Video Information

On July 28, 2019, SBS News carried a report that the lower house of the New South Wales parliament was about to debate a Bill that would remove abortion from the Crimes Act in that state.

On August 7, 2019, Sky News televised a report that an amendment to the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill was about to be debate which would restrict access to late-term abortions.

On August 2, 2019, Sky News televised a report giving the views of several federal parliamentarians on the abortion laws reforms being debated in New South Wales.

On January 29, 2018, the ABC’s The Mix televised a segment on playwright Emily Steel’s play based on her own experience of having a termination at 19 weeks.

On May 19, 2018, the SBS current affairs program Dateline televised a five-minute segment on the operation of abortion laws in Australia’s different states and territories. Queensland has decriminalised abortion since this segment was produced. The segment clearly favours abortion law reform in New South Wales. (Please note this segment carries a warning that it may be inappropriate for some viewers. It opens with brief, partial nudity and later briefly shows anti-abortion material with graphic photographs.)

On August 14, 2019, Sky News televised a discussion segment involving broadcasters and commentators Alan Jones and Peta Credlin, and New South Wales Liberal MP Tanya Davies, all of whom oppose the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill. The panel explores various aspects of the Bill and explain their opposition.

On October 18, 2018, ABC News televised a report on the Queensland parliament having passed a law decriminalising abortion. The provisions of the Queensland law are very similar to those proposed for New South Wales.

On March 19, 2015, the New South Wales Greens produced a televised segment promoting abortion law reform in that state.

On October 14, 2010, ABC News televised a report of a Cairns couple who were found not guilty of precuring an abortion by using the morning after pill RU486. Under Queensland law at the time their actions were potentially a criminal offence. Queensland has since decriminalised abortion

Should abortion be removed from the Crimes Act in New South Wales? - Web links, documents and video clips

On September 7, 2019, the ABC published a news report titled ‘Motion to condemn abortion bill voted down at NSW Liberal State Council meeting’ which detailed the that a protest motion against the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill was voted down delegates voted it down 236 to 217, without debate. The Bill does not have majority support among Liberals in the lower house. The full text can be accessed at

On September 7, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a report titled ‘Liberal, National voters overwhelmingly back NSW abortion reform’ The report detailed recent polling commissioned by the New South Wales Pro-Choice Alliance and Fair Agenda which found more than one third (36.9 percent) of Liberal and 48.3 percent of National voters would be less likely to vote for their parliamentary representative if they voted for abortion to remain in the Crimes Act. The full report can be found at

On September 6, 2019, Green Left Weekly published a report titled ‘NSW to mobilise for free, safe abortion’ The report details protests being organised by pro-abortion groups in response to mounting opposition to the abortion reform bill within the government and among anti-abortion groups outside parliament. The full text can be accessed at

On September 6, 2019, BuzzFeed.News published a report titled ‘The Delay In Decriminalising Abortion Has Nothing To Do With Public Opinion, Polling Suggests’ The report refers to the results of a recent survey conducted the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre (USSC) and carried out by YouGov which found that 60 percent of New South Wales respondents believed that by law, a woman should always be able to obtain an abortion as a matter of personal choice. The full text can be accessed at

On September 4, 2019, the ABC ran a news report titled ‘Why Saturday's NSW Liberal Party State Council meeting will be “most contentious” in 20 years’ The report outlines the division within the Liberal Party on the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill and its capacity to disrupt the Party’s State Council and threaten the government’s two-seat majority in the lower house. The full text can be accessed at

On August 16, 2019, On Line Opinion published a comment by Debbie Garratt, an executive director of Real Choices Australia, a group opposed to extending access to abortion, titled 'Sex selection abortion' which argues that some proponents of New South Wales abortion law reform are relatively indifferent to the practice of gender selection.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 15, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a comment by Dr Danielle McMullen, vice-president of the Australian Medical Association (New South Wales) titled 'Gender selection has nothing to do with decriminalising abortion: AMA' which argues that gender selection is not affected by decriminalising abortion and that attempts to restrict access to abortion prevent sex selection would deny women legitimate access.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 14, 2019, The Australian published a news report titled 'Churches take aim at NSW abortion bill'
The report details the objections of a number of prominent church leaders to proposed changes to New South Wales abortion law.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 12, 2019, The Conversation published a comment by Erica Millar, lecturer at the Centre for Health, Law and Society at La Trobe University, titled 'Here's why there should be no gestational limits for abortion'.
The article explains that gestational limits on abortion harm disadvantaged women who frequently have delayed access fetal testing.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 10, 2019, The Sydney Feminists Inc Reproductive Rights Information Page was updated. The page gives detailed information in the access to abortion and other forms of reproductive care that New South Wales women can access under the state's laws.
The information page can be accessed at

