
Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline (see more in Web Links and Documents section)

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 20, editorial, `Put them down'.

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 23, comment by Bonnie Norton, `Breed bans are not the way to go'.

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 5, news item (photos) by Kelly Ryan, Ashley Gardiner, `Brumby gives councils a licence to kill dogs'.

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 5, news item (photos), `Deadly pit bull had the taste for blood'.
NOTE: the below item is by Brendan Roberts and is identical to the item cited:

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 21, cartoon.

The Australian:  October 20, page 7, news item (photo) by Gary Hughes, `Pit bull bite spurs change'.

The Age:  October 20, page 4, news item (photo) by Royce Millar and Mex Cooper, `State promises councils "licence to kill"'.
NOTE: the online item is accompanied by a video news report

Scroll down for examples of how newspapers treated this media issue

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 5, news item (photos) by Kelly Ryan, Ashley Gardiner, `Brumby gives councils a licence to kill dogs'.

Herald-Sun: October 20, page 21, layout with cartoon.

Herald-Sun:  October 20, page 23, comment by Bonnie Norton, `Breed bans are not the way to go'.

The Age:  October 20, page 4, news item (photo) by Royce Millar and Mex Cooper, `State promises councils "licence to kill"'.