Right: Former Victorian Premier and rural veterinarian Denis Napthine promoted greyhound racing as a boost to the economy of country Victoria.

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Arguments against the banning of greyhound racing in Australia

1. Greyhound racing is a popular sport
Greyhound racing is well attended in Australia and has experienced some recent periods of growth. Australia's greyhound industry is the third biggest in the world, and each year Australians wager about $3 billion on the sport. In the year 2009-10, 281,000 people attended greyhound racing events and greyhound racing was among the top ten ranked sports for Australia in terms of total attendances. Greyhound racing ranks above basketball, netball, hockey, indoor soccer, lawn bowls, equestrian activities including polo, cycling/BMXing, touch football, boxing and indoor cricket.
The Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) 2013/14 annual report indicated that attendances had risen by six percent over the previous year.
GRV Chairman Peter Caillard has stated that the organization has been focusing on key areas to improve the sport and is proud of the results that have been achieved.
Mr Caillard has claimed, 'We have been experiencing a surge in the popularity of greyhound racing over the past few years and recognize our responsibility to invest this money into areas of significant importance to the longevity of the sport such as; greyhound welfare, integrity assurances, corporate governance and infrastructure upgrades.'
Mr Caillard further stated, 'Prize money has increased significantly with a further increase of $4 million, adding to the $8 million increase in 2012/13. We will continue to identify ways to provide these positive financial returns to our membership base into the future.'
The same point has been made one the TAB.com.au site, the agency that manages much of the legal betting in Australia. The site states, 'Greyhound racing has gained popularity in recent years, with punters liking the fact the races are quick and the turnaround between each race isn't too long. Another big incentive for punters to bet on greyhound racing is the relatively quicker payouts they offer in relation to thoroughbred and harness racing.'
Greyhound Racing Australia's Internet site similarly states, 'In 1990 group status greyhound races were developed, and since then the popularity and position of greyhound racing with the Australian public and punters has increased exceptionally, as many more people discover the skill, entertainment and enjoyment of betting on the greyhound races.'

2. The greyhound industry is economically and socially important
New South Wales is the principal greyhound breeding state in Australia and a recent report on it economic and social value to that state suggests its importance.
Greyhound racing contributed more than $144 million to the economy and communities of New South Wales during the 2009-10 financial year, according to an Access Economics report.
The report analysed the economic and social contribution of greyhound racing in NSW considering both the direct contribution ($92.3 million) of the sport to Gross State Product and employment, as well as the indirect contribution ($51.9 million) through flow-on impacts to other industries such as support services and dog food suppliers.
In New South Wales between 2009 and 2010 over 13,000 participants were involved in: owning, breeding and training greyhounds; organising the tracks and race meetings; and, administering the sport (often on a volunteer basis).
Volunteering plays a large role in the industry and during 2009-10 the unpaid time invested by trainers in the sport was conservatively estimated to be worth $40 million. In addition to this, the sport is estimated to employ 1,561 people as full time equivalents, either directly or indirectly.
The economic contribution of greyhound racing was more pronounced in regional areas where the sport forms an important part of the social fabric in the community. The sport provides a range of social benefits and plays an important role in many communities across New South Wales, where the local club can often be a focal point for social interaction.
For example, greyhound racing tracks provide a venue that can be used by the broader community for a diverse range of activities when races are not being held. Further, greyhound tracks provide essential facilities for the sports' participants to educate and exercise their racing animals.
The then chief executive of Greyhound Racing New South Wales, Brent Hogan stated, 'Over 45% of the sport's direct economic contribution was provided outside of our major cities. In addition, over 65% of breeding activity, 62% of racing dogs and 60% of trainers in NSW were located in regional areas, providing significant flow on benefits to communities across the state.'
Similar claims have been made with regard to greyhound racing's importance in Victoria. Greyhound racing industry generates more than $315 million for the Victorian economy
In May 2014 then Premier of Victoria and Racing Minister, Dr Denis Napthine, released a comprehensive study showing the continued growing social and economic importance of the racing industry across the state.
Dr Napthine stated, 'The greyhound racing industry...generates more than $315 million annually for the Victorian economy representing a 61 per cent increase over the past eight years.'
The report further highlighted the impact of the greyhound industry on job creation, helping sustain 3,015 full time equivalent jobs - an almost doubling since 2006.
It also identified more than 19,939 people participating in the greyhound industry as an employee, volunteer or participant.
Dr Napthine summarised the importance of greyhound racing industry to Victoria, stating, 'This shows how vital greyhound racing is to Victoria and the many people who work in or enjoy this wonderful industry.'

