2014/21:Should Australian states immediately legalise the medicinal use of cannabis?
Introduction to the media issue
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On September 16, 2014, SBS News ran a report on New South Wales and Victoria announcing that each would conduct trials of medical marijuana. Please note that the Victorian announcement referred to here was made by the former Liberal government headed by Denis Napthine.
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What they said...
'The evidence is already sufficiently strong to support the use of medicinal cannabis now'
Member for Molonglo, Australian Capital Territory, Shane Rattenbury
'This is not a totally safe product, like some people - in fact, perhaps many people - believe'
Professor Nicholas Talley of the Royal Australian College of Physicians
The issue at a glance
On December 21, 2014, the New South Wales government announced that clinical trials would begin in that state of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of children with severe epilepsy. The New South Wales Government will also fund trials of the drug's use on terminally ill adults and chemotherapy patients who suffer nausea and vomiting as a result of their treatment.
The New South Wales premier Mike Baird announced the Government would consider importing or producing cannabis once it had clinical evidence the drug could reduce suffering.
Both the Labor Opposition and the Greens in New South Wales have criticised the trials process and argue that there is already sufficient trial data to justify the medicinal production of cannabis-based products, while those using cannabis for medicinal purposes should immediately be able to do so legally.
On December 19, 2014, the new Victorian premier, Daniel Andrews, indicated that it was his government's intention to have a bill to legalise the medicinal use of marijuana before the state Parliament before the end of 2015. Prior to the election Mr Andrews's party had pledged to make medicinal cannabis legally available to Victorians.
The Victorian branch of the Australian Medical Association has called for more trials before legalisation.