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On January 14, 2022, 7News Australia broadcast a report that tennis champion Novak Djokovic had again had his visa to Australia cancelled and would be unable to play in the Australian Open.

On January 15, 2022, BBC News televised a report on the cancellation of Novak Djokovic's tourist visa to visit Australia. The report explains that this is the second time the visa has been cancelled in less than a week.

On January 5, 2022, The Guardian televised an interview with prime minister Scott Morrison in which he stated that no special exemptions would be provided for Novak Djokovic.

On January 7, 2022, Globe News televised a report of crowds protesting outside the Serbian Parliament following the initial ban imposed on Novak Djokovic preventing him from playing in the Australian open.

On February 15, 2022, the BBC televised an interview with Novak Djokovic in which he explained his personal opposition to COVID vaccinations and his readiness to forego all tennis competitions this year.

On January 8, 2022, @ News Australia televised a report suggesting that Tennis Australia may have given Djokovic and some other players misleading information about the grounds on which they would be able to play in Australia.

On January 11, 2022, Sky News Australia televised an interview with former Labor Senator Steven Conroy in which he criticized the federal government's handling of Djokovic's visa and condemned the tennis player as 'pampered, entitled'.

On January 7, 2022, Reuters televised an interview with tennis champion Rafael Nadal who said that while he had some sympathy for Djokovic, he knew the risk he was taking when he decided not to be vaccinated.

On January 17, 2022, 9 News Australia televised several brief interviews giving opinions on the treatment of Novak Djokovic in Australia.

Should Novak Djokovic have been allowed to play in the Australian Open?

- Web links, documents and video clips

On January 20, 2022, The Roar published a comment by Roar Guru, The Boss, titled 'Djokovic deserved to play the Australian Open' The comment the multiple ways in which the federal government and other authorities mishandled Djokovic's application for a visa.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 17, 2022, Sky News published an overview and comment on the full Novak Djokovic controversy. The piece is titled 'Novak Djokovic's 2022 Australian Open debacle: What's happened so far? What happens next?' The comment gives background, a range of opinions and suggests what the consequences of Djokovic's deportation might be for the player and for Australia's place in international sport.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 16, 2022, The Age published a report titled '"Send him home": Poll reveals overwhelming support for decision to deport Novak Djokovic' The report details the results of a recent poll showing a large majority of Australians want Djokovic deported.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 16, 2022, Forbes published a report titled 'Serbian President Blasts Australia For Deporting Djokovic-Fellow Tennis Players Also React' which gives the critical reaction of the Serbian leader to Djokovic's deportation and the more mixed reactions of other tennis players.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 16, 2022, Lad Bible published a comment titled 'Civil Rights Groups Explain Why Novak Djokovic's Deportation Is Concerning'. The opinion piece argues that the current case demonstrates how a government might use its powers to deny visas in order to prevent the discussion of views they oppose.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 16, 2022, The Age published an article titled '"Social cohesion": PM and minister welcome court's Djokovic decision'. The report gives further justifications for Djokovic's deportation from the Immigration Minister and the Prime Minister.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 16, 2022, the Los Angeles Times published an analysis titled 'Australian Open doesn't need Novak Djokovic to put on an intriguing show'. The comment gives an overview of the way Djokovic's visa application was handled and presents arguments for and against the actions taken.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 16, 2022, Global News Canada published a comment and analysis titled 'Playing by the rules: COVID-19 vaccine exemptions in sport and the Djokovic saga'. The comment gives an overview of the way Djokovic's visa application was handled and presents arguments for and against the actions taken.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 15, 2022, The Conversation published a comment by Keith Parry, Deputy Head of Department of Sport & Event Management, Bournemouth University, titled '"We're entering unprecedented territory": sports expert Q&A on what Djokovic row means for unvaccinated elite athletes' which suggests the implications of the Djokovic decision for unvaccinated athletes considering playing in Australia and other countries.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 15, 2022, the Daily Mail published an article titled 'Key reasons why immigration minister ruled Novak Djokovic a "health and good order risk"'. The text includes substantial quotes from Immigration Minister Alex Hawke's justification for his revoking of Djokovic's visa.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 14, 2022, Foreign Policy published a comment titled 'Novak Djokovic's Visa Cancellation Is About Politics, Not Health'. The comment argues that Djokovic's treatment highlights the federal government's insensitive treatment of suspected illegal immigrants and its attempts to hide its mishandling of Djokovic's visa application.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 12, 2022, The Conversation published an opinion piece by Joshua Jowitt
Lecturer in Law, Newcastle University, titled 'Novak Djokovic: the legal problem of having one rule for some, another for everyone else'. The comment argues that if law makers want a law or regulation to be followed they need to apply it equally to all.
The full text of the comment can be accessed at

On January 11, 2022, The National Post published a comment by Dr. Harry Rakowski, an academic Toronto cardiologist, titled 'Novak Djokovic isn't a COVID threat and cancelling him would be a double fault'. The opinion piece argues that revoking Djokovic's visa a second time would be 'virtue signalling' and serve no useful purpose.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 11, 2022, The Sydney Morning Herald published an editorial titled 'By its very nature, Djokovic's is an exceptional case'. The editorial details how Tennis Australia and the federal government mishandled Novak Djokovic's visa application.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 10, 2022, BBC News published a comment and analysis titled 'Novak Djokovic: Is his vaccine saga an unforced error for Australia?' The comment gives an overview of the way Djokovic's visa application was handled and presents arguments for and against the actions taken.
The full text can be accessed

On January 10, 2022, The Herald Sun published a comment by Andrew Bolt titled 'Overriding Djokovic court decision would be dangerous' The comment argues that Djokovic does not pose an infection risk and that it would be wrong to override his visa reinstatement for face-saving reasons.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 9, 2022, Reuters published a report titled 'Australia hits back at Djokovic: Nobody has guaranteed entry'. The article details some of the Australian government's grounds for questioning Djokovic's capacity to enter Australia.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 9, 2022, The Australian Financial Review published an editorial titled 'Rules for Djokovic should be rules for all'
The comment argues that rules must be applied consistently to avoid ill will among citizens.
The full text can be accessed at

On January 5, 22, The Guardian published a report titled '"Appalling message": outrage over Novak Djokovic's medical exemption to play Australian Open' which gives a range of opinion of those opposed to Djokovic being allowed to play in Australia.
The full text can be accessed at

On December 9, 2021, The Conversation published a comment by Keith Rathbone
Senior Lecturer, Modern European History and Sports History, Macquarie University, titled 'Vaccinated or not, Novak Djokovic should be able to play'
The comment explains the exemptions and exceptions being made both on Australia and around the world to allow international sporting competitions to go on during the pandemic.
The full text can be accessed at