
Right: One of the arguments put forward in defence of the status quo is that a four-day week would reduce fruitful contact between employees..

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Arguments in favour of Australia introducing a four-day workweek

1. A four-day workweek improves employees' mental and physical health
Supporters of the four-day workweek argue that it results in significant improvements in employees' mental and physical health. This can have positive effects across the nation. Its supporters also note that a four-day working week might help address the poor work-life balance many Australians currently experience.

The United Kingdom has conducted the most extensive trials of the four-day workweek to date. The results of these trials suggest significant benefits for workers' health. 37 percent of employees reported better physical health and 43 percent showed improved mental health. The four-day workweek reduced burnout by 71 percent and stress levels by 39 percent. https://4dayweek.medium.com/the-impact-of-the-4-day-workweek-uk-2023-results-c1d0cee3d13b 40 percent of workers reported sleeping better. https://4dayweek.medium.com/the-impact-of-the-4-day-workweek-uk-2023-results-c1d0cee3d13bhttps://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/feb/21/four-day-week-uk-trial-success-pattern These physical and mental health benefits have been noted by both employers and employees. Claire Daniels, CEO of Leeds-based digital marketing agency Trio Media, stressed the mental health benefits for employees, stating, 'When people enjoy having an extra day off, that creates better work-life balance which, in turn, makes people happier and less stressed.' https://4dayweek.medium.com/the-impact-of-the-4-day-workweek-uk-2023-results-c1d0cee3d13bhttps://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/feb/21/four-day-week-uk-trial-success-patternhttps://www.indy100.com/news/four-day-work-week-uk Employees also noted that they experienced the health benefits of a better work-life balance, with an improved opportunity for exercise and recreation. David Alatorre, the chief technology officer at Rivelin Robotics in Sheffield explained, 'It's nice to have the flexibility though, which makes the biggest difference to me personally. That Friday, even though I may end up working some of it, I can be at home, walk the dog, go climbing.' https://4dayweek.medium.com/the-impact-of-the-4-day-workweek-uk-2023-results-c1d0cee3d13bhttps://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/feb/21/four-day-week-uk-trial-success-patternhttps://www.indy100.com/news/four-day-work-week-ukhttps://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/feb/21/four-day-week-uk-trial-success-pattern

The Australian and New Zealand experience has replicated Britain's in terms of physical and mental health benefits. During 2023, a four-day workweek pilot program was conducted in Australasia, comprising 26 companies and around 750 workers. https://www.4dayweek.com/anz-full-report-2023 The pilot produced positive health and wellbeing results for employees. Almost two thirds (64 percent) of employees experienced reductions in burnout, while 38 percent felt less stressed on a four-day week. Almost half of workers (49 percent) reported a decline in negative emotions, with positive emotions increasing for 62 percent of employees. Anxiety fell for a third of the sample, with significant increases observed in people's physical and mental health. 38 percent of employees were less fatigued, and 35 percent had fewer sleep problems. Frequency of exercise rose for more than a third of the sample (36 percent), while exercise duration went up an average of 20 minutes per week. https://www.4dayweek.com/anz-full-report-2023https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60b956cbe7bf6f2efd86b04e/t/64654696c03e4c1fab3c25ba/1684358809096/4+Day+Week+ANZ+2023+Results.pdf

Numerous broad-based studies have shown that a poor work-life balance compromises physical and mental health. A 2014 study indicated that a poor work-life balance was associated with ill health across 27 European countries. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/24/3/422/477763 A 2020 study drew similar conclusions. It noted, 'Poor work-life balance is associated with poor self-reported health among working adults... in Europe... Organizations must create good working atmosphere and flexible working time to deal with issues of jobs strain in order to reduce health problems.' https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/24/3/422/477763https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-020-09139-w
A 2016 Finnish study suggested that the damage caused by a poor work-life balance resulted in poor physical health later in life. The study concluded, 'We found that longer working hours coupled with shorter sleep duration in midlife was associated with poorer physical functioning in old age.' https://academic.oup.com/ageing/article/46/1/108/2605686

