Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline

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NOTE: Items indexed from The Age are often syndicated in other Fairfax newspapers. Thus, the hyperlink below an Age item may lead to the same item on another Fairfax publication's website.

Industrial relations, incl trade unions, workplace changes and weekend penalty rates for workers / employees, enterprise bargaining / agreements:.
AGE, September 18, 2016, page 27, comment (on the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association - ref to Coles and other "deals") by Duncan Hart, `A shameful swindle of workers by their own union'.
The Huffington Post, February 23, 2017, news item by Josh Butler, Penalty Rates For Sundays, Public Holidays To Be Slashed
The Huffington Post, February 23, 2017, background by Josh Butler, 'I Have To Get A Second Job Or Become Homeless': Workers React To Penalty Rate Cuts
ABC News, background / informative, Penalty rates: Why the decision flags the start of a new political fight - see also ABC News, background / 'explainer' by Jessica Haynes, Penalty rate change: The arguments for and against
The Australian, February 21, 2017, news item by Shanahan and Hannan, Award wage deals will be more flexible
The Australian Financial Review, February 23, 2017, news item by David Marin-Guzman, Fair Work Commission slashes Sunday penalty rates, public holiday rates - see also Australian Fair Work Commission, details of decision on case, AM2014/305 Penalty rates case
The Huffington Post, February 23, 2017, comment by Chris Bowen, Why Penalty Rates Should Be Everyone's Cup Of Tea
The Guardian, February 23, 2017, comment by Katharine Murphy, Cut to penalty rates will galvanise the left and send a shiver through Coalition
The Guardian, February 23, 2017, comment by Greg Jericho, With record low wages growth, workers don't need anymore 'flexibility'
The Huffington Post, February 24, 2017, comment by Joe Frost, Let's All Calm Down And Have A Rational Chat About Penalty Rates
The New Daily, February 27, 2017, comment by Emily Stokes, ?Give us penalty rates or take a pay cut?
ABC News, February 28, 2017, news item by Tom Iggulden, Sunday penalty rates: Unions and employer groups ready to wage media war - see also ABC News, background by Jessica Haynes, Penalty rate change: The arguments for and against, March 2, 2017, comment by Malcolm Farr, Pollies squirm over slashed penalty rates - see also The Conversation, analysis by Ray Markey, Explainer: where to from here on penalty rates?
The Guardian, March 3, 2017, comment by Katharine Murphy, Just as it gathers steam on coal, the Coalition is derailed by penalty rates