2014/08: Should Australia have reinstituted Knights and Dames of the Order of Australia?
Introduction to the media issue
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On March 25, 2014, ABC News 24 ran a report on the reintroduction of Knights and Dames in Australia. The report includes part of a press conference with the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Abbott, and an interview with Professor David Flint of the Australians for Constitutional Monarchy.
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What they said...
'I believe this is an important grace note in our national life'
The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott
'I just see it as unnecessary'
Sir Graham McCamley, knighted in 1986, commenting on the reintroduction of Knights and Dames
The issue at a glance
On March 25, 2014, Tony Abbott announced that his government was reintroducing the honour of Knights and Dames of the Order of Australia in order to acknowledge and celebrate pre-eminent Australians.
Up to four knights and dames will be appointed in any given year. All future governors-general will be appointed a knight or a dame.
Knights and dames will be approved by the Queen on the recommendation of the prime minister. The chair of the Order of Australia Council will be consulted on any such recommendation.
The change has met with a mixed response. While a range of Liberal Party spokespeople and constitutional monarchists have supported it; others, including many Labor spokespeople and republicans, have opposed the change.