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On April 16, 2019, The Guardian produced a compendium or television comment and reporting dealing with the Israel Folau case.
On April 15, 2019, Channel 10’s The Project televised a segment dealing with the controversy surround Israel Folau’s Instagram comments. It included an interview with Greens candidate Jason Ball.
On May 8, 2019, Sky News Australia’s Andrew Bolt interviewed Christian and former rugby union footballer, Nick Farr-Jones, who explained the current dispute for Israel Folau’s perspective.
On May 12, 2019, Sky News published a report and detailed comments from Israel Folau explaining his position.
On April 16, 2018, Louisa Wall, former member of the New Zealand women’s ruby union team and current member of the New Zealand parliament condemned Israel Folau’s comments as likely to encourage young homosexual people to take their own lives.
On April 17, 2019, TRT World televised a 13-minute segment including extensive interviews and comment canvassing a wide range of opinions on the Israel Folau controversy.
A year ago, on September 14, 2017, Wallabies coach, Michael Cheika, gave an interview in which he defended Israel Folau’s right to free speech and argued that it would not be divisive to the Australian Rugby team. These views are directly contrary to those he is currently espousing.
On April 10, 2019, Big Sports Brekky televised a segment in which commentators explained their views as to why Israel Folau’s contract should be terminated.
On May 8, 2019, Nine News published a report on support for Israel Folau’s religious freedom, particularly from Mark Latham during his maiden speech to New South Wales parliament.
Should Rugby Australia terminate Israel Folau's contract?
- Web links, documents and video clips
On May 11, 2019, The Australian published a comment by Chris Merritt titled 'Religious freedom lost to an offensive culture'. Merritt, The Australian's Legal Affairs Editor, argues that in Australia the tendency of anti-discrimination laws to protect minority groups from offensive comments or behavior has served to undermine the freedom of expression of those with certain religious beliefs.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 9, 2019, ABC News published a report titled 'Bishop brands Australian rugby player Israel Folau's religious comments hate speech' The report details the concerns of the Anglican Bishop of Grafton, the Right Reverend Dr Murray Harvey, regarding the comments Israel Folau has made about homosexuals.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 9, 2019, Mumbrella published a comment by Patrick Southam titled, 'The Rugby Australia brand is damned after the Israel Folau ruling'. Southam, a co-founder and partner at corporate PR firm, Reputation Edge, argues that, from a public relations point of view, Rugby Australia has consistently mishandled the Israel Folau and seriously damaged its brand.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 9, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a report titled 'Folau shouldn't suffer an employment penalty for views, Shorten says'. The report details the reservations of the the Labor Opposition leader regarding the use of employment contracts to limit employees' freedom of religious expression.
On May 8, 2019, The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) posted a comment by Martyn Iles titled 'Israel Folau Has Done Nothing Wrong'. Iles Martyn Iles is a lawyer and an Australian political lobbyist. Iles became Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby in 2018. His piece argues that Rugby Australia's decisions regarding Isrrael Folau constitute 'dangerous precedent for religious freedom in Australia'.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 7, 2019, Rugby Australia issued a media release referring to the finding of the Code of Conduct hearing into Folau's conduct. The release stated in part, 'The Code of Conduct hearing in the matter of Israel Folau has concluded in Sydney today&The panel has today provided a judgement that Israel Folau committed a high-level breach of the Professional Players' Code of Conduct with his social media posts on April 10, 2019.' The full text can be accessed at
On May 5, 2019, ABC News published an updated report titled 'Israel Folau's case prompts Australian religious leaders to pen letters to Scott Morrison, Bill Shorten'
The report details the letters sent to the current leaders of the Liberal and Labor parties by Australian religious leaders seeking reassurance regarding each parties' plans to guarantee religious freedom in Australia.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 5, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a report titled 'Kids are killing themselves: Roberts' stern message to Folau'.
In the report, Ian Roberts, Australia's first openly homosexual rugby league player, is quoted extensively detailing the damage that remarks such as Israel Folau's can inflict upon young homosexual people struggling with their sexuality.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 2, 2019, The Guardian published an analysis and comment by Brett Harris titled 'Israel Folau: the ramifications of his Rugby Australia code of conduct hearing'.