Many Australians currently have a poor work-life balance which results in a detrimental experience of work. Australia ranks in the bottom third of OECD countries for work-life balance. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/australias-welfare-2017-in-brief/contents/international-comparison 13 percent of employees in Australia work very long hours. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/australias-welfare-2017-in-brief/contents/international-comparisonhttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-22/why-are-so-many-australians-working-overtime-long-hours/102353176 This is well above the OECD average of 10 percent. Australian workers complete an average 5.4 hours of unpaid overtime a week. http://tinyurl.com/5ax43epn In the 2022 Microsoft Work Trend Index, 62 percent of Australian workers reported being burnt out at work, compared to 48 percent of workers globally. In 2023, the Australian Work Health and Safety Survey found nearly two-thirds of workers were feeling burnt out. http://tinyurl.com/5ax43epnhttp://tinyurl.com/mty84xpb Gallup Australia recently delivered its 2023 State of the Australian and New Zealand Workplace report. The findings in this report included that 50 percent of Australians are experiencing 'a lot of stress' at work, while 67 percent are 'quiet quitting' and only 20 percent are thriving. ('Quiet quitting' refers to meeting the minimum requirements of one's job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than absolutely necessary.) http://tinyurl.com/5ax43epnhttp://tinyurl.com/mty84xpbhttp://tinyurl.com/yc6sc4ms Supporters of a four-day workweek argue it would help to address Australia's damaging culture of overwork.

2. A four-day workweek improves morale and engagement at work
Supporters of a four-day workweek argue that better work-life balance has positive effects on employee morale and engagement. It is claimed that the new arrangement results in better relations between employers and employees and in staff approaching their work with greater enthusiasm and commitment.

There are a range of factors which improve the work motivation of employees who have a four-day workweek. One of the reasons offered for improved morale and engagement is that workers have a better relationship with their employers, feeling that their needs are being recognised and met. Andy Selway-Woolley, a social media marketing and engagement consultant has noted, 'Employees who feel that their employer values their work-life balance and wellbeing are more likely to feel satisfied and motivated in their jobs, leading to... improved collaboration and teamwork.' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/business-reporter/four-day-week-work-b2422387.html The chief executive officer of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, has noted that forming new work structures such as the four-day week involves developing mutual trust and a strengthened sense of connection between employers and employees. Nadella states, 'People come to work for other people, not because of some policy'. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/business-reporter/four-day-week-work-b2422387.htmlhttps://ethics.org.au/the-ethical-dilemma-of-the-4-day-work-week/

Having more opportunity to develop the other aspects of their life, such as family and community interests, can create greater energy and motivation while at work. This point has been made by Tasha Williams, writing for the University of Technology Sydney. Williams has explained, 'Shortening the workweek can have a positive impact on employee engagement and motivation. Knowing they have dedicated time to pursue personal interests or enjoy leisure activities, employees return to work with renewed energy and enthusiasm.' http://tinyurl.com/4sshmmt4 Atlassian Corporation, an Australian software company, has commented on the effects of trialling a four-day workweek on its employees' energy levels. It contrasted energy levels during and before the trial of a four-day workweek. It published its results in its company magazine, stating, 'Overall, we were more motivated on Monday mornings during the experiment compared to before - both in terms of our energy levels and our confidence in our ability to get everything done by the end of the week. During the experiment our ratings for energy averaged 3.8 out of a possible five points, and 4.2 for confidence, whereas before the experiment, ratings had averaged 3.2 and 3.8, respectively. As one team member said, "It's easier to start work on Monday knowing that your next weekend is only four days away."' https://www.atlassian.com/blog/teamwork/4-day-workweek-productivity-wellbeing-results Assessments of the results of both Australian and overseas four-day workweek trials found that workers experienced 'increasing energy and feelings of strength and vigour at work'. Relatedly, employers noted 'having more engaged and motivated employees.' https://www.atlassian.com/blog/teamwork/4-day-workweek-productivity-wellbeing-resultshttps://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-03/c2023-379612-4_day_week_australia.pdf

The four-day working week is also motivating because the reduced working time encourages employees to make the most effective use of the time available. The administration software makers PeopleKeep have noted, 'Knowing they have a shorter workweek can motivate employees to prioritize their tasks and work smarter rather than simply working longer hours.' https://www.peoplekeep.com/blog/why-are-employers-moving-to-a-four-day-workweek Early data from live trials in Britain of four-day weeks indicates that 70 percent of employees feel they are working more efficiently and prioritising and managing their time better when working for only four days. https://www.peoplekeep.com/blog/why-are-employers-moving-to-a-four-day-workweekhttps://en-gb.workplace.com/blog/four-day-week

Supporters of the new arrangement have also found that the four-day workweek producers more engaged workers because they are less distracted by the demands of their personal lives. Eptura, a global worktech software company, has noted the distracting influences on employees' working through the conventional five-day week. Its personnel officer notes, 'Studies show employees are less distracted when working a four-day workweek. Why? They have more hours dedicated to their personal lives. How often do you find your mind wandering at work to something you need to do outside of work? With extra free time, professionals can run their errands and set up necessary appointments without having the anxiety of taking time off.' https://eptura.com/discover-more/blog/benefits-of-4-day-work-week/

3. A four-day workweek will have environmental benefits
Supporters of a for-day workweek claim that by reducing commuter travel and minimizing energy consumption in office spaces, a four-day workweek significantly decreases carbon emissions. Advocates claim that widespread adoption of a four-day workweek will help to combat the impacts of climate change.

