Right: Plastic packaging: useful and convenient, but does it threaten the planet? web links and documentsIn December 2002 the Federal Department of Environment and Heritage released a report titled, 'Plastic Shopping Bags - Analysis of Levies and Environmental Impacts'.This is an comprehensive report including a justification of why shopping bags are being targeted, a definition of the 'problem', a overview of the advantages plastic bags offer, the extent of reuse, recycling and waste disposal, an overview of approaches adopted overseas, a consideration of alternatives and a series of proposals to address the problem. The full text of this report can be found at http://www.environment.gov.au/settlements/publications/waste/plastic-bags/pubs/analysis.pdf The Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) is the pre-eminent national body representing Australia's plastics industries. A section of its Internet site is given over to a defence of plastic bags. This can be found at http://www.pacia.org.au/index.cfm?menuaction=mem&mmid=008&mid=008.012 The South Australian government's explanation and justification of its plans to ban plastic bags from January 2009 at http://www.zerowaste.sa.gov.au/prog_bags.php The Australian Government's overview of its position on plastic bags and some of the background documents that support this position can be found at http://www.environment.gov.au/settlements/waste/plastic-bags/index.html An ABC opinion piece titled, 'The toxicity of plastic bags' written by Ian Kiernan (Chairman of Clean Up Australia) and posted on January 25, 2008, argues in favour of taking drastic action to reduce Australia's use of plastic bags. The full text of this opinion piece can be found at http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/01/25/2146339.htm BNet Australia, a management information service, has published an article titled 'Paper or plastic? - bags for groceries - includes related information'. The article is an overview of the use of both plastic and paper bags through time. It looks at both the advantages and disadvantages of each type of carrier. The full text can be found at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1016/is_n1-2_v96/ai_8346997/pg_1 On April 25, 2005, The Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece titled, 'How green is your bag' by Margot Saville. The piece looks at the negative environmental features of the green shopping bag. The full text of the article can be found at http://www.smh.com.au/news/Environment/How-green-is-your-bag/2005/04/24/1114281452076.html?oneclick=true On May 23, 2006, The Sydney Morning Herald published an editorial titled, 'Don't ban plastic bags - it's a load of rubbish'. The editorial argues that moves to ban plastic bags are an over-reaction. The full text of the editorial can be found at http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/dont-ban-plastic-bags--its-a-load-of-rubbish/2006/05/23/1148150196028.html On September 2, 2003, National Geographic published an analysis and opinion piece titled, 'Are plastic grocery bags sacking the environment' by John Roach. The article looks at the relative claims of plastic bags and alternative carriers in terms of the environmental hazards they represent. The full text of the piece can be found at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/09/0902_030902_plasticbags.html On December 22, 2005, the Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group released 'Plastic Grocery Bags: The Ecological Footprint'. This is a comprehensive overview of the ecological and other harms caused by plastic bags. The full text of this article can be found at http://www.islandnet.com/~vipirg/publications/pubs/student_papers/05_ecofootprint_plastic_bags.pdf |