
2017/06: Racism in the AFL: should harsher, across-League penalties be imposed on racially abusive football fans?

Introduction to the media issue

Video clip at right:
On April 11, 2017, 9 News televised a statement from ALF chief executive officer, Gillon McLachlan stating the League’s determination to remove racism from all areas of football. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because video is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows viewing of video clips.

What they said...
'Some say racist taunts "just happen" on the spur of the moment, making the excuse that passionate footy fans "just get carried away". But if each hateful insult comes at a financial cost, chances are a lot more likely that fans would think twice'
Editorial comment from The Age published on April 13, 2017, arguing that AFL spectators receive substantial fines for racial abuse

'If referring to someone as an "ape" is deemed racist by the language and thought police, there must be equal punishment for the other insults meted out at the football. In my view there are many worse insults dished out at the football that have no connection to race'
A reader comment from 'Brad' published in The Australian on April 13, 2017 opposing penalties against racial abuse by spectators

The issue at a glance
On April 8, 2017, during the round three AFL match between the Port Adelaide Power and the Adelaide Crows at Adelaide Oval instances were reported of racial abuse directed at two indigenous players, Eddie Betts and Patrick Ryder.
Port Adelaide issued an indefinite suspension to one of its members who racially abused Betts during the April 8 game. The Crows have been unable to act against the spectator who verbally abused Ryder as the man ran away before his identity could be determined.
Following the game, a Port Adelaide supporter posted a series of Facebook comments referring to Betts as an 'ape'. Facebook has deactivated the woman's account; however, as she is not a club member, Port is unlikely to be able to take action against her.
In response to these incidents the AFL is considering what further measures it can put in place to discourage racial abuse among spectators.
On April 13, 2017, it was announced that a number of punitive measures for racially abusive football supporters, (including lifetime bans prohibiting members from entering home grounds) were about to be debated by the AFL Commission. Rather than leave individual clubs to impose penalties, the League is considering taking over the imposition of supporter penalties. The Age newspaper has also recommended that large fines be imposed on racially abusive fans.
The incidents and the proposed responses to the problem have provoked a range of comments.