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Further implications

There have now been numerous attempts to pass legislation banning the use of animal testing in Australia and the importation of cosmetics which have been all or partially tested on animals. There is also a review currently being conducted by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) on the care and use of non-human primates for scientific purposes.
The outcome of both of these developments is uncertain. Numerous attempts in the past to ban the use of animal testing of cosmetic and household products have been unsuccessful. Popular demands for cruelty-free products are likely to accelerate the sale of products guaranteed not to have been tested on animals. This trend will be increased by the recent developments in China toward testing procedures that do not involve animals.
It seems unlikely that the NHMRC will result in major changes. A 2013 review of the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes did not result in any substantial changes in the procedures governing the use of animals for scientific research.
A reduction of the use of animals for product testing, scientific research and surgical skills training is likely to occur as a result of other developments apart from a change in laws and regulations.
Commercial pressure from consumers is clearly having an impact on the manufacturers of cosmetics and household products. Some animal welfare groups have drawn attention to manufacturers making fraudulent claims regarding the cruelty-free status of their products. It is clear that these manufacturers see a commercial advantage in being cruelty-free. Fear of exposure may be more effective than regulation in ensuring that the use of animal testing of cosmetics and household products becomes progressively less.
Re the use of animals in medical research and surgical skills training, technological developments (such as 'organs-on-a-chip' for research and animation programs and advanced mannequins for surgical training ) are likely to ultimately see the use of animals largely ended.
Vivisection is publically not well supported and is expensive and not always reliable. The European Union has taken legislative measures to reduce product testing. Within Australia, even without legislation, both product testing and scientific research are likely to occur without the use of animals.