Right: Separation of scooters from cars is seen by some as the only safe solution, but, as in the case of bicycles, most streets were not designed for anything but vehicles on the roadway and pedestrians on footpaths.
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Arguments in favour of legalising e-scooters in Australia
1. Legalising e-scooters will allow Australia to reduce the pollution generated by private transport
Those who favour the legalisation of e-scooters and their increased use claim that these vehicles will allow Australia to reduce the pollution caused by private vehicles in terms of both greenhouse gas emissions and particulate matter.
On June 16, 2022, Australia lodged a new greenhouse gas emissions target with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat. Australia committed to reducing its emissions by 43 percent from 2005 levels. This target is to be reached within the next seven years, by 2030. Australia also reaffirmed its commitment to have achieved zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. These are demanding targets; however, some scientists note that the problem of global warming is so severe that the reduction targets of the world ((including Australia) should be even more rigorous. This means Australia needs to employ all feasible measures to reduce its emission levels.
A significant proportion of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions comes from private vehicle use. The Australian Federal Government's Green Vehicle Guide notes, 'Light vehicles account for around 11 percent of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.' These are primarily composed of carbon dioxide, with some nitrous oxide and methane.
A new study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI) on behalf of the multinational e-vehicle hire company Lime has concluded that the shared operators e-scooters and e-bikes can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities.
Fraunhofer researchers evaluated survey data from Lime riders in six cities - Berlin, Dusseldorf, Paris, Stockholm, Melbourne, and Seattle. The team compared lifecycle emissions from trips on Lime's Gen-4 e-scooters and e-bikes to the lifecycle emissions of the mode of transport that people would have otherwise used.
The largest effects for shared e-scooters were in Melbourne. This is mainly due to the higher CO2 intensity of the coal-fire produced electricity used to power public transport and electric cars in Victoria. Riders in Melbourne saved around 42.4 grams of CO2 per kilometre compared to the means of transport that would otherwise have been used, while Seattle saved around 37.7 grams per kilometre. The researchers also calculated savings of 22.1 grams of CO2 per kilometre in Dusseldorf, 20.7 grams for both Paris and Stockholm, and 14.8 grams in Berlin. One of the reasons for the e-scooters high level of success in reducing emissions is that the e-scooters used in these trials are solar-powered. The dramatic reductions shown in carbon dioxide emissions in these six cities demonstrates the extent to which e-scooters and similar vehicles could help reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.
Particulate matter pollution is another major problem associated with conventional petrol-fueled motor vehicles. This exhaust or tailpipe pollution is typically composed of carbon-based solids and heavy hydrocarbons derived from the fuel and lubricating oil. In cases where the fuel contains significant sulfur, hydrated sulfuric acid can also be a major component. It includes small solid primary soot particles of diameters below 40 nm as well particles consisting almost entirely of condensed liquid.
Studies around the world have shown that particulate matter pollution causes increased disease and death among human populations. Those living in or near areas with high levels of particulate matter pollution suffer ill effects. Some studies have shown a significant association between traffic-related air pollution and premature death. Other studies have shown increased risk of respiratory and cardiovascular disease associated with close proximity to traffic pollution.
Studies in Paris have shown e-scooters' capacity to reduce particulate matter pollution. Parisians' use of Lime e-scooters instead of motor vehicles resulted in a significant reduction in particulate matter pollution. Projections indicate that by 2030, the increasing adoption of e-scooters could prevent 300 kg of local particulate pollution annually.
2. Legalising e-scooters will allow Australia to reduce road congestion
Those who favour the legalisation of e-scooters and their increased use claim that these vehicles significantly reduce traffic congestion and improve transit times.
Advocates of the legal use of e-scooters claim that they have a substantial capacity to take cars off the road and encourage the complementary use of public transport.
Traffic congestion has been identified as a major issue across Australian cities. Between 2013 and 2018, the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) conducted a study of road use and travel times in major cities. It found, 'Road performance across Australia is deteriorating. Average speed and reliability have declined, and congestion is growing worse.' Examining the situation in particular cities it noted that Melbourne has had the largest decline in average speeds - a fall of 8.1 percent over the 5.5-year reference period. Melbourne's annual rate of
reduction in speed is more than twice that of Sydney. Brisbane had the second-largest decline in speed - 3.6 percent since 2013. While Sydney was close behind with a 3.5 percent decline. Only Darwin achieved speed improvements, increasing by about 5.1 percent.
