2014/03: King hit laws: are the new laws and regulations proposed for New South Wales appropriate?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right:
A February 1 Seven News segment on the first test of NSW's new laws aimed at cutting alcohol-fuelled violence in the wake of "king-hit" deaths. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because video is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows viewing of video clips.
What they said...
'The consequences couldn't be clearer for any thug heading out this weekend. If you are intoxicated with drugs or alcohol and fatally assault someone - you will now be captured by a new mandatory minimum sentence of eight years jail, with a maximum sentence of 25 years.
New South Wales premier, Barry O'Farrell
'In my opinion people rarely think about the consequences of their actions when they're in the throes of crimes, specifically one-punch deaths that are usually caused by young men fuelled by alcohol'
Sydney criminal solicitor, Olivia Harris
The issue at a glance
On January 21, 2014, New South Wales premier, Barry O'Farrell, announced an extensive reform package following the death of alleged one-punch victim, Daniel Christie, after a night out in Kings Cross and the brutal assault of Michael McEwen in Bondi.
The reform package is a suite of laws and regulations, the key elements of which are extended sentences for alcohol-related assaults together with mandatory minimum terms, and lockout restrictions and limitations on when alcohol can be sold in parts of the Sydney CBD.
The new laws and regulations have meet with a mixed response. Though there has been substantial public, police and medical pressure for additional measures to curb alcohol-related crimes, the precise measures to be implemented have met with opposition from numerous quarters.