Juliet Schor, an economist and sociologist at Boston College and lead researcher at 4 Day Week Global who worked on both the United Kingdom and United States trials of the four-day workweek argues that a shorter working week is key to reducing carbon emissions. Schor states, 'Although climate benefits are the most challenging thing to measure, we have a lot of research showing that over time, as countries reduce hours of work, their carbon emissions fall.' https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climate One of the primary ways in which four-day workweeks would reduce greenhouse emissions is through the reduction in workers' commuting time resulting in reduced levels of carbon dioxide caused by motor vehicles. Schor has noted that comparative studies of commuting-generated emissions during and before four-day workweek trials in the United Kingdom and the United States have shown the impressive level of reductions achieved. Data from the United Kingdom trial shows a 10 percent decrease over the pilot period, from 3.5 hours to 3.15 hours per week, for the companies which tracked commuting time. While this is a significant fall, savings could reach 15-20 percent. In the 2022 United States trial the decline was larger, from 3.56 to 2.59 hours a week (a 27 percent decrease). https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climatehttps://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climate Research by the 4-Day Week Campaign revealed that a shortened work week could reduce the United Kingdom's carbon footprint by 127 million tonnes per year - the equivalent of taking 27 million cars off the road. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climatehttps://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climatehttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/doing-more-less-green-benefits-four-day-workweek-paul-gosling/ A 2019 Reading University study showed similar dramatic reductions in car emissions resulting from a four-day workweek. The number of miles driven by employees travelling to work was estimated to be reduced by 558 million each week. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climatehttps://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climatehttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/doing-more-less-green-benefits-four-day-workweek-paul-gosling/https://6a142ff6-85bd-4a7b-bb3b-476b07b8f08d.usrfiles.com/ugd/6a142f_5061c06b240e4776bf31dfac2543746b.pdf

Both the United Kingdom and United States trials also found that many people spent the time saved by not commuting or working engaged in low-carbon activities, such as hiking or stay-at-home hobbies. The United Kingdom data also showed that the shift to a shorter workweek led to an increase in pro-environmental behaviours: participants in the trial spent more time volunteering for environmental causes and were more careful with recycling and buying eco-friendly products. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230220-is-a-4-day-workweek-good-for-the-climate

Reduced working hours would also have significant effects on household emissions. A 2012 study which Schor co-authored highlighted the effect of fewer working hours on the emissions created in the home. The study concluded that households with less time made greater use of high-energy-use transport (cars etc,) and commercially prepared food which is also more energy and therefore emissions expensive. Schor's study noted, 'Households with less time...will choose time-saving activities and products... associated with higher energy costs.' https://peri.umass.edu/media/k2/attachments/4.2KnightRosaSchor.pdf ) A University of Reading study asked participants how they would spend the day off if given a four-day workweek. Over two thirds of respondents said they would spend more time with their family and friends and over half said they would do more home-cooking. These examples highlight how providing more time to people can enable them to enjoy activities that do not generate high carbon emissions. https://peri.umass.edu/media/k2/attachments/4.2KnightRosaSchor.pdfhttps://6a142ff6-85bd-4a7b-bb3b-476b07b8f08d.usrfiles.com/ugd/6a142f_5061c06b240e4776bf31dfac2543746b.pdf

Finally, fewer people working in commercial offices will reduce emissions due to less power usage for lighting, air conditioners, and elevators. A large-scale experiment from 2008-2009 conducted in the State of Utah in the United States shifted most public sector state employees to a four-day week, to cut costs, save energy and carbon. The experiment showed that by eliminating Fridays as a workday, huge energy savings could be made. The state found that its compressed workweek resulted in a 13 percent reduction in energy use. https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,1919162,00.html

4. A four-day workweek will cause no loss of productivity
Supporters of a four-day workweek claim that productivity levels can be maintained and that in many instances productivity will increase.