There are a number of ways in which it has been claimed that e-scooters and other micromobility devices can get cars off the roads and so reduce congestion. The Royal Automobile Club Tasmania (RACT) has explained one of the main ways in which e-scooters help to reduce car use. They state, 'PMDs (personal mobility devices) can help to reduce congestion by allowing people to ride [on a PMD] to public transport or to work, at distances where they wouldn't normally walk or cycle.'
The online retailer of electric bikes, scooters, and skateboards, Jetscooters, promotes its e-scooters by stressing their capacity to speed trips and avoid congestion. It states, 'One of the major concerns in highly dense cities is traffic. According to McCrindle Research, commuters in Sydney spend 71 minutes travelling on average, making it one of the longest commute times in Australia. Electric scooters help cut down your travel time by allowing you to bypass traffic and arrive at your destination faster.
Electric scooters for commuting also help you go through narrow or alternative routes, which help you cut time travelling... you avoid road congestion and cut down your commute time.'
There has been an Atlanta study that, rather than focusing on the improved arrival times for those using micromobility devices, has measured the time added to car drivers' commutes when e-scooters are removed, using this as a measure of increased congestion.
In 2019 Atlanta restricted its citizens access to e-scooters, prohibiting their use between 9pm and 4am. The Georgia Institute of Technology conducted a study comparing the effect on traffic congestion and commute times created by this ban. The researchers found the e-scooter curfew caused drivers to spend an extra 10-11percent more time in traffic than if the scooter ban had not been in place, adding 2 to 5 minutes per trip on average for all impacted drivers. They estimated that this translated to between 325,000 and 780,000 additional hours of travel for Atlanta drivers per year. The impacts were even more pronounced on days with major sporting events. When the Atlanta United soccer team played, drivers spent an additional 37 percent more time in traffic than if the city had not implemented a scooter curfew.
The study's authors estimated that this increased time spent in travel had a negative impact on the city's economy, particularly in terms of reducing retail spending. The authors of the study noted, 'Although a 2- to 5-minute delay for evening commuting and a 12-minute delay for special events could appear to be a minor inconvenience, the cost of additional time in traffic quickly adds up when aggregated across large commuter populations.' The economic impact on the city of Atlanta was calculated at US $4.9M. The study estimated this impact on the national level could be in the range of US $408M to $573M.
3. Legalising e-scooters will provide a cheaper, convenient option for Australian commuters
Those who support the legalisation of e-scooter use, both for individual owners and hired e-scooter riders, argue that they offer commuters a high degree of convenience at an affordable price.
The convenience of e-scooters is one of their most noted features. This is generally attributed to their portability and their maneuverability in different traffic settings. E-scooter manufacturer Mearth has noted in one of their promotions 'One major reason that commuters prefer riding commuter electric scooters is their convenience. E-scooters offer a compact, lightweight, and foldable ride that is smaller and slimmer than a motorcycle...
As a result, these micro-mobility devices make great rides in traffic-prone areas. Riders can bypass traffic easily because of their small size...
[Additionally,] their portability makes them convenient to bring anywhere or store in small spaces. Riders can fold their e-scooter and bring it inside buses and subways if allowed. E-scooters are also small enough to fit under office desks or large lockers, making them easy to store. Overall, their portability makes them a convenient ride, especially for those who are looking for a short-range ride to and from work.' United States e-scooter manufacturer, Razor, makes similar claims, noting, 'You can pack up a scooter and take it anywhere. Whether you're cruising around town or taking it with you on a trip to somewhere new, it's compact enough to be an alternative mode of transportation at home or away... There's a lot to be said about the convenience of having something so slim and speedy available to you at all times. It makes getting to and from places a whole lot easier.'
A 2020 survey conducted among Arizona State University (ASU) staff in Tempe, Arizona, identified the main reasons why a majority of riders valued them. The study authors noted, 'E-scooters are popular among men and women of a variety of ages and races/ethnicities. E-scooters are primarily valued for their convenience and the ability to get somewhere faster than walking while not having to drive...' Another study conducted in the United States made similar findings. The Portland survey showed most e-scooter riders valued e-scooters as a convenient mode of day-to-day transportation. Most users were locals rather than tourists and most claimed their used their scooters 'to get to work, school, or a work-related meeting.'
