
Right: Violence against women, including online stalking and harassment, including by school-aged boys, is one of the targets of proponents of online age verification.

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Australia should demand rigorous online age verification

1.Those under 18 need to be protected from exposure to adult material
Opponents of those under 18 being able to access pornography claim that early exposure to adult material is harmful in a variety of ways.

Many studies have indicated the damaging effect that exposure to pornography can have on young people. An article published by the US Institute for Family Studies in April 2024 summarised the supposed negative effects. It claimed, 'Pornography proves to be especially detrimental to children and adolescents. According to many researchers, early exposure to pornography is connected to negative developmental outcomes, including a greater acceptance of sexual harassment, sexual activity at an early age, acceptance of negative attitudes to women, unrealistic expectations, skewed attitudes toward gender roles, greater levels of body dissatisfaction, rape myths (attributing responsibility for sexual assault to a female victim), and sexual aggression. Children's brains are not equipped to process the adult experiences depicted. Early exposure to pornography also increases the likelihood that depression and relationship problems develop.' https://ifstudies.org/blog/what-happens-when-children-are-exposed-to-pornography The American College of Paediatrics has published a paper which similarly concluded, 'Negative effects include mental disturbance and unrest for the young school age child, including acting out and violent behavior. Because of its harmfulness to children, pornography must never be used as a tool to teach children human sexuality. For older adolescents and young adults, pornography teaches a false narrative regarding human sexuality and how men and women form healthy sexual relationships. This makes it more difficult for young men and women to form authentic, stable relationships.' https://ifstudies.org/blog/what-happens-when-children-are-exposed-to-pornographyhttps://acpeds.org/position-statements/the-impact-of-pornography-on-children

Research has indicated the harm that access to pornography can cause to young children. A submission made to the Australian Human Rights Commission by the lobby and research group eChildhood commented on the adverse effects on children of online pornography. It stated, 'Pornography has become an educator, grooming tool and a significant contributor to the scripting and programming of a child's sexual and relational development online; as well as a source of trauma for young children due to the nature of pornography.' https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-02/53.1_echildhood_.pdf It has been suggested that online pornography introduces children to human sexuality prematurely and in a way that can be distressing. Caroline Giroux, a psychiatrist, and an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of California, wrote in a paper published on December 7, 2021, in the Journal of Psychiatry Reform, 'Unlike erotic scenes in a movie or nude sculptures in a museum, pornography generally involves a power dynamic, humiliation, and a distortion of the reality around body and sexuality. In my opinion, it is a form of sexual trauma... [which] like witnessing a car accident or parental domestic abuse can be traumatic for the observer.' https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-02/53.1_echildhood_.pdfhttps://journalofpsychiatryreform.com/2021/12/07/early-exposure-to-pornography-a-form-of-sexual-trauma/ Some academics have claimed that exposure to pornography on the internet can result in the premature sexualisation of young children who may then act out aggressive sexual behaviours. Professor Freda Briggs, AO, warned that online pornography was affecting the behaviour of some children, making them sexually violent toward other children, imitating the adult behaviour they had seen. In her submission to the 2016 Senate inquiry into the harm being done to Australian children through access to pornography on the internet, she drew links between pornography and child sex abuse, paedophilia, and child-on-child sexual abuse. https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-02/53.1_echildhood_.pdfhttps://journalofpsychiatryreform.com/2021/12/07/early-exposure-to-pornography-a-form-of-sexual-trauma/https://professionals.childhood.org.au/prosody/2016/07/melinda-tankard-reist/

The Australian Institute of Family Studies has issued a paper expressing concern that the sexual attitudes and behaviours of adolescent Australians are also being negatively affected by pornography. In a 2017 'research snapshot' it stated, 'In the absence of other information, pornography can be the main source of a young person's sex education. The use of pornography by adolescents is associated with stronger permissive sexual attitudes (e.g., premarital sex, casual sex). There is some evidence that exposure to pornography can increase the likelihood of earlier first-time sexual experience, particularly for those adolescents who consume pornography more frequently. Pornography can influence a young person's expectations about sex, for example what young men expect their partners to do and vice versa. It can shape sexual practices, with studies finding that young people may try performing common sexual acts seen in dominant hetero pornography ... Gaps between expectations and reality can produce "sexual uncertainty" about sexual beliefs and values and may also be related to sexual dissatisfaction, anxiety, and fear. The content of pornography may reinforce double standards of an active male sexuality and passive female receptacle.' https://aifs.gov.au/research/research-snapshots/effects-pornography-children-and-young-people

2. Viewing pornography has been linked to sexual and physical abuse of women
One of the major reasons effective age verifications is wanted before accessing pornographic online material is that exposure to pornography is believed to encourage violence against women. Many social commentators argue that young people need to be protected from material which promotes gendered violence.