Many studies have found either no change in productivity when employees work a four-day week or an increase in output. In 2023, Swinburne University surveyed ten Australian organisations that have adopted the four-day workweek. It found three of the ten managers reported no loss of productivity despite a 20 percent reduction in hours, while the other seven reported productivity being even higher than when they had adopted a typical workweek. https://theconversation.com/10-australian-companies-have-embraced-the-4-day-week-heres-what-they-say-about-it-206761 Microsoft in Japan has similarly reported a 40 percent rise in productivity after a four-week trial of the four-day workweek. https://theconversation.com/10-australian-companies-have-embraced-the-4-day-week-heres-what-they-say-about-it-206761https://en-gb.workplace.com/blog/four-day-week These results replicate those of firms that participated in a six-month trial of the four-day workweek organised by 4 Day Week Global. The trials involved 33 companies and nearly 1,000 employees in a range of countries. 70 percent of the companies involved found that productivity increased, while in 30 percent of cases it remained the same. https://theconversation.com/10-australian-companies-have-embraced-the-4-day-week-heres-what-they-say-about-it-206761https://en-gb.workplace.com/blog/four-day-weekhttps://harpersbazaar.com.au/four-day-working-week-benefits/ The initial 4 Day Week Global data were collected from businesses and organisations in the United States, Ireland, and Australia, tracking 969 employees over a 10-month period. Revenue rose about 8 percent during the trial and was up 38 per cent from a year earlier. https://theconversation.com/10-australian-companies-have-embraced-the-4-day-week-heres-what-they-say-about-it-206761https://en-gb.workplace.com/blog/four-day-weekhttps://harpersbazaar.com.au/four-day-working-week-benefits/https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/want-a-four-day-work-week-show-this-research-to-your-boss-20221130-p5c2nw.html

There are many features of the four-day workweek which contribute to retaining or improving productivity. The shorter week has been linked to fewer absences and fewer employees quitting. Absenteeism and having to find and train replacement staff are both major drags on productivity. The initial 4 Day Week Global trial data found a drop in the monthly absentee rate and in resignations. https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/want-a-four-day-work-week-show-this-research-to-your-boss-20221130-p5c2nw.html Further reductions in absenteeism have been found by firms which have adopted the four-day week permanently. Advice Direct Scotland, a Glasgow-based charity, was one of the first Scottish employers to introduce the four-day week in 2018. In 2021, it analysed its performance indicators and found a 71 percent fall in employee absences since 2017, while the average number of absent days fell by 55 percent. The rate of workers leaving the organisation dropped by around a third. Over the three years all departments reported a substantial increase in output. https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/want-a-four-day-work-week-show-this-research-to-your-boss-20221130-p5c2nw.htmlhttps://www.insider.co.uk/news/four-day-week-report-finds-26463250 British recruitment firm MRL Consulting Group Similar produced similar data when it trialled the four-day workweek for six months in 2019. The group achieved an increase in productivity of 25 percent and a 40 percent reduction in short-term absences. https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/want-a-four-day-work-week-show-this-research-to-your-boss-20221130-p5c2nw.htmlhttps://www.insider.co.uk/news/four-day-week-report-finds-26463250https://workplaceinsight.net/the-four-day-week-and-a-case-of-less-is-more/

Another factor that has led to retaining or improving productivity are structural rearrangements maximising worktime. Advocates of the four-day week claim that it frequently results in workplaces having fewer meetings and focusing on 'deep work'. https://www.visier.com/blog/radical-practical-4-day-work-week-future-of-work/ (Deep work is a state of concentration that allows for complex skills to be learnt and quality work to be achieved more quickly.) https://www.visier.com/blog/radical-practical-4-day-work-week-future-of-work/https://asana.com/resources/what-is-deep-work Workplaces adopting a four-day week minimise workplace distractions and deliberately create time for priority work to be achieved. The aim is to reduce 'low value' tasks and maximise productive ones. Unilever Australia and New Zealand has moved to permanent four-day workweeks for non-manufacturing staff after a successful six-month trial. Anish Singh, the head of HR for Unilever Australia and New Zealand, has explained, '[You need] fewer emails, fewer meetings, less time on the phone and other distractions, and [you need to adopt] a practice of deeper work.' https://www.visier.com/blog/radical-practical-4-day-work-week-future-of-work/https://asana.com/resources/what-is-deep-workhttps://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/workplace/the-company-moving-to-a-four-day-week-by-cutting-meetings-emails-20221031-p5buc9

Studies of human work patterns have found that more time spent at work does not necessarily equal greater productivity. In a recent United States study, researchers tracked the computer usage metrics of 789 office employees, noting their patterns across different days of the week and times of the day. Lead researcher, Professor Mark Benden, stated, 'People typed more words and had more mouse movement, mouse clicks and scrolls every day from Monday through Thursday, then less of this activity on Friday.' The study showed that both the quality and the quantity of work declined over the week. Professor Benden added, 'This aligns with similar findings that the number of tasks workers complete increases steadily from Monday through Wednesday, then decreases on Thursday and Friday.' https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/health/mental-health/this-is-the-time-of-day-when-youre-least-productive-at-work/news-story/6112755aade6e0d87eac0a6f5b68dee5 Studies such as these indicate the four-day week does not reduce productivity because it recognises non-productive periods as better spent recuperating and seeks to maximise productive periods.

