
Right: Will Smith with Rosario Dawson, whose acting in Seven Pounds has drawn praