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Further implications
There seems to be no immediate likelihood that thoroughbred horseracing will be banned in any Australian state or territory. The popularity of the sport and, more importantly, the economic significance of the industry make such a ban a virtual impossibility in contemporary Australia.
When New South Wales premier Mike Baird banned greyhound racing in his state in 2016 after a similar expos revealing mistreatment and killing of dogs and the use of live animals as lures during greyhound training the backlash he received meant that he rescinded his government's decision soon after.
When Baird resigned the following year, many political pundits suggested that it was the hostility he had engendered among both supporters and opponents of banning greyhound racing that made his position as premier and party leader untenable. Such political lessons are likely to ensure that no state or territory leader acts against thoroughbred racing, an industry that has an even larger popular following, employs even more people, contributes more to the economy both nationally and at a state-level and is patronised by some of the country's wealthiest and most influential citizens.
What does seem likely is that the industry will be required to improve some of its practices. Pressure for this is coming from both within and outside the industry and if some effective measures are not taken then in the long term the standing of the sport among racegoers and off-course punters may well be damaged.
The area that has been most focused upon in this current discussion is the manner in which 'wastage' horses, that is, horses that are surplus to requirements, are treated. Racing NSW already has a rule that no ex-racehorses should be sent to a slaughter yard and Racing Australia as a whole actively discourages racehorses being sent to abattoirs. However, good intentions are very difficult to translate into practice.
One of the key problems is that there is currently no mechanism for tracing a horses' owner beyond whoever first purchases the horse when it leaves racing. Horses can live for between 20 and 30 years and this first post-racing owner is unlikely to be the horse's last; however, no records are required to be kept beyond this.
Professor Phil McManus, a professor of Urban and Environmental Geography specialising in human-animal relations and author of The Global Horseracing Industry, has stated, "That's why the wastage issue is really complex, there is a lack of reliable information ... A horse could be out in a paddock in Cranbourne or Pakenham and then a truck pulls up in middle of night and it's taken to a slaughterhouse. We have to go beyond that first destination, microchip every horse, identify it.'
Racing Australia has proposed a National Traceability Register which would keep track of all thoroughbreds from birth to death, across all their owners.
Racing Australia has stated, 'One of the reason's Racing Australia supports the proposal for a National Traceability Register for All Horses is that it would provide federal and state animal welfare authorities access to ownership and location information for these Thoroughbreds. This matter is currently being considered by a Senate committee.'
Racing Australia has further suggested that such a register could be extended to include all horses, not merely thoroughbreds. Racing Australia has stated, 'Thoroughbreds horses represent approximately 10 percent of the national equine population (estimated at 1 million horses nationally). While racing authorities keep track of the owners and locations of Thoroughbreds during their careers, that is not true for most horses across Australia.
A National Horse Register would fill this gap, allow federal and state authorities access to ownership and location information and help improve equine welfare outcomes nationally.'
The need for this register to be national has been emphasised. Racing Australia has noted, 'Currently, welfare laws for animals are maintained at a state government level and the scope of protection for horses varies between states. Following reports of animals being moved across state boundaries for slaughter, the AVA believes that a national animal welfare standard is required to maintain welfare standards. In addition, the AVA calls for a 'national horse register' to be established for greater oversight of the country's equine population. The AVA will lobby the Federal Government to implement both as soon as possible.'
Such a register would not however completely address the problem of an oversupply of horses. Critics of Racing Australia argue that despite a decline in the number of thoroughbreds breed annually, there are still too many coming into the industry to be taken up elsewhere if the horse proves unsuitable or comes to retirement.
Racing Victoria seems to be attempting to sidestep this issue by making it easier to have horses humanely euthanised.
Eleven days after the ABC program on horse mistreatment and slaughter it was reported, 'Veterinarians will be sent to Victorian farms to euthanise retired racehorses to save them from being killed in abattoirs and knackeries, as part of the Victorian racing industry's response to an ABC investigation that exposed cruel treatment of thoroughbreds.
The on-farm euthanasia scheme, which would be administered by Racing Victoria, is part of a $25 million plan announced by the organisation today to improve the welfare of horses after they finish racing.'
It remains to be seen whether the public will accept this partial solution to the problem.