There is long-standing and widespread agreement among Australian psychologists that pornography depicts sexual relations in a way that contributes to violence against women. In the April 2015 issue of the Australian Psychological Society Journal, Emma Sampson and Heather Gridley noted, 'A fundamental concern about the harmful impact of pornography is the predominance (and increase) of sexual aggression and violence, the overwhelming majority of which is towards women. Research has found that almost 90 percent of scenes in pornographic videos portrayed physical aggression while nearly half contained verbal aggression, and that almost all (94 percent) showed the aggression perpetrated against women. Of equal concern is the depicted response from women to this violence, with most acts of aggression (9 in 10 in a recent study) being met with a neutral or a positive response by the women depicted.' https://psychology.org.au/inpsych/2015/april/sampson

A range of Australian researchers have demonstrated a connection between behaviour enacted in pornography and violent and controlling behaviour toward women. Our Watch is a non-profit organization established to help policy makers protect women and children from violence. Their 2020 report stated, 'Men are often depicted as aggressive, controlling, and dominant in pornography. These types of depictions of men have been identified as consequences of sexist and stereotypical ideas about masculinity that may increase the probability of violence against women. In contrast, women in pornography are often depicted as submissive, eager, and willing to comply with the demands of male characters...Results from Our Watch's survey suggest a link between pornography consumption and the view that men should be 'in charge'. For example, young people who watched pornography on a more regular basis were more likely than others to believe that women should learn to obey men, and that things tend to be better when men are in charge.' https://media-cdn.ourwatch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/11/20022415/Pornography-young-people-preventing-violence.pdf

Our Watch's independent studies and their research analyses have linked pornography with violent abuse of women. The organisation has stated, 'Condoning of violence against women is another of the identified drivers of such violence. The condoning of violence against women can be through justifying, excusing, trivialising, or downplaying it. These representations occur frequently in pornography, in which portrayals of violence are highly gendered - that is, violence is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men and directed towards women.' Referring to overviews of research linking pornography with violence, Our Watch has noted, 'Content analyses have revealed frequent aggression, non-consensual behaviour and multiple forms of violence towards women in pornography. These include physical aggression (e.g., hitting, slapping, gagging) and verbal aggression (e.g., name-calling). The frequency and eroticisation of such depictions may normalise and condone violence against women, in sexual relationships and more generally. Pornography may encourage these views and/or reinforce them where they already exist.' https://media-cdn.ourwatch.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/11/20022415/Pornography-young-people-preventing-violence.pdf

Similar conclusions regarding the causal relationship between pornography and violence against women have also been drawn in the United States. The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society is a research center at Harvard University that focuses on the study of cyberspace. In a unit titled 'The Language of Violence in a New Context: Pornography and Cyberspace' the centre cites the Report of the US Attorney General's Commission on Pornography which states, '[C]linical and experimental research. . .[has] focused particularly on sexually violent material, [and] the conclusions have been virtually unanimous. In both clinical and experimental settings, exposure to sexually violent materials has indicated an increase in the likelihood of aggression. More specifically, the research shows a causal relationship between exposure to material of this type and aggressive behavior towards women.' https://cyber.harvard.edu/vaw00/module5.html

The US Attorney General's report further claims, 'Sexual violence is not the only negative effect reported in the research to result from substantial exposure to sexually violent materials. The evidence is also strongly supportive of significant attitudinal changes...These attitudinal changes are numerous. Victims of rape and other forms of sexual violence are likely to be perceived... as more responsible for the assault, as having suffered less injury, and as having been less degraded as a result of the experience. Similarly, people with a substantial exposure to violent pornography are likely to see the rapist or other sexual offender as less responsible for the act and as deserving of less stringent punishment...The evidence also strongly supports the conclusion that substantial exposure to violent sexually explicit material leads to a greater acceptance of the "rape myth" in its broader sense - that women enjoy being coerced into sexual activity, that they enjoy being physically hurt in sexual context, and that as a result a man who forces himself on a woman sexually is in fact merely acceding to the "real" wishes of the woman, regardless of the extent to which she seems to be resisting...' https://cyber.harvard.edu/vaw00/module5.html

3. Current online age verification methods are not working
Supporters of stricter online age verification claim huge numbers of young Australians between the ages of 13 and 18 are currently accessing adult material online.

