Right: pit bulls at rest in their own backyard: can the breed be trusted out of it? web links and documentsThe September 2005 Victorian Government Media Release which outlines that state's current legislation regarding 'dangerous dogs' and pit bull terriers can be found at http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/domino/Web_Notes/newmedia.nsf/798c8b072d117a01ca256c8c0019bb01/57ce79d096ac0a9eca2570730008ea8d!OpenDocumentOn September 5, 2009, The Daily Telegraph published a news report by Chelsea White titled, 'Black market for pit bulls flourishing'. The article reports that dog breeders and sellers are circumventing state laws prohibiting pit bulls by continuing the trade illegally. The full text of the article can be found at http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26029832-1242,00.html On October 19, 2009, The Courier published an editorial arguing that all pit bulls should be banned. The full text of the editorial can be found at http://www.thecourier.com.au/news/opinion/editorial/general/pit-bull-attacks-will-continue-until-the-breed-is-banned/1653702.aspx Urban Animal Management (UMA) is a Committee of the Australian Veterinary Association Limited. The group favours widespread education to improve the animal management behaviours of both pet owners and the general public. It does not favour breed-specific legislation and argues that there is no reliable evidence to support action being taken against pit bull terriers. UAM's home page can be found at http://www.uam.net.au/ In 2003 UAM published 'Does breed specific legislation reduce dog aggression on humans and other animals? A review paper' by Linda Watson. The author is a statistician at the Accident Research Centre, Monash University and Vice President of the Endangered Dog Breeds Association of Australia (EDBA). EDBA is also opposed to breed-specific legislation. The research paper is very detailed and draws on a wide range of studies and statistically-based reports. It can be found at http://www.uam.net.au/PDFs/PUB_Pro03_67_74_Watson.pdf The report argues against the effectiveness of breed-specific legislation. Dogs' Life is an Internet site directed toward dog owners. The site opposes breed specific legislation. Despite its bias, it gives a clear overview of dog-specific legislation in Australia. The overview includes some arguments against such legislation and includes detailed references to the work of Dr Stephen Collier, University of New England, who claims data on the frequency of dog attacks by breeds in Australia reveals the Pit Bull to be exceeded by several other breeds. This overview and argument can be found at http://www.dogslife.com.au/dogs_life_articles?cid=9446&pid=146514 Pit Bulls on the Web is an Internet site run by Monique Chesser, a United States pit bull educationalist and advocate. The site's home page can be found at http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/ Its arguments against breed-specific legislation can be found at http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/legislation.html The Dog Bite Center is a United States public education group that seeks to inform dog-bite victims of their rights and lobby for legislation to protect the community against aggressive dogs. The Center considers pit bulls of particular concern. The Dog Bite Center's Internet site can be found at http://www.dog-bite-law-center.com/ Its overview of American dog-bite statistics can be found at http://www.dog-bite-law-center.com/pgs/stats.html Its page dealing specifically with pit bull terriers can be found at http://www.dog-bite-law-center.com/pit_bull_attacks.html PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an international animal rights group. It supports the banning of pit bulls because it believes this may be the only way to prevent the abuse dogs of this breed receive. A full explanation of PETA's position on this issue can be found at http://www.peta.org/about/hottopic007.asp |