Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline(see also the Web Links / Internet Information section)
NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website.
AGE, October 23, 2016, page 24, comment by Julia Baird, `Human rights and compassion are not dirty words'.
AGE, November 5, 2016, page 28, comment by Michael Gordon, `A policy full of holes'.
AGE, November 5, 2016, page 5, news item by Gordon and Hunter, `Lifetime ban for refugees arriving by boat "likely to breach UN convention"'.
AUST, November 4, 2016, page 14, comment by Graham Richardson, `Refugee ban a political ploy'.
AGE, November 4, 2016, page 16, editorial, `Refugee ban proposal cruel and misguided'.
AGE, November 1, 2016, page 14, letters incl, `Where is the decency and compassion? / Why I'm no longer proud to be an Australian'.
AUST, October 31, 2016, page 12, comment by Jennifer Oriel, `Open borders inevitably stoke xenophopia'.
The Age, November 6, 2016, comment by Elizabeth Farrelly, Australia's fall from Lucky Country to Cruel Country
The Age, November 7, 2016, comment by Jessica Irvine, There's nothing to fear in a big Australia: it's the right thing to do
The Age, November 7, 2016, comment by Amanda Vanstone, It's not racist to speak out about migration
The Herald-Sun, November 8, 2016, news item by S Benson, Asylum seekers marry Manus Island workers for visas
The Age, November 8, 2016, background (ref to ABC Q&A program) by Georgina Mitchell, Q&A: Naomi Klein says Australia no better than 'insane and racist' Donald Trump
The Conversation, November 7, 2016, comment by Andrew Jakubowicz, European leaders taking cues from Australia on asylum seeker policies
Eureka Street, November 2, comment by Kerry Murphy, Turnbull's boat ban is crazy and cruel
Eureka Street, November 2, comment by Gillian Bouras, Mooted boat ban ignores history and humanity
The Monthly, November 7, 2016, comment by Robert Manne, It?s time: The government?s new legislation is an opportunity for Labor to end 15 years of bipartisan cruelty to asylum seekers
Eureka Street, November 10, 2016, comment by Kerry Murphy, Punitive truth behind Dutton's 'sham marriage' furphy
The Age, November 12, 2016, news item by Adam Gartrell , Turnbull to renew focus on Operation Sovereign Borders to combat people smugglers
The Age, November 13, 2016, comment by Michael Gordon, Finally, Turnbull shows he is not just Abbott in a nicer suit
The Conversation, November 14, 2016, comment by Michelle Foster, Turnbull?s asylum seeker ban violates Australia?s human rights obligations
Eureka Street, November 13, 2016, comment by Frank Brennan, Five reasons to welcome US Manus deal
The SMH, November 14, 2016, news item by Mark Kenny et al, Lifetime visa ban for refugees in doubt as crossbenchers baulk
The Age, November 18, 2016, news item by A Remeikis, 'Punitive' Australia responsible for damage to offshore detainees, says United Nations report
The Conversation, November 21, 2016, comment by Amy Maguire, Amy Elton, Dutton?s demonisation of refugees is the latest play in a zero-sum game
The Conversation, November 21, 2016, informative by Gleeson and O'Sullivan, FactCheck Q&A: how much was spent on the Cambodia refugee deal and how many were settled?