
Right: on the South Gippsland coastline, an hour's drive from Hazelwood, the Toora wind farm is cited by environmentalists as part of Vicoria's energy future.

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The closure of the Hazelwood power station has been properly handled by State and federal governments

1. The timing of the closure was determined by Engie and is outside State or federal government control
The decision to close the Hazelwood power station was taken by principal owner French power generation company Engie in accord with its policy of moving out of coal-fired power generation worldwide.
In October 2016, it was announced, 'With just a few weeks to go before COP21, the global conference on climate change in Paris, the news has a particularly strong resonance: French energy giant ENGIE, which operates in more than 70 countries, has announced its decision to build no more new coal-fired power plants.'
Engie's chairman, Gerard Mestrallet, indicated that the company proposes to reduce its carbon footprint. M Mestrallet stated, 'Half of all our current power generating projects are already solar power, wind power, hydropower, biomass or geothermal projects that emit no CO2.
In practical terms, ENGIE has made the decision that all its new investments in power generation will be focused on projects that emit little or no CO2 because they are based on renewables and natural gas. One indicative sign of the growing influence of green energy sources is that in 2014, 50% of all new power generating plants (worldwide and for all operators) were solar plants.'
Engie's chief executive in Australia, Alex Keisser, said the 1,600-megawatt power station was no longer economically viable.
In a statement issued by the company, Mr Keisser claimed, 'ENGIE in Australia would need to invest many hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure viable and, most importantly, continued safe operation.
Given current and forecast market conditions, that level of investment cannot be justified.'
Mr Keisser explained that the company saw no way of making continued power generation on the site viable. He stated, 'We have done different studies to see if we could transform Hazelwood to a biomass plant. We've looked also to see if we could repower it with gas.
Unfortunately the power price today in Australia does not make any of these options viable.'
The decision follows similar shutdowns of plants owned by Engie in India.
Engie also announced it would appoint a financial advisor to sell off its Loy Yang B power station, also in the Latrobe Valley, along with the Kwinana co-generation facility in Western Australia.
The Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, has denied that his government's policies were responsible for Engie's decision to close the Hazelwood power plant. Mr Andrews has claimed that coal royalties, renewable energy and other policy settings have not had 'any impact on the decision that this company's made.'
Mr Andrews stated, 'As I said before, they're getting out of coal across the world in many different countries. This is no different.'
Voices of the Valley president, Wendy Farmer, has similarly said the company's announcement that it will close the Hazelwood power station was expected. Ms Farmer stated, 'We've known that Hazelwood would eventually close. This is not a campaign win for any particular group, it's a historical fact and it's a business decision made by a foreign company, simple as that.'

2. Both State and federal governments are making immediate support available to redundant power station workers
The Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, has announced a $22 million package of 'personalised support' for the workers.
The $22 million package of support for workers and businesses affected by the closure of Hazelwood includes:
A Worker Transition Centre established in Morwell in partnership with the Gippsland Trades and Labour Council - a one-stop-shop for individual support;
Education, counselling, financial advice and subsidised job-seeker training for workers in transition;
Tailored support for businesses to help them identify new opportunities and develop a transition plan;
An expansion of the Back to Work program to businesses that employ workers in the Latrobe Valley.
Mr Andrews stated, 'There's no sugar-coating  the Latrobe Valley's high unemployment figures. That just means we have to work harder.'
Mr Andrews outlined some of the immediate support to be offered to unemployed workers as follows, 'TAFE training, financial counselling, other emotional counselling if it is needed, all the sorts of supports that you would expect a good government to provide to each of those 750 workers and their families as they make a very difficult, very challenging transition away from these jobs.'
Mr Andrews added, 'I want to make it very clear to every single member of the Latrobe Valley community, every business, every family, every individual, we will be there to stand with you and work with you to get through these challenges and to do the best we can to make sure that the Latrobe Valley is stronger than it has ever been.
I am optimistic and hopeful about that.'
Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said the Commonwealth Government would offer a $43 million package for those workers impacted by the closure.
Mr Frydenberg has stated, 'This will comprise $3 million for job active assistance, retraining, other financial services support for those affected workers.
Mr Frydenberg has noted, 'Unemployment in the Latrobe Valley region is above 10 per cent and nearly half its workforce is aged over 45. So it's critical that Hazelwood employees and those affected along the supply chain be provided with job active assistance, retraining, financial management advice and other necessary services.'

