2008/19: Should conductors be returned to Melbourne trams?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right: Compilation of clips supporting the case for conductors on trams. This clip can be treated as comment. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because YouTube is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows YouTube clips.
What they said ...
'We've got to get back to staffing the system full time [with conductors], to make people feel safe, to stop graffiti and to collect revenue'
Green MP, Greg Barber
'All around the world now, systems of ticketing are automatic. You know, I think that's the most efficient way of operating the network'
Victorian premier, John Brumby
The issue at a glance
On July 13, 2008, The Sunday Age published excerpts from a report it had commissioned from RMIT transport economist, John Odgers.
The report claims that it would be relatively inexpensive to reinstate conductors on Melbourne's trams as they would reduce fare evasion and lead to an increase in commuter patronage of trams. The report also claims that there would be a large number of further, incidental benefits that would be gained from putting conductors back on the trams.
Several transport users groups, worker associations and others have supported the call to reinstate conductors. The Victorian Government, however, has discounted the proposal, placing faith in its new myki smartcard ticketing system.
There is no agreement likely between the opposing groups.