On August 10, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a comment by Debbie Garratt, an executive director of Real Choices Australia, a group opposed to extending access to abortion, titled 'NSW is one step closer to abortion on demand - for any reason'
The comment focuses on the extended grounds for performing abortions and the likelihood of increased late-term abortions.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 8, 2019, Independent MP Alex Greenwich, who introduced the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill into the lower house of the New South Wales parliament, published on his parliamentary website his contribution to the debate on the second reading of the Bill. Greenwich's argument in support of the Bill can be read at

On August 5, 2019, on August 5, Archbishop Anthony Fisher (Catholic Archbishop of Sydney) and Archbishop Glenn Davies (Anglican Archbishop of Sydney) issued a joint statement titled 'Speaking the Truth in Love'
The archbishops outline their reasons for opposing the decriminalisation of abortion in New South Wales.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 5, 2019, The Lawyers Weekly published a comment and analysis by Susan Wnukowska-Mtonga and Hannah Lawson titled 'Why all MPs should vote for the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019'
The article details the legal barriers and impositions faced by women seeking abortions and medical providers as a result of the current law.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 4, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a comment and analysis by Associate Professor Joanna Howe and Professor Suzanne Le Mire of University of Adelaide Law School titled 'Doctors' rights to object to abortion should be protected'
The comment explores a range of reasons why doctors' ethical objections to abortion should be respected.
The full text can be accessed at

On August 2, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published an editorial titled 'Critics of abortion bill are putting up a smokescreen'
The editorial argues that the proposed law reform is likely to reduce the number of late-term abortions in New South Wales.
The full text of this editorial can be accessed at

On August 1, 2019, The Herald Sun published a comment by Andrew Bolt titled 'Seriously? Killing Babies Just Before Birth' which criticises late-term abortion.
The full text can be found at

In August 2019, Children by Choice updated its information page outlining abortion law in all states and territories in Australia.
This information can be accessed at

On July 31, 2019 The Conversation published a comment by senior lecturer Helen Pringle, at the University of New South Wales in the faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, titled 'After 119 years, NSW is set to decriminalise abortion. Why has reform taken so long?'
The article examines the history of attempted abortion law reform in New South Wales and the degree of popular support for such reform.
The full text can be access at

On July 31, 2019, Debbie Garratt, an executive director of Real Choices Australia, a group opposed to extending access to abortion, published a comment titled 'NSW Abortion Legislation 2' which outlined arguments against the proposed legislation on the basis of disinformation regarding criminality of abortion, community attitudes, conscientious objection, abortion 'rights' and adverse impacts of abortion.
The full comment can be accessed at

On July 30, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a comment by Miranda Devine titled 'Why is a Liberal government pushing radical abortion laws?'
The comment criticises the proposed legislation and examines the hostility and divergent points of view on the issue with the Government.
The full text can be accessed at

On July 30, 2019, The Power to Persuade published a comment by Ashlee Gore, a Lecturer in Criminology and Policing at Western Sydney University, titled 'Abortion laws in NSW: Beyond Decriminalisation'.
The article supports the removal of impediments to abortion at a legal level; however, it stresses that many social, economic and systemic barriers will remain.
The full text can be accessed at

On May 2, 2019, The Guardian published a news report titled 'Sixty groups join pro-choice alliance to campaign for NSW abortion law reform' which names and quotes the position of some of the groups seeking abortion reform in New South Wales.
The full text can be accessed at

In 2017, the New South Wales Parliamentary Research Service published a paper titled 'Abortion law: a national perspective Briefing Paper No 2' by Tom Gotsis and Laura Ismay which carefully examined research data on popular attitudes to abortion across Australia and within New South Wales.
The full text can be accessed at

On March 12, 2016, the Australasian Legal Information Institute published a comment and analysis by Elizabeth Henderson, a final year law student at the University of Sydney, titled, 'The Confused Law of Abortion in NSW: CES v Superclinics' which gives a detailed overview of the evolution of New South Wales abortion law.
The full text can be accessed at