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On September 27, 2012, ABC News televised a report showing United States students rejecting the healthy eating guidelines which have been applied in their school cafeterias since 2010.
On July 15, 2014, Channel 5 reported on a British primary school which had decided to supply free, nutritious lunches to all students. The report explains why this action has been taken.
On April 30, 2015, ABC 10 News televised a report that a Denver pre-school had not allowed a child to eat Oreo cookies sent from home and had sent a note to the girl's mother advising better food choices.
On September 7, 2018, Life Where I'm From televised a 22-minute segment on the state-funded, student prepared school lunches served in Japan.
On September 7, 2018, Life Where I'm From televised a 22-minute segment on the state-funded, student-prepared school lunches served in Japan.
On January 29, 2020, ABC News in-depth televised a 13-minute segment examining the obesity epidemic in Australia and actions being taken to combat the problem.
On May 14, 2020, Fox 13 News Utah reported on the Granite School District where lunches were continuing to be supplied to children during the COVID19 school lockdown.
On May 30, 2020, ABC News reported on calls to introduce school-supplied meals to Australian students.
On December 11, 2020, ABC News reported on a four-week trial in three Tasmanian primary schools of a free lunch program. It detailed student reactions and the apparent effect on their learning and attendance.
On February 12, 2021, Food Insider televised a six-minute segment showing school lunches from different countries around the world. The Australian example is interesting.
Should Australian schools check students' lunchboxes?
- Web links, documents and video clips
On March 9, 2021, HCF (the Hospitals Contributions Fund) updated the entry on its website titled 'What's gone wrong with our diet?' which presents some of the factors contributing to adult and childhood obesity in Australia.
The full text can be accessed at
On March 8, 2021, Optimum Intake Dietitians published on their website sample letters that parents might use to respond to schools regarding inappropriate monitoring of student lunchboxes.
These can be accessed at
On March 8, 2021, published an article titled 'Sydney mum criticised for using Spam in kid's school lunch box' which presented parents' confusion over whether Spam was an appropriate sandwich filling for a child's school lunch.
The full text can be accessed at
On March 3, 2021, The Herald Sun published a comment by Susie O'Brien titled, 'Parents slam teachers over school lunch box bans'. The comment quoted numerous online patent criticisms of teacher interference in what families were feeding their children for lunch.
The full text can be accessed at
On February 15, 2021, ABC News published a report titled 'Nutritionists call for healthy lunch program to be rolled out in schools across Australia' which details concern among nutritionists about the diet of Australian children and suggestions that schools do more, including the possibility of providing nutritious school lunches.
The full text can be accessed at
On February 5, 2021, the website Healthy Mummy published the results of a survey it had conducted among over 4,000 mothers which found that 50 percent of respondents were unhappy with what they saw as schools' judgemental approach to monitoring what parents provide in school lunchboxes.
The full text can be accessed at
On January 29, 2021, The Daily Mail Australia published an article titled 'Parents slam school's "ridiculous" and "confusing" lunchbox rules that ban muesli bars and yoghurt "pouches" - but allow muffins and yoghurt in "tubs"'. The article presented some of the parent criticisms of a school's inconsistent monitoring of student lunchboxes.
The full text can be accessed at
On January 25, 2021, ABC News published a report titled 'Stop talking about your dieting in front of children, experts warn, as eating disorders rise' which detailed the rise in eating disorders among children and advised parents on how they might encourage their children to eat a balanced diet.
The full text can be accessed at
On January 23, 2021, 7 News published a report titled 'Mum "accosted" by other parents at school over lunchbox choice' which detailed a mother being criticised by another parent for including fruit and vegetables in her child's lunchbox. The report demonstrates the extreme sensitivity among some parents over comparisons between the contents of students' lunchboxes.
The full text can be accessed at
On June 22, 2020, The Herald Sun published a report by Susie O'Brien titled, 'Kids don't like being told by schools what they should be eating, new study finds'. The article presents the findings of a Monash University study which found that school attempts to shift children's eating habits, including by lunchbox monitoring, were not being well received by parents or students.
The full text can be accessed at
On March 27, 2020, The Conversation published an article by Fiona MacDonald,
Senior Research Fellow, Victoria University, titled 'Schools provide food for many hungry children. This needs to continue when classes go online' which examines the meal support programs many schools run and argues that these need to continue when schools go online in response to COVID19.
The full text can be accessed at
On March 22, 2020, The Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece by Pasi Sahlberg, a Finnish educator and professor of education policy at the Gonski Institute for Education, at the University of New South Wales. The comment is titled 'Healthy children learn better. So why don't we feed them at school?' and argues that Australian schools should supply lunches for their students.
The full text can be accessed at
On June 21, 2018, Casey Cardinia Kids published a comment by Melissa Grant titled 'Give me a lunch break' in which she criticised the expectations of some schools regarding the lunches parents supply their children as unrealistic and judgemental.
The full text can be accessed at
On February 5, 2018, published an advice piece by Australian nutritionist and teacher Kelly Fullerton titled 'We need to put an end to the lunch box police'. This gives advice to parents and schools on how best to promote healthy eating among children.
The full text can be accessed at
On October 4, 2017, yahoo!news published a report titled 'School lunch police spending 30 minutes a day searching for banned snacks'. The report gives examples from Australian and British schools of parents angered by the lunch monitoring policies adopted by some schools.
The full text can be accessed at
On May 31, 2017, WAtoday published an article titled 'Lunchbox policing: WA schools crackdown on unhealthy food' which presented information on Western Australian schools monitoring student lunchboxes and a range of responses to this practice.
The full text can be accessed at
In 2017, Deakin University published a paper titled 'Preschool and school meal policies: an overview of what we know about regulation, implementation, and impact on diet in the UK, Sweden, and Australia'.
The paper details the meals policies that operate in Australian schools and pre-schools and compares their effectiveness with those operating in the United Kingdom and Sweden.
The full text can be accessed at
On November 20, 2014, yahoo!news published a report titled 'Leaked school letter ignites junk food row' which focuses on parents' criticisms of a food confiscation policy apparently being adopted by a Western Australian primary school.
The full text can be accessed at
On January 12, 2011, the Australian Parliament released a Social Policy Section Research Paper titled, 'Marketing obesity? Junk food, advertising and kids' which noted the extent to which advertising targeting children shaped their food preferences.
The full text can be accessed at
On July 8, 2009, The Guardian published a report titled 'Pupils' work improves after a healthy lunch' which detailed the results of an English study which showed that better lunchtime nutrition improved students' concentration in class.
The full text can be accessed at
The British National Health Service has published guidance for assisting schools in developing a packed lunch policy. The guidance states, 'The whole school community and local partnerships should be involved and engaged with developing a packed lunch policy.'
The full text can be accessed at