E-scooters are also favoured for their affordability. Numerous studies have been done to show the savings to be derived from buying an e-scooter rather than a car. One published by Electro Kicks on June 22, 2022, found that over a four-year period the purchase and running costs of a mid-range car compared to a e-scooter were $95,892 for the car compared to $8,500 for the e-scooter. Increasing petrol prices world-wide are making e-scooters progressively more attractive. A news report published by the ABC on April 8, 2022, reported that an increasing number of Victorians are taking to riding e-scooters as petrol prices remain high across Australia. For example, in Ballarat, trips increased by close to 30 per cent for weekday trips across the first three weeks of March, as fuel prices climbed around 23 percent in Victoria.
Hire e-scooters provide an even cheaper alternative as they do not require riders to meet the initial expense of buying the scooter outright or taking out a loan. In the United States many cities have legalised hire e-scooters primarily so that they could provide an affordable means of transport for their more impoverished communities. Numerous areas are trying to make it easier for their poorer residents to access these vehicles. For example, Washington, D.C., is making policies to promote dockless transportation in low-income areas. The city has made it possible to check out a scooter using pre-loaded cash instead of a credit card or unlock them using a text message rather than scanning a code with a smartphone. While Los Angeles has capped the number of scooters in most areas, it allows more in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Further, several cities require discounted rates for people on public assistance. The scooters typically cost $US1 to unlock and 15 cents per minute to use. Lime cuts that in half and Bird waives the $US1 fee.
4. Increased, legalised use of e-scooters will force governments and councils to improve micromobility infrastructure
Those who support the legalisation of e-scooter use, both for individual owners and hired e-scooter riders, argue that this will lead to improved infrastructure for e-scooters, e-bikes and conventional bikes. They claim that growing numbers of legal users of these devices will pressure governments and councils to supply the correct infrastructure to use their vehicles safely.
In February 2022, the Micro Mobility Report stated that industry feedback suggests more than 250,000 electric scooters and personal mobility devices had been sold and were being used throughout Australia, irrespective of whether States had legalised their public use. With legalisation, two things are likely to occur: e-scooter numbers will continue to increase rapidly and the pressure their owners will be able to put on governments as a consumer group will also become greater.
Currently many e-scooter advocacy groups are focusing their attention on having their devices legalised. Electric Riders South Australia state on their site, 'Our primary goal is the legalisation of personal mobility devices in South Australia...[conducting] advocacy to all levels of government.' The Northern Territory group has the same objective within its jurisdiction, while the Victorian group is calling on its members to sign a petition to the premier and leader of the opposition to have e-scooters legalised. However, in Tasmania, where e-scooters are legal, the micromobility advocacy group is demanding that governments and councils 'promote awareness and increase infrastructure investment for micro-mobility.'
Atlanta Georgia shows the power of legal e-scooter riders as an advocacy group. In 2019, after previously making e-scooters legal, the city banned them between 9pm and 4am. Low paid shift workers who had formerly been able to use hired e-scooters complained that the increased cost of getting home from work was seriously affecting them. E-scooter owners launched dramatic protests, highlighting the far greater danger posed by cars. They demanded transportation infrastructure improvements to make streets safer for all. Activists called for 'complete streets' upgrades-sacrificing car lanes to make way for Light Individual Transportation (LIT) lanes and wider sidewalks. They also wanted reduced speed limits to 25 miles per hour, to make all roads safer and to make them friendlier for micromobility vehicles. Atlanta's mayor issued an executive order for 'an accelerated plan for changes to our streets, creating safer, dedicated spaces for cyclists and scooter riders.' The initial stage of the plan called for temporary adjustments to the streetscapes to make them safer for micromobility vehicles. By 2021, Atlanta was implementing and testing temporary protected infrastructure along the city's busy 10th Street corridor. 87 percent of cyclists and 83 per cent of scooter riders said they felt safer during the popup, leading to a 58 percent increase in bike and scooter rides. Atlanta demonstrates that when e-scooters are legalised their riders acquire a stronger political voice, resulting in infrastructure improvements which increase rider numbers and so further increase their power as a lobby group to influence governments and councils.