5. A four-day workweek will improve staff recruitment and retention and advance the employment of women
Supporters of the four-day workweek argue that it makes it easier for employers to attract and retain staff. They also argue that it helps to overcome some of the disadvantages that make it difficult for women to enter and remain in the workforce.

Its advocates repeatedly claim that operating on a four-day week basis is appealing to potential employees and will attract them to an employer that offers this. It is also claimed that workers will remain with a company for the benefits that come from a four-day workweek. Following a six-month international trial of the four-day workweek, 4 Day Week Global cofounder, Andrew Barnes, stated, 'Offering a 4-day week enabled [employers] to attract and retain better staff, especially in industries where the employment market is running a little bit hot... This was a key differentiator because the Millennial generation, especially, are looking for businesses where there is meaning and where they can have true engagement.' https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2023/4-day-weeks-boost-employee-productivity--retention.html When asked at the end of the six-month trial how much additional pay they would require in their next job to return to a five-day week, more than a third said 26-50 per cent more, about one in ten said more than 50 per cent, and more than one in 10 said no amount of money could lure them back. https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2023/4-day-weeks-boost-employee-productivity--retention.htmlhttps://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/workplace/clearer-heads-why-this-company-is-sticking-to-a-four-day-week-20230514-p5d8av Similarly, a 2019 study at Henley Business School reported that almost two-thirds (63 percent) of employers said that providing a four-day working week has helped them to attract and retain talent. The same study surveyed employees on how much a four-day workweek would affect their decision on where to work. Responses showed that nearly three quarters (72 percent) agreeing it would be a firm driver when picking an employer. For Gen Z two thirds (67 percent) stated it would help them to decide on who to work for. https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2023/4-day-weeks-boost-employee-productivity--retention.htmlhttps://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/workplace/clearer-heads-why-this-company-is-sticking-to-a-four-day-week-20230514-p5d8avhttps://www.henley.ac.uk/news/2019/four-day-week-pays-off-for-uk-business

Its supporters have also argued that the four-day workweek might help overcome some of the barriers which prevent many women from entering and remaining in employment. In a recent Shape Talent survey of more than 2,350 women in the United Kingdom, one of the most significant barriers women face was revealed as the double burden of paid and unpaid work. That is, juggling work demands with their family and household responsibilities. This double burden either prevented them from taking up paid employment or led to them having to leave. It was also seen as a major obstacle to women achieving promotion. https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/article/1815882/four-day-week-help-organisations-achieve-gender-equality Supporters of the four-day week claim there are several ways in which it can assist women. According to the Office for National Statistics in 2015, women provided 74 percent of all childcare time in the United Kingdom. A four-day week could allow both partners in a parenting relationship to contribute the extra day to childcare, sharing the responsibilities of home and family more evenly. https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/article/1815882/four-day-week-help-organisations-achieve-gender-equalityhttps://en-gb.workplace.com/blog/four-day-week Real world results show that the four-day week can help to even out the excessive load of responsibility women carry for home management and child care. Survey data from evaluative studies done after Australian trials of the for-day workweek found that when comparing behaviour after and before the trial 27 percent of the men in heterosexual relationships increased their share of housework and 17 percent of men in heterosexual relationships increased their share of childcare (compared to 15 percent and 11 percent for women, respectively). https://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/article/1815882/four-day-week-help-organisations-achieve-gender-equalityhttps://en-gb.workplace.com/blog/four-day-weekhttps://static1.squarespace.com/static/60b956cbe7bf6f2efd86b04e/t/64654696c03e4c1fab3c25ba/1684358809096/4+Day+Week+ANZ+2023+Results.pdf

Additionally, its advocates have argued that a four-day workweek might assist women attain and retain promotion positions. It would also benefit companies who would be able to continue profiting from the abilities of female staff. Mansoor Soomro, future-of-work researcher and the Enterprise and Innovation Lead at the Future of Work research unit at the Teesside University International Business School has examined workplaces that adopt flexible working arrangements, including reduced working hours and has seen the greater opportunity this offers women employees. Dr Soomro states, 'Organizations that embrace a four-day workweek send a powerful message: they are committed to gender equality and support the diverse needs of their employees. By empowering women with childcare responsibilities, we are not only creating a more inclusive and equitable workforce but also a better society.' https://fortune.com/2023/10/24/4-day-workweek-best-way-bridge-gender-pay-gap-companies-living-proof-mansoor-soomro/