Under Australian law, someone under 18 who watches pornography has not committed an offence. However, it is illegal to show such material to someone under 18. It is also illegal to view pornography if those in the video appear to be under 18. https://www.defendingyou.com.au/2022/09/21/porn-is-it-legal-to-watch-it-in-australia/ Pornography in Australia is classified under a rating system which imposes age restrictions on the material. This applies to print and film material and includes material distributed online. The Online Safety Act 2021 regulates online content in Australia. The Act empowers a regulator called the eSafety Commissioner to take down online content deemed harmful or unsafe for Australians. Uploading pornography online must follow the regulations regarding online content in Australia and producers must ensure all X 18+ content is behind a restricted access system. https://www.defendingyou.com.au/2022/09/21/porn-is-it-legal-to-watch-it-in-australia/https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/pornography-laws-australia

The current restricted access system aims to limit the online exposure of children and young people under 18 to pornography and other age-inappropriate online content. Commonly employed methods involve displaying an adults-only warning, requiring a user to input their date of birth, or requiring a user to scan or mail a copy of an identity document. The Age Verification Providers Association (AVPA) has claimed that these initial methods are easily evaded and are not adequate in circumstances where legislation imposes age restrictions. https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/Social_Policy_and_Legal_Affairs/Onlineageverification/Report/section?id=committees%2Freportrep%2F024436%2F72614

Despite existing restrictions, pornography in all forms (print, pictures, and videos) is widely viewed by young people in Australia. A 2024 online survey of 1,985 young Australians aged between 15 and 20 found exposure to pornography was reported by 86 percent of male and 69 percent of female participants. Most exposure occurred when participants were alone and at home, regardless of gender. Young men were more likely than young women to seek out pornography and to view it frequently, with over half (54 percent) of male participants reporting weekly use compared with 14 percent of female participants. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1326020024000104#:~:text=Among%20all%20young%20people%2C%205.7,respectively%20(see%20Figure%201).

Many critics of Australia's online age verification systems claim that they offer no serious protection against those under 18 accessing pornography. In 2023, the Australian eSafety Commissioner issued a report noting that 73 percent of Australian adolescents aged 16 to 18 have seen online pornography. 33 percent first viewed the material when they were less than 13 and 50 percent began viewing the material between the ages of 13 and 15. Of these, 70 percent accessed pornography websites and 35 percent viewed pornography on social media. https://theconversation.com/australia-will-trial-age-assurance-tech-to-bar-children-from-online-porn-what-is-it-and-will-it-work-229184#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20data%20in,between%20ages%2013%20and%2015
10 percent of those surveyed indicated they had first viewed pornography before they were 10. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-01/what-we-know-about-the-governments-online-age verification-pilot/103791418

4. Robust age verification processes benefit online content providers
Supporters of strict age verification methods online argue that they benefit the adult content provider. Being required to adopt more effective age verification measures can benefit adult content providers in ways that weak age verification processes do not. They help to protect the reputation of the adult services providers, prevent claims for repayment of false credit card charges, give accurate client base information and prevent conflict with regulatory bodies.

Effective age verification processes help adult content providers avoid reputational damage. Those accessing adult products online expect providers to act responsibly and monitor the age of their client base. Referring to the British situation, Ben Rossi, writing for Information Age, noted that the general community has lost tolerance of online content providers who do not accept the same obligations they would have in the non-digital world. Rossi notes, 'Online businesses are beginning to realise that they have the same responsibilities to prevent children from using services, accessing content, or obtaining products that are age-restricted, as businesses that operate in the real world. For too long "a lack of parental control" has been used as an excuse for children gaining access to inappropriate goods online. One would have little sympathy for a merchant on the high street selling whisky or cigarettes to children on the grounds that their parents were not there to stop the transaction.' https://www.information-age.com/why-age verification-matters-online-businesses-2142/ Robust age verification methods help businesses meet the expectations of their adult audience and so avoid the reputational damage that comes from using inadequate technologies.

Adult-content sites also run the risk of chargebacks if they are not able to accurately identify the age of site users. Providers that do not use effective age verification have to make restitution to wrongly charged credit cardholders and so suffer damage their brand. Age verification provider ShuftiPro has warned, 'Often children use the identity cards of their parents/elders to buy goods online. In such cases, if a business does not use identity verification it might end up losing its credibility and will also face penalties.' https://shuftipro.com/blog/age verification-does-your-business-need-it/ As tech entrepreneurs DevX have explained, 'Improper age verification processes can lead to minors using their parents' credit cards, digital IDs, or even government-issued IDs without consent to purchase products or services online. In turn, parents may request chargebacks for such transactions.' https://shuftipro.com/blog/agehttps://www.devx.com/browsers/the-importance-of-secure-age verification-in-online-transactions/

