Below: On June 23, 2016, the BBC News showed Prime Minister David Cameron announcing that the referendum had voted in favour of Britain leaving the EU and stating his own decision to resign as prime minister.
Below: On June 24 Vox produced a report giving some of the reasons why the United Kingdom had voted to leave the EU and suggesting some of the effects of this decision.
Below: On July 6, 2016, Bloomberg Global News released a brief investigative report on the steel town of Port Talbot in Wales. The town has just voted to leave the EU. This brief documentary attempts to discover why.
Below:On June 25, 2016, Seeker Daily released a brief, informative video explaining some of the effects of the United Kingdom having voted to leave the EU.
Below: This 14 minute video explains the nature and historical development of the EU. It also outlines the arguments for and against the United Kingdom leaving.
Below: A six minute overview giving arguments supporting the Brexit view and arguments for remaining within the EU. The maker of this video admits to supporting the leave view.
On July 2, 2016, The Telegraph published an analysis by Christopher Williams titled 'What does Brexit mean for the key parts of the UK economy?'
Although the analysis looks at the advantages and the disadvantages that might be experienced by the British economy as a consequence of Brexit, on balance it suggests that most effects will be negative.
The full analysis can be accessed at
On July 1, 2016, Time Magazine published a comment and analysis titled 'These 5 Facts Explain Why Brexit Could Lead to a U.K. Breakup'
The article considers some of those factors which might lead Scotland or Northern Ireland to secede from the United Kingdom.
The full text can be accessed at
On June 27, 2016, The Conversation published a comment by Simona Guerra, Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Leicester, titled 'Brexit: what Europe must do to avoid losing more member states'
The comment examines some of the misconceptions among the British electorate which led to it voting to exit the EU and suggests what the Union might do to prevent the withdrawal of further member states.
The full text of this article can be accessed at
On June 27, 2016, The Week published an analysis titled 'EU referendum: What are the pros and cons of Brexit?'
The report considered the advantages and the disadvantages of Britain leaving the UE.
The full text of this analysis can be accessed at
On June 24, 2016, The Guardian published a comment by Giles Fraser titled 'Brexit brought democracy back - now we need to start listening to each other'
Giles argues that the Brexit vote indicates the disconnection between a majority of Britons and the political parties which claim to represent their interests.
The full text of the comment can be accessed at
On June 25, 2016, Vox Business and Finance published a report titled 'Brexit: the 7 most important arguments for Britain to leave the EU'
The report outlines economic, social and political arguments offered in support of Great Britain leaving the EU.
The full report can be accessed at
On June 24, 2016, Fusion published a comment and analysis by Felix Salmon titled 'With a single vote, England just screwed us all' Salmon examines the differences in the voting demographics across the United Kingdom and suggests that the referendum result will disadvantage many groups.
The full text can be accessed at
On June 21, 2016, The Mises Institute published a satirical piece by Louis Rouanet titled 'Just another Day in Regulated Europe'
The piece uses exaggeration to ridicule the extent of regulation in the European Union. The full text can be accessed at
On June 20, 2016, The Telegraph published a report by its economic correspondent Peter Spence titled 'Would Britain face break-up after Brexit? '
The article considers some of those factors that might lead either Scotland or Northern Ireland to secede in the event of a positive Brexit vote.
The full text of this article can be accessed at
On June 18, 2016, The Spectator ran an editorial titled 'Out - and into the world: why The Spectator is for Leave'
The Spectator argues that the European Union has pursued policies at odds with the interests of its member countries.
The full text of this opinion piece can be accessed at
On May 9, 2016, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, issued a speech titled 'Prime Minister David Cameron set out what the UK's European Union membership means for British strength and security in the world'
The speech is subtitled 'PM speech on the UK's strength and security in the EU: 9 May 2016'
The speech argues that Britain gains a great deal economically and strategically, in terms of its national security, by remaining within the EU.
The full text of this speech can be accessed at
On April 22, 2016, The Financial Times published a comment by Linda Colley, professor of history at Princeton University. The comment is titled 'Brexiters are nostalgics in search of a lost empire'
The comment argues that those supporting a leave vote are seeking a realignment of Britain's strategic alliances more in line with their memories of the former British Empire.
The full text can be accessed at
On August 12, 2015, Naked Politics published a comment by Ben Harris titled '10 Reasons Why the UK Should Leave the EU'
Harris supplies a range of reasons, social and economic, as to why Great Britain should leave the EU.
The full text can be accessed at
On January 15, 2015, Investopedia published a comment by Andrew Beattie titled 'What Could Happen If the Eurozone Breaks Up?'
The comment examines the possible economic consequences of the break-up of the Eurozone. These are predicted to be negative.
The full text of this comment can be accessed at