Right: A machine moves plastic bags in an American landfill Background informationIn 2003, Australia's Environment Ministers agreed to the objective of phasing out single-use lightweight plastic bags by the end of 2008Under the regulations then agreed to, retailers who wished to give out plastic bags were to charge a minimum prescribed fee (such as 10 cents). Appropriate exemptions were to be considered, for example, where a bag is required for health and safety reasons such as bait bags or bags for fresh food The Victorian Government announced in July 2006 that free plastic bags would be banned in Victoria from 2009. Victoria's regulations are intended come into effect on 1 January 2009, following public consultation, if plastic bags use is not further reduced though voluntary action. The loss of consensus at the April 17, 2008 meeting casts some doubt on whether the agreement reached in 2003 will be adhered to. Plastic bags policies around the world (The following overview is an edited version of a Wikipedia entry which can be read in full at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastic_shopping_bag) Bangladesh Plastic shopping bags are banned in Bangladesh, where they are thought to cause flooding during monsoons by clogging drains. China Beginning on June 1 2008, all Chinese supermarkets, department stores and shops will be prohibited from giving out free plastic bags. Stores must clearly mark the price of plastic shopping bags and are banned from tacking that price onto products. The production, sale and use of ultra-thin plastic bags - those less than 0.025 millimetres, or 0.00098 inches, thick - are also banned. Hong Kong The city has not prohibited the use of giving out free plastic bags. Supermarkets play a large role in giving out free plastic bags for customers. The problem has raised awareness amongst the people when a "No Plastic Bag Day" was launched in 2006. It is hoped that by bringing a plastic bag levy, the first phase to be in effect at the start of the 2009, the 50 cents HKD charged per bag will not only put some control over the problem but also bring in revenue of 100 million HKD in its first year. France Many mass retailers require customers to buy reusable plastic or non-woven bags. This has been adopted by supermarkets. Non-food related retailers tend to prefer to switch to paper bags, allowing them to match the ecological demand. In Paris, a ban on plastic bags took effect in late 2007; a nationwide ban is scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2010. Germany Generally, most German supermarkets charge between 5 and 25 cents per single-use bag, depending on the type of bag. Most shops also offer cloth bags or sturdier, woven plastic bags for around one Euro, encouraging shoppers to re-use them. Many high-street retail shops will provide bags free of charge. Most people will re-use single-use shopping bags, i.e., for collecting deposit bottles or using them as bin liners. Ireland On March 4, 2002 the Republic of Ireland introduced a levy on every plastic shopping bag. This led to a 90% reduction in use of plastic bags and increased use of reusable bags. The money gathered by the levy was used to raise money for environmental initiatives. Many retailers in Ireland switched to supplying (untaxed) paper bags, or simply stopped supplying bags. Most supermarkets continued to supply plastic bags, subject to the tax. The charge was increased on July 1, 2007. Most supermarkets supply reusable woven bags, or heavy reusable plastic bags. Israel The entire country of Israel has enacted legislation to add a surcharge for every plastic bag. Bags that contain fish, meat, poultry or fresh produce won't incur any charge. New Zealand In recent years cloth bags have been promoted and sold by some supermarkets as an alternative to plastic bags. In August 2006 the Collingwood community in Golden Bay declared itself shopping bag free by a group of local residents who promoted the idea. In early 2007 a nationwide campaign was kicked off with the aim of introducing a shopping bag levy similar to Ireland's. South Africa The South African government collects a 3 cents per shopping bag environmental levy. Turkey Plastic shopping bags have created major environmental problems throughout Turkey. Currently, Turkish people use on average 1.2 bags per day each, most of which end up not being disposed properly. The government has launched a feasibility study into the movement towards envirobags, however, this is not due until late 2008. United Kingdom Growing awareness in the UK of the problems caused by indiscriminate use of plastic bags is encouraging some large retailers to reward customers who bring their own bags or who reuse or recycle existing bags. The London Councils announced on 13 November 2007 that the 10th London Local Authorities Bill would include a provision to ban the distribution of free throw-away shopping bags in the capital. The London Local Authorities (Shopping Bag) Bill was deposited in Parliament on 27 November 2007. If the Bill is passed by Parliament, it is expected to become law by mid-2009. In his Budget speech of 12th March 2008 the Chancellor announced that in the absence of 'sufficient progress' on a voluntary basis by retailers by the end of 2008 the Government will impose a charge on single use carrier bags in 2009. United States There has been no broad government action against the litter problem: Proper household waste management (reuse when possible and not littering) is considered a personal responsibility or a locally enforced misdemeanour. Some local governments have enacted ordinances, and many stores allow customers to return the bags for recycling. Zanzibar The island of Zanzibar banned the import and use of plastic shopping bags in November, 2006. People who litter used bags are responsible for a significant problem, and government officials enacted the ban to protect tourism, an economic mainstay for the island. |