
2017/08: Is Australia's attitude toward Anzac Day dangerous?

Introduction to the media issue

Video clip at right:
On April 26, 2017, the Sunrise program televised radio broadcaster Alan Jones and commentator Rita Panahi each criticising ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied for her Facebook post on Anzac Day. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because video is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows viewing of video clips.

What they said...
'Yassmin should no longer be on the public broadcaster's tax-funded payroll. Self-deportation should also be considered'
Nationals MP George Christensen's reaction to ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied criticising Anzac Day

'Anzac Day is an important national day for Australians deserving of great respect and reverence. But we should welcome robust discussion from those who want to broaden the debate about what it means to people in this country today'
Herald Sun commentator, Susie O'Brien

The issue at a glance
On April 25, 2016, ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied made a post on Facebook which suggested readers remember on Anzac Day a number of other groups of people who are currently suffering.
The remark has been condemned as disrespectful of Anzac Day and as offensive to a majority of Australians. Abdel-Magied has been the subject of criticism and abuse on Facebook and through other media outlets. There have been demands made that she should lose any government-funded positions she holds, including her employment with the ABC.
Some commentators have claimed that this is an understandable reaction to an attempt to politicise a sensitive and important national day of commemoration devoted to the country's war dead and injured and to their families. The inappropriateness of such comments being made by someone employed by the national broadcaster has also been noted. Others have argued that the hostile reaction Abdel-Magied has received is indicative of the dangerous and disproportionate place that Anzac 'myths' and Anzac Day are coming to occupy in Australia's national story.
Abdel-Magied took her original Anzac Day Facebook post down with an apology. She has not been dismissed by the ABC; however, Senator Abetz has written to Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, asking that Abdel-Magied be dropped as a board member of the Council for Australian-Arab Relations, run by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Ms Abdel-Magied's position on the Council is under consideration.
Debate surrounding what constitutes an appropriate attitude toward Anzac Day has pre-occupied the media for some two weeks.
Reference has been made to a former SBS sports commentator, Scott McIntyre, who was sacked in 2015 following comments he posted on twitter on Anzac Day that were critical of the Anzacs and of some of Australia's military allies.