Below: A January, 2013 segment from Seven's Today Tonight, dealing with the aftermath of the rescue of a child locked in a car in Sydney .
Below: A 2009 segment from an American ABC news discussion on so-called "over-protective" parents. This segment includes an interview with author Lenore Skenazy, whose book Free range kids outlined Skenazy's controversial approach to child rearing.
Below: A 2013 segment from Channel Seven's Sunrise program, dealing with the public reaction to a New Zealand woman's leaving of a "don't-panic" note in a locked car with her baby.
Below: A May 2010 segment from an American Web-TV program, looking at how over-protection can harm a child's development.
On April 22, 2014, The Raising Children Network published 'No legal age for leaving children home alone' which looks at the uncertainty over when it is allowable to leave children at home without supervision.
The full text can be found at
On March 8, 2009, The Washington Post published an investigative report by Gene Weingarten titled 'Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime?'
This remarkable report examines the circumstances surrounding the deaths of a number of children in the United States who were left unattended in cars. Ultimately it argues that these parents' actions do not constitute a crime and makes a number of recommendations as to what can be done to reduce the incidence of these tragic deaths.
The report earned Weingarten the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism. The full text of the report can be accessed at