed at
On July 19, 2014, The Sydney Morning Herald published a comment by Jacqueline Maley titled, 'Kevin Donnelly on a hiding to nothing'. The piece considers Dr Donnelly's remarks on corporal punishment in the context of his role as a reviewer of the Australian National Curriculum.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at
On July 29, 2014, the ABC Behind the News program, which supplies background to media issues for the information of Australian children, released a background treatment of corporal punishment in Australia.
This can be accessed at