Video Information

Below: Published on January 18, 2015, the Victoria Bitter promotion for the 2015 Cricket World Cup series.

Below: Published on April 30, 2014, a Victoria Bitter promotion for the 2014 Rugby League New South Wales State of Origin series.

Below: In February 2013 News Southern Cross televised a report on the efforts of Tasmanian father, Aaron Schlutz, to have alcohol and fast food advertising banned from Australian cricket. Schultz has since gone on to found Game Changer, an association aiming to cut the links between all organised sport and alcohol and fast food manufacturers.

Below:Uploaded on January 7, 2011, a series of ten popular Australian alcohol commercials.

Web links, documents

On March 30, 2015, The Age published an opinion piece by Michael Thorn titled 'ICC Cricket World Cup: Alcohol-drenched culture needs to change'
The comment argues that the mix of alcohol, sport and television advertising is detrimental to the Australia's public health.
The opinion piece can be accessed at

On March 30, 2015, the ABC's online opinion site The Drum published a comment by Dominic Knight titled 'Thirsty for a 'Stray less obsessed with booze'
The comment criticises the connections between sport and alcohol (especially cricket) in Australia.
The text can be accessed at

On March 24, 2015, Cancer Council Victoria issued a media release titled 'Alcohol advertisers benefit from sneaky changes to TV broadcasting code'
The media release details and opposes the proposed changes to the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice to allow an additional hour of alcohol advertising per day and extended advertising opportunities of a weekend during sporting telecasts in addition to live telecasts.
The full text of the media release can be accessed at

On March 23, 2015, Crikey published an opinion piece by Melissa Sweet titled 'A call to remove alcohol from the Official Drinks Cabinet of sports'
The comment looks at the extent of alcohol advertising and sponsorship associated with sport in Australia and overseas and argues that this practice should end.
The opinion can be accessed at

On March 4, 2015, Cancer Council Victoria issued a media release titled 'Young cricket fans bombarded by alcohol advertising, as regulators move to relax alcohol advertising restrictions'
The release considered both the extent of alcohol advertising during live sport telecasts and the current move to amend the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice to allow for an additional hour a day of alcohol advertising.
This release can be accessed at

On February 20, 2015, Free TV (the body regulating free-to-air television in Australia) issued a media release calling for public submissions to the 'Review of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice'
The review includes provisions that would extend the hours and occasions during which alcohol can be advertised on free-to-air television.
Submissions can be submitted up to April 3, 2015.
The full text of this document can be accessed at

Public Health Association Australia has published its Alcohol Policy online. The policy is backgrounded by a summary of current research findings regarding levels of alcohol consumption in Australia, the harms associated with such consumption and the impact of advertising on promoting such consumption.
The full document can be accessed at

The Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand has a section of its Internet site given over to an explanation of its position on the aims and effects of alcohol advertising.
These claims can be accessed at
The Association also presents statistics indicating that beer consumption in Australia is actually in decline.
These statistics can be accessed at

In February, 2014, Free TV (the body regulating free-to-air television in Australia) issued a fact sheet titled 'Producing a TV commercial promoting or including reference to alcohol'
The fact sheet details the restrictions that are imposed on alcohol commercials on television.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 6, 2014, Ad News published a report by Rosie Baker titled 'Alcohol brands defend sports sponsorships'
The article is a defence by alcohol manufacturers of their advertising during advertised sport and their promotion of sporting competitions.
The article can be accessed at

On April 27, 2013, ABC News ran a report titled 'Alcohol advertisers "exploit sports broadcast loophole"'
The article indicates the extent of alcohol advertising during weekend sports telecasting.
It can be accessed at

On February 27, 2013, The Conversation published a comment by Kerry O'Brien, head of Behavioural Studies at Monash University, titled '"As a matter of fact, I've got it now": alcohol advertising and sport'
The article analyses the rationale for alcohol advertisers associating their product with sport and the probable effects of this.
The comment can be accessed at

In 2012, the Australian Medical Association released a publication titled 'Alcohol Marketing and Young People: Time for a new policy agenda'
The 72-page document supplies a great deal of information. It considers the impact on Australia's health of alcohol consumption among the young and supplies a great deal of detailing on current alcohol advertising and sponsorship arrangements.
The full document can be accessed at

In 2010 the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance issued its 'Marketing and promotion of alcohol position statement'.
Among its recommendations were to phase out alcohol advertising and promotion in times and placements that have exposure to young people aged up to 25 years, commencing with banning alcohol advertisements during live daytime television broadcasts of sporting events on weekends and public holidays.
It also recommends phasing out sponsorship of sporting and cultural events by alcohol companies.
The full position statement can be found at

On July 17, 2009, The Daily Telegraph published a report titled 'Sporting odes angry over booze ban'
The full report which details various sporting codes opposition to restrictions on alcohol manufacturers sponsoring sporting competitions can be accessed at