Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline

(see also the Web Links / Internet Information section)

NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website.

The Australian:  September 19, 2015, page 24, editorial, `Is the drought in good leaders about to break?'.

The Australian:  September 19, 2015, page 19, analysis by John Lyons, `Revolving door: a passing phase or the new normal?'.

The Age: September 19, page 34, comment by Michael Gordon, `The ten commandments'.

The Age:  September 18, 2015, page 18, comment by Waleed Aly, `Turnbull's first task: soothe the angry beast'.

The Age:  September 18, 2015, page 19, comment by Benjamin Clark, `A switched-on PM could woo young Labor voters'.

The Age:  September 18, 2015, page 19, comment by Chris Johnson, `Malcolm? Consultative? Since when?'.

Herald-Sun:  September 17, 2015, page 13, comment by Andrew Bolt, `Turnbull will fail if he can't lead his party'.

The Australian:  September 17, 2015, page 13, editorial, `Abbott won power but didn't learn to master it'.

The Australian:  September 17, 2015, page 1, comment by Paul Kelly, (ref to role of Scott Morrison) `Winners don't get off Scott free'.

The Australian:  September 16, 2015, page 1, news item (photos) by David Crowe, `Malcolm in the middle' (with related items - see also pages 2-10 for more items on the new Turnbull leadership).

Herald-Sun:  September 16, 2015, page 2, news item (with photos, other items), `At last, the prize is mine' (see also front cover and pages 3-9 for more on first day of new leadership).

The Age:  September 16, 2015, page 1, news item (photo) by M Kenny, `Hockey defiant' (see also pages 2-8 for general items, photos on the first day of the new Liberal leadership).

The Age:  September 16, 2015, page 9, comment by Andrew Bolt, `Turnbull a thief in the night'.

The Australian:  September 15, 2015, page 1, comment by Paul Kelly, `Self-interest wins keys to the party'.

The Age:  September 15, 2015, page 16, editorial, `Turnbull must provide a vision' (see also page 17 cartoon).