The article presents the issue from the point of view or both Rugby Australia and Israel Folau and his supporters. It also presents the ramifications of the issue whether Folau's contract is terminated or not, suggesting that neither result would satisfactorily resolve the situation from the perspective of all stakeholders.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 30, 2019, The Conversation published an analysis by Jack Anderson, Professor of Sports Law, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, titled 'Explainer: does Rugby Australia have legal grounds to sack Israel Folau for anti-gay social media posts?'
Professor Anderson presents the legal justifications offered by Rugby Australia and Israel Folau. He also considers these two cases in the context of human rights and discrimination law and considers the possible outcomes of the dispute.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 26, 2019, The Sydney Morning Herald published a comment by sports columnist Darren Cane titled 'Rugby Australia treading on dangerous ground if they sack Israel Folau'. Cane, though personally opposed to Israel Folau's views, argues that Rugby Australia would be unjustifiably attempting to limit the player's freedom of religious expression were they to terminate his contract.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 16, 2019, The Otago Daily Times published a news report titled 'Folau a disservice to Christianity: NZ Catholic Church'
The report gave the view of a prominent New Zealand Catholic lay person, Dame Lyndsay Freer, that Folau's comments promoted a negative perception of Christianity.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 15, 2019,The Sydney Morning Herald published a report titled 'Folau ignored my warning, says Rugby Australia chief Castle'. The report gives a detailed account of Raelene Castle's claims that Israel Folau had been clearly warned a year ago of the consequences of homophobic social media posts.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 14, 2019, Neil Foster, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Newcastle, published a comment titled 'Reflections on the Israel Folau Affair' on his blog Law and Religion Australia. Lecturer Foster argues that Israel Folau's treatment by Rugby Australia has been contrary to the law and the Rugby Australia's own internal policies and codes on a number of grounds.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 12, 2019, The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) posted a comment by Martyn Iles titled 'Folau Sacking is Religious Discrimination'. Iles Martyn Iles is a lawyer and an Australian political lobbyist. Iles became Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby in 2018. His piece argues the Rugby Australia is discriminating against mainstream religious beliefs.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 12, 2019, The Guardian published a comment by Sally Rugg, one of the co-founders of, titled 'Freedom of speech does not preclude Israel Folau from consequences'. Rugg argues that Folau, while free to express his opinion, has made damaging and hurtful comments and must expect to be censured.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 11, 2019, The 42 published a report titled 'Rugby Australia to sack Israel Folau for disrespectful social media posts'. The report quotes Rugby Australia spokespeople at length explaining why Israel Folau's comments and behaviour cannot by accepted within Australian rugby.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 11, 2019, The Roar published a comment by Will Knight titled 'Israel Folau does not deserve the sack'
Though Knight does not share Israel Folau's beliefs, he argues that there are several other more appropriate penalties that could be applied than to terminate the player's contract.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 11, 2019, The Australian published a comment by its sports editor, Wally Mason, titled 'Israel Folau is wrong, offensive but we don't need to sack him'.
Mason argues that it is far better to contend with Folau and those who hold similar views than it is to terminate his contract.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 19, 2018, The Australian published a report on Rugby Australia's rejection of Israel Folau's comments re homosexuality. The report also detailed the social media posts of other rugby players who reject Folau's views.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 16, 2018, Israel Folau wrote a comment, published in Players Voice, titled 'I'm a Sinner Too'. The piece is a response to accusations made in 2018 about Folau's supposed homophobia after he posted comments on social media regarding homosexuals', and others', need to reform their lives. Folau defends his warnings as motivated by Christian concern.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 9, 2018, B & T (the leading publication for Australia's advertising, marketing, media and PR industries) published a report titled 'Qantas Reconsiders Wallabies Sponsorship After Player's Homophobic Comments' detailing Qantas' concern, as a sponsor, regarding Israel Folau's criticisms of homosexuality.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 5, 2018, published a report titled 'Former Wallabies hooker Brendon Cannon says Israel Folau's ignorant perspective won't please Rugby Australia'
The report includes comments from Rugby Australia's spokespeople indicating the code's rejection of Folau's views.
The full text can be accessed at
Rugby Australia's Code of Conduct can be accessed at
The Code states that all players must 'Treat everyone equally, fairly and with dignity regardless of gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, age or disability. Any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination has no place in Rugby.'
Rugby Australia's Member Protection Policy can be accessed at
The Policy offers players protection from discrimination based on 'personal characteristics' protected under state and federal law. These include both sexual orientation and religious belief and practices. Commentators have noted that the difficulty for Rugby Australia will be in finding an appropriate balance between these apparently conflicting obligations.