3.The Commonwealth government has made a financial commitment and the State Government is investing heavily in attracting jobs into the Latrobe Valley.
Of the $43 million the federal government has committed to Victoria in response to the announced closure of Hazelwood power station, $20 million will be directed toward new infrastructure projects and another $20 million to see the Latrobe Valley become the 10th region under the federal government's Regional Jobs and Investment package, under which the Federal government and the community will work together to determine funding priorities.
The Victorian Government has announced it is establishing a special 'economic growth zone' funded by an additional $224 million to help the Latrobe Valley in the wake of the announcement of the closure of the Hazelwood power station.
The Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, has indicated that the funding for the new growth zone was part of a $266 million package to create jobs and grow local businesses.
The package would include $50 million for infrastructure projects, some of which were ready to go.
Mr Pallas explained, 'This will target new local projects which could include road and rail upgrades, school upgrades, health facilities.
For example, a company that wanted to purchase a $500,000 property to move to the Latrobe Valley would get a $25,000 stamp duty concession. It will help the community grow but it will also, in the short term, create more local jobs.
This is about making business that much easier to establish and grow in the Latrobe Valley as well as building the community infrastructure that the Latrobe Valley needs. Our commitment is not only to the workforce and their transition but to the community in this difficult time.'
The Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, said, 'The package is unprecedented, the largest regional development project any Victorian government has ever invested in after years of disadvantage.
It's also by virtue of the way it is being done... not something that a Victorian government has done ever. We think that there are special circumstances, unique circumstances.
So [there will be] local input, local decisions, cutting the red tape and getting things done in the local community for the local community.'
The economic growth zone will cover three local government areas including the Latrobe City Council, the Wellington Shire and the Baw Baw Shire and the eligibility for funding will be assessed by the Latrobe Valley Authority.
The money will be allocated in the following manner: $20 million for establishment of Latrobe Valley Authority; $22 million for support, retraining, counselling for workers; $50 million for business incentives and $174 million for infrastructure projects.
A Red Tape Commissioner will investigate ways to reduce red tape in the Valley and break down regulatory barriers to growth, and a dedicated team of trade and investment specialists will be embedded within the Authority to open up export opportunities and attract new businesses.
To ensure projects in the Latrobe Valley are fast tracked, the Government will supply Latrobe City Council,  Wellington Shire, and Baw Baw Shire with a planning 'flying squad' to get through the planning backlog.

4. Victoria's immediate energy needs and those of Australia as a whole can be met
Australia's energy monitors have predicted that both Victoria and Australia will be able to deal with the loss of electricity generation capacity caused by the closure of Hazelwood.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has said it believes the National Energy Market (NEM) will continue to operate reliably following the closure of Victoria's Hazelwood power station early next year but the supply/demand balance will be tighter during times of peak demand.
Victoria currently provides around 27% of the NEM's total operational consumption (46,170 GWh) which exceeds the needs of the region, allowing 6576 GWh of surplus energy to be exported via transmission networks to neighbouring regions, such as New South Wales, South Australia and Tasmania.
AEMO said the closure of the Hazelwood power station is expected to reduce this surplus but it projects that New South Wales black coal generation and South Australian gas-fired generation will increase output to supply over 90% of consumption previously met by Hazelwood. And during periods of high demand, more gas-fired generation in Victoria and New South Wales may also be required.
This view was reiterated regarding Victoria by the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D'Ambrosio. Ms D'Ambrosio stated, 'The closure of Hazelwood will not affect the security of Victoria's electricity supply, as the state has multiple sources of generation from coal, gas and wind and can source power from other states if needed.'
Ms D'Ambrosio reiterated, 'As it does now Victoria will continue to import or export power depending on national electricity market conditions, such as the price of electricity in other states.'
The same view was put by the Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, who has stated the Australian Energy Market Operator has 'been very clear that there is sufficient power within the Australian grid' to deal with the Hazelwood closure.
A similar view has been expressed by Federal Energy Minister, Josh Frydenberg, who has indicated that the first peak period after Hazelwood closes will be in early 2018.
Mr Frydenberg notes that that means the market will have 15 months to respond.
Mr Frydenberg has stated, 'The expectation is that Victoria will import more black coal-generated power from NSW and indeed some hydro-generated power from Tasmania. More supply will come into the market (too) and that could take the form of either gas or renewables.'