A similar pattern is emerging in Queensland, the first state in Australia to legalise e-scooters. Queensland allows e-scooters to be ridden on footpaths at restricted speeds but denies them access to bike paths. There has been citizen pressure to review this. Lagging infrastructure has been singled out as a key problem with calls for a state government to allow e-scooters on bike lanes. Currently, as part of a 12-month separated cycle lane trial along Elizabeth, Edward and William streets in the CBD, along with Grey Street in South Bank via the Victoria Bridge, e-scooters have been able to use some of the key road routes.
Almost 100,000 trips have been recorded on the so-called CityLink Cycleways since its staggered rollout. Three-quarters of the 635 responses to a survey around the trial believed the inclusion of e-scooters improved pedestrian safety. These developments show the power of legal e-scooter riders as a pressure group prompting infrastructure development.
5. Increased, legalised use of e-scooters will prompt better regulation and the greater availability of improved e-scooter models
Those who support the legalisation of e-scooter use, both for individual owners and hired e-scooters, argue that this will lead to improved regulation of the scooters' construction and use and better regulation of them, especially regarding insurance for those who suffer injuries.
Hussein Dia, a professor of future urban mobility at Swinburne University, has claimed that legalising private ownership might make enforcing uniform limits on e-scooter speeds and powers easier. Currently, in states such as Victoria where riding a privately owned e-scooter off private property is illegal, on-road users know they are operating outside the law.
Their e-scooters are likely to be imported from overseas suppliers. These e-scooters are completely unregulated and are often able to travel at very high speeds. Victoria Police Acting Inspector Darren Kenos has stated, 'We're hearing reports of e-scooters being able to travel at 110kph now, and that's frightening when you think about that speed and the nature of these scooters.' The illegality of these e-scooters means their owners will actively avoid their vehicles being inspected for speed and safety. Acting Inspector Kenos stated, 'Effectively, a privately owned scooter is an unregistered motor vehicle, so [if] they're caught, they can cop a fine for an unregistered motor vehicle, as well as for being unlicensed.' The fine is about $1,000 and there is the likelihood that their expensive e-scooter will be impounded. Supporters of privately owned e-scooters being legalised argue that this would allow them to be registered and their performance features monitored in the same way as cars are.
A further issue that may be addressed if e-scooters were legalised is the question of injury compensation. Currently the insurance available to those using share e-scooters is limited and is available through the rider's contractual arrangement with the hire company. The only redress of those injured by an illegally ridden privately owned e-scooter is to sue the rider. Critics argue that where councils and state governments legally allow e-scooters to be hired, they assume at least some of the legal liability in the event of injury. Mark Giancaspro, Lecturer in Law, University of Adelaide and David Brown, Co-Director, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Scholarship Unit, University of Adelaide have stated, 'State and local governments have a duty to consider and protect all members of the community when they allow and control e-scooter trials.' If e-scooters were fully legalised, the relevant governments would be obliged to ensure proper insurance provisions were in place.
It has also been argued that legalising e-scooters would encourage improvements in the models available. While e-scooter use in Australia is focused on trials of the hire model with its current limited one-size fits all approach, the type of scooter made available to riders is reduced. This restricts their utility and safety. The limitations of this kind of e-scooter were explained in an article published in Fast Company on October 27, 2020. The writers stated, 'The shared electric scooters in service today require the rider to stand. This creates a number of...problems. First, the ergonomics of the standing posture puts the rider's center of gravity in a precarious position. Without much ability to bend their knees or widen their stance, any disruption to the scooter's forward motion-from a crack in the sidewalk to the need to brake quickly-threatens to spill the rider from the scooter and send them to the emergency room.' Another key limitation is restricted or no stowage for bags and other personal items.
Fast Company note that e-scooter designs already exist that address these problems. 'A more successful one-size-fits-most electric scooter features much larger wheelbases and a seated position. A vehicle with bigger wheels and a seated rider is far more resilient against uneven surfaces and sudden stops... [also available is] a basket on the back that isn't a garbage trap, and a locking hook for bags located under the vehicle seat. These features account for the everyday reality that people carry bags but don't compromise the rider's balance.' There are also models without a seat that feature a wider base and wheels for improved balance. The readiness of e-scooter share companies to invest in a more stable and diverse range of models will depend on their customer base and profitability. In the e-scooter-sharing segment of the market in Australia, the number of users is expected to amount to 3.8m users by 2027. The average revenue per user is expected to amount to AU$33. Such projections are based on the expectation that e-scooter hire becomes or remains legal across Australia. If e-scooter companies are are not given that assurance, there is no reason for them to upgrade their hire stock.