3. Many dogs will have to be put down if racing is banned
It has been claimed that a large number of dogs will be killed if greyhound racing is banned.
Critics of the industry point to the thousands of dogs that are euthanased annually because they either do not race well or are surplus to requirements. However, if the industry were banned, most of the dogs currently racing would have to be put down.
The Greens, who are seeking a ban of the sport, have claimed that they would establish a Greyhound Racing Transition Task Force charged with the responsibility of working with animal welfare groups to ensure the long term welfare of dogs exiting the racing industry.
Critics of banning claim that such a task force would never be able to place more than a small percentage of the total number of working greyhounds in Australia. Currently, greyhound adoption groups are able to place no more than one in ten of the dogs seeking homes.
The industry's Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) operates in most states but rehomes only a relatively small number of ex-racing dogs - around 1,000 nationally each year. The longest established GAP in Victoria rehomed 536 greyhounds in 2014, and the other states significantly fewer. Other rescue groups also rehome greyhounds, but together those efforts still amount to only 10 per cent of dogs born the industry living out a natural lifespan.
Some trainers have already threatened that if live baiting ceased many greyhounds would have to be put down because they would no longer run fast enough to be economically viable.
Paul Newson, the current acting head of Greyhound Racing New South Wales has stated that some trainers have approached him and warned him that 'if (live baiting) wasn't allowed, x amount of greyhounds would be euthanased.'
Defenders of the industry argue that the death toll would obviously be enormous if all dogs currently racing were made redundant through a total ban of the industry.

4. Cruelty within the industry is not widespread
It has been claimed that inhumane practices within greyhound racing are not common. In an article published in The Age on February 17, 2015, a number of trainers were quoted anonymously, giving their opinions about cruelty within the industry. Most denied that it was a prominent feature of the sport. One was quoted as saying, 'The trouble is too many people believe the tree huggers and the animal libbers and they always paint the worst picture they can, always...(They say) because there's a few bad apples in the barrel, it's across the whole industry, well it's not.'
Western Australian greyhound trainers and officials have been particularly outspoken in claiming that such live baiting as occurs in the greyhound industry is found among the eastern states, not in the west.
Denis Borovica, the general manager of Racing and Gaming WA stated in February 2015 that there had never been any complaints about live baiting in Western Australia.
Mr Borovica stated, 'Our industry is a lot smaller than it is in the eastern states and we have three tracks where predominantly the training takes place. And they are well regulated venues.'
In June, 2015, Victorian racing integrity commissioner Sal Perna stated his belief that although the practice is unlikely to be confined to one property or group, it is not widespread. Mr Perna claimed, 'My sense is that it's isolated in pockets either relating to particular parts of the state or to particular people.'
In October, 2015, Brent Hogan, the former head of Greyhound Racing New South Wales, told a Special Commission of Inquiry that he had no basis on which to believe that live baiting was being used in any systemic way to train dogs.
Brent Hogan stated that although a small number of cases were referred to the RSPCA there was no evidence that this indicated a much larger problem.

5. The industry is regulated and the regulations are being tightened
Currently, self-regulated bodies have the responsibility to inspect greyhound tracks and training methods if they believe a race dog is being trained in a corrupt, fraudulent, negligent or improper manner. This includes using live animals as bait instead of a stuffed animal.
Those responsible for live-animal baiting face a 10-year ban from the sport, in accordance with Greyhound Racing Victoria's own Animal Welfare Penalty Guidelines. Live baiting is also a criminal offence; it is punishable under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTA) and can attract a jail term of up to two years and a fine of more than $30,000.
Since the report went to air, there have been various calls for more stringent greyhound racing regulations and a number of states, including New South Wales, the state with the largest greyhound racing industry have begun or concluded inquiries.
The Victorian government has commissioned Australian Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Mark Schipp to undertake a broad investigation into the greyhound racing and training industry and pledged $3 million to strengthen Greyhound Racing Victoria's investigation capacity. Sal Perna, Victoria's inaugural Racing Integrity Commissioner, will also conduct an independent probe.
A number of states have already agreed to an end to the self-regulation of the industry, while Australian Racing Greyhound also wants to see a life ban on those found guilty of live-animal baiting.