Video Information
On April 21, 2020, Sky News reported a statement made by the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, in which he explained the current rate of outlay through the JobSeeker and JobKeeper subsidies.
On August 3. 2019, Guardian Australia released a televised segment arguing that Australia’s NewStart allowance was too low.
On May 12, 2020, Sky News televised an interview with Dr Cassandra Goldie, the chief executive officer of the Australian Council of Social Service, arguing that the JobSeeker subsidy needed to continue at its elevated rate.
On February 25, 2020, the Council of Australian Social Service televised an interview with a young underemployed person, Cassandra, in which she explained the inadequacy of the Youth Allowance.
On May 10, 2018, the ABC current affairs program The Weekly televised a segment critical of the low rate of payments to the unemployed made under NewStart.
On May 2, 2020, WSOCTV9 reported claims that in the United States some people were receiving more money from unemployment benefits paid during the coronavirus than they had received when in paid employment.
On April 25, 2020 KGW News similarly reported that there were those in the United States who were choosing not to work because coronavirus subsidies were paying them more than they would receive if they were in employment.
On August 30, 2019, the ABC’s 7.30 televised a segment showing two long-term unemployed Australians in their 50s seeking to live on NewStart.
Should the JobSeeker unemployment benefits revert to the Newstart allowance?
- Web links, documents and video clips
On May 26, 2020, the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, gave a National Press Club address outlining Australia's progress toward controlling COVID19 and preserving and restarting its economy. It includes a reference to the temporary nature of JobKeeper and JobSeeker increases.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 26, 2020, New Caps published a comment and analysis titled 'Why the $60 billion JobKeeper mistake is both good and bad news'. The article considers the advantages and disadvantages of the currently unspent $60 billion.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 24, 2020, The New Daily published a report titled 'Economists urge government to spend $60 billion JobKeeper windfall' which presents the view of a number of economists that the money saved through the Treasury's overestimate of the cost of JobKeeper should still be used to stimulate the economy.
The full text can be accessed
On May 21, 2020, The Conversation published an opinion piece by Professor Peter Whiteford, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, titled 'When the Coronavirus Supplement stops, JobSeeker needs to increase by $185 a week' The piece argues that beyond the humanitarian reasons usually offered for the lifting of unemployment benefits, additional allowance will still have to be made for those who have lost their jobs through the effect of the coronavirus.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 18, 2020, The Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece by Andrew Charlton, Founder of AlphaBeta and economic adviser to the Prime Minister during the global financial crisis in 2008-2009. The piece is titled 'Fragile economy cannot cope with early end to government support'. The piece argues for extending the government's stimulus package beyond current end-point.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 11, the federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, delivered a speech titled 'Ministerial Statement on the Economy, Parliament House, Canberra - The economic impact of the crisis.' The speech outlines the anticipated economic effects of the coronavirus in Australia and the government's measures to address them.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 11, 2020, 10 Daily published a report titled '"It's Cruel": Woman Says Reducing JobSeeker Payments Means She'll Go Back To Eating One Meal A Day'. The human-interest story presents the situation of people who have struggled to live on the former Newstart allowance.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 10, 2020, The Guardian published a comment and analysis titled '"Time to click reset": coronavirus offers chance to end Australia's welfare wars' which presents a variety of stakeholders arguing for a permanent increase in unemployment benefits in Australia.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 8, 2020, 7 News published a report titled 'Coronavirus restrictions lifted: JobKeeper payments up for review in June'. The report looks at indications that the Australian economy is opening up and that the JobKeeper subsidy is up for review.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 5, 2020, The New Daily published a report titled 'Treasurer rules out JobSeeker increase after virus claims one million jobs'
The article outlines the Treasurer's reason for not seeking to retain the increase to JobSeeker beyond six months.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 29, 2020, The Sydney Morning Herald, published a report titled '"Pretty heartless" to strip JobSeeker back, Lambie says as she calls for permanent rise' which presents the Tasmanian Senator's arguments in favour of a permanent increase to JobSeeker.'
The full text can be accessed at
On April 27, 2020, ABC News published a report titled 'JobSeeker payments start, bringing relief - and questions as to why it took the coronavirus pandemic to get a welfare boost'
The report gives a range of views on why Australia's unemployment benefits have remained so low.
The full text can be accessed at
In April 2020, The Grattan Institute released a paper titled 'Shutdown: estimating the COVID-19 employment shock'. The paper attempts to estimate the extent of job losses likely to be caused by the COVID19 and attempts to control it.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 7, 2020, Professor Peter Whiteford, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, sent an open letter to the Prime Minister titled 'Open letter to the prime minister: extend coronavirus support to temporary workers' The letter argues for an extension of the payments to include temporary workers based on humanitarian and economic grounds.
The full text can be accessed at
On April 3, 2020, The Conversation published an opinion piece Richard Holden, Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales, titled 'Vital Signs: Scott Morrison is steering in the right direction, but we're going to need a bigger boat'
Holden argues that though the stimulus packages the government has put in place are the correct policy response, they may need to be larger and operate for longer.
The full text can be accessed at