Castle law: should it be easier for Australians to use force against burglars and home invaders?
Video clip at right: On June 12, 2024, ABC News interviewed Rebecca Fogerty, president of the Queensland Law Society, regarding popular support in Queensland for a proposal to introduce castle law.
The Issue at a Glance
What they said...
'It does give people the power to protect themselves in situations where crime has gotten out of control'
Katter Party MP Nick Dametto supporting the introduction of castle law in Queensland
'KAP's proposal removes the need to use reasonable force, meaning any person could legally kill another person for being on their property or damaging their property - any time another person feels under threat'
Queensland Law Society president Rebecca Fogerty pointing to the risk of castle law
On May 1, 2024, Nick Dametto MP, Member for Hinchinbrook, introduced the Criminal Code (Defence of Dwellings and Other Premises-Castle Law) Amendment Bill 2024 into the Queensland Parliament.
The bill is an attempt to change the Criminal Code in Queensland to allow homeowners and residents to take stronger action against alleged intruders without facing the possibility of prosecution or conviction.
The bill was introduced as a private members bill; however, Nick Dametto is the deputy leader of Katter's Australian Party (KAP), and castle law is a KAP policy.
By June 11, 2024, a parliamentary petition launched in conjunction with the bill to amend the Criminal Code had gained over 40,000 signatures. Civil liberties groups and legal authorities have opposed the bill.