5. The Victorian government has a long-term alternate energy plan
On June 15, 2016, the Victorian Labor government announced the Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET). This target commits the state to generating 25% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2020, and 40% by 2025.
The media release announcing this development stated, 'It's anticipated that by 2025, up to 5400 megawatts of new large-scale renewable energy capacity will be built in Victoria - representing an estimated $2.5 billion of investment in the state.
That means more than 4000 additional jobs in the renewable energy sector during the expected peak year of construction in 2024, and around a 12 per cent reduction in electricity sector greenhouse emissions by 2034-35.
The Premier also announced an auctions scheme - running a series of technology-neutral auctions, as well as solar auctions - which will see project developers compete to be the lowest cost provider.
Successful bids will be given long-term contracts to support their projects, providing certainty for investors.
The Victorian Premier believes that meeting these renewable energy targets will both allow Victoria to reduce its carbon emissions at the same time as it promotes jobs growth in the state.
The Premier has claimed, 'The world is shifting to renewable energy - it creates jobs, drives growth, and protects our environment - and Victorians want to be at the forefront of that.
Growing renewable energy means growing jobs, and we want a big boost to both right here in Victoria.'
The Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D'Ambrosio, commented similarly, stating, 'We've developed Victorian renewable energy targets that generate thousands of new jobs, particularly in regional Victoria, while also cutting Victoria's greenhouse gas emissions.
By making our scheme complementary to the Commonwealth's Renewable Energy Target we are saving the RET. Investors have lost faith in the national target, but we are restoring the confidence needed to invest.'
Dylan McConnell, Research Fellow, Melbourne Energy Institute, University of Melbourne has commented on the probable effect of Victoria's renewable energy targets.
McConnell claims, 'Such a significant increase in renewable generation in Victoria - expected to be in the vicinity of 5,400 megawatts - will have dramatic implications for the state's existing power stations.
An increase in market share of renewables, from roughly 14% today to 40% in 2025, will necessarily come at the expense of market share for existing power stations. And in Victoria that means brown coal, Australia's most carbon-intensive power source.' The Victorian government apparently believes that the loss of jobs caused by the retraction of brown-coal generation can be compensated for by the jobs created in the renewable energy sector.
Victoria's scheme co-ordinates with that proposed by the Government at the last federal election. Dylan McConnell notes, 'At the national level, several different policies and pathways have emerged through the election campaign. These includes a national 50% renewable energy target, an emissions trading scheme, a brown coal exit plan and potential modifications to the government's cap on emissions (known as the safeguard mechanism).'
Regarding the cost mechanisms operating in the Victorian electricity market, on November 29, 2016, the Andrews Labor Government announced a bipartisan review into Victoria's electricity and gas retail markets, led by former Victorian MPs John Thwaites, Deputy Premier of Victoria from 1999 to 2007 in the Bracks Government, and Terry Mulder, Minister for Roads and Minister for Public Transport in the Baillieu/Napthine Governments.
The review is intended to insure that Victorian consumers are able to purchase electricity at the most competitive price.