Another advantage that strict age verification processes supply is accurate customer information. This can lead to better customer relations and the opportunity to improve the product and expand the user base. The verification solutions consultants VeriDas have explained, 'Age verification can help businesses to understand their customer base better. By collecting age-related data, businesses can gain insights into the preferences and behaviours of different age groups, which can be used to tailor products and services, improve marketing efforts, and ultimately increase revenue.' https://veridas.com/en/what-is-age verification/

Finally, effective age verification methods assist producers of adult products by reducing the risk of conflict with regulatory bodies and web hosts, which can result in various penalties. In some jurisdictions, businesses can be held liable for the actions of minors who access age-restricted content or services. https://veridas.com/en/what-is-age verification/ Age verification provider ShuftiPro has warned online producers of adult content of the consequences they face, stating, 'Several businesses are unaware of the significance that age verification holds for their business. UK gambling firms paid £19.6m in penalties due to money laundering and under-age gambling conducted on their platforms.' https://veridas.com/en/what-is-agehttps://shuftipro.com/blog/age verification-does-your-business-need-it/ Since 2016 Britain has been increasing the penalties applied to online producers and distributors of adult materials that do not comply with age verification. Among the first penalties applied was to allow advertisers to withhold payment from online businesses that did not meet their age verification requirements. https://veridas.com/en/what-is-agehttps://shuftipro.com/blog/agehttps://www.information-age.com/government-takes-pornography-companies-age verification-demands-866/ Poor age verification processes can lead to legal action, and the loss of licences or permits needed to continue to operate. https://veridas.com/en/what-is-agehttps://shuftipro.com/blog/agehttps://www.information-age.com/government-takes-pornography-companies-agehttps://www.devx.com/browsers/the-importance-of-secure-age verification-in-online-transactions/

5. Age verification methods can be made secure
Those who support age verification systems argue they can be made secure, so they are not a major risk to users' privacy or the security of their online data and identity.

Australia's eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, has recommended that Australia use a double-blind tokenised approach. The system would involve anonymised digital tokens, issued by a third-party provider (the age assurance provider ) who is accredited to securely receive and verify personal data. The token could then be presented as proof of age without a person ever having to hand over personal information to the porn site. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-07/screenshot-age verification-for-porn-open-ai-search-threat/103809476 The eSafety Commissioner has explained what the system involves. She noted, 'This is where age-restricted websites do not know the identity of a user, and the age assurance service provider does not record which sites a user visits.' The Commissioner further explained, 'An electronic token can be produced once a person's age is verified or estimated by an age assurance provider. Rather than providing a user's specific age, tokens can be limited to confirm whether a user meets a minimum age requirement. This allows the online service to confirm age requirements are met without viewing or collecting users' personal information. The system can be designed so the token is stored in a user's digital wallet or browser and may be reused for a period of time, when trying to access age-restricted services requiring the same level of assurance. This can serve to reduce friction for users and to reduce the regulatory burden for age-restricted services.' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-07/screenshot-agehttps://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-08/Roadmap-for-age verification_2.pdf

The eSafety Commissioner also recommended to the Australian Government other services which could undertake age verification while protecting user privacy and data security. One of these is a similar system developed in France. The French data regulator, Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés (CNIL), in partnership with cryptography researchers, has developed and released an open-source demonstration of a zero-knowledge proof of age exchange. Models like this allow only the age attribute to be shared and shares neither information about the user's identity with the age-restricted service nor information about the nature of the age-restricted service with the provider of the age attribute. The Commissioner suggested, ' This may mitigate concerns about user privacy, and in particular concerns about tracking users' online behaviour.' https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-08/Roadmap-for-age verification_2.pdf

The eSafety Commissioner noted that the digital communications industry is moving toward 'an internationally defined age token and the provision of multiple accredited [verification] options for consumers to select their preference for proving their age.' The Commissioner also observed that the proof of age token could remain with the user within a digital wallet. https://www.esafety.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-08/Roadmap-for-age verification_2.pdf

Australia already has an Identity Verification Service. Enacted into law in 2023, this service enables automated disclosures of personal information to a specified person via the Document Verification Service or the Face Verification Service. Identity verification services are used by government departments and businesses - such as credit card providers and power companies - to combat fraud and identity theft. The Identity Verification Services use encryption and authorisation procedures approved by the Australian Signals Directorate to ensure data protection, security, and confidentiality. https://www.idmatch.gov.au/privacy-and-security The security processes used by these services could also be used by age assurance service providers.