2008/17: Is Australia responding appropriately to the sexualisation of children by the media?
Introduction to the media issue
Video clip at right: New Zealand's Media 7 program conducted an interview on the sexualisation of children with several women, including fashion magazine editors and writers. If you cannot see this clip, it will be because YouTube is blocked by your network. To view the clip, access from home or from a public library, or from another network which allows YouTube clips.
What they said ...
'Harm can come from restricting access to things, as well as in being exposed to things'
Australian Democrat senator, Andrew Bartlett
'Instead of ... [trying] to help parents control the tide of erotic imagery washing over their children, the Senate committee washed its hands of the problem'
Dr Clive Hamilton, professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University
The issue at a glance
On June 27, 2008, a Senate committee considering the sexualisation of children in the media released its report.
The report's recommendations include that broadcasters and publishers review music videos' classifications; that there be an increase in the amount of time specifically set aside for children's programming and that consideration be given to establishing a children's dedicated channel. It also asks publishers to consider more warnings or reader advice on magazine covers.
However the report has not recommended that harsher laws be introduced to monitor advertisements potentially sexualising children. Instead it has asked that self-regulation measures by bodies such as the Advertising Standards Board (ASB) be increased.
These recommendations have met with significant criticism from a number of those with an interest in child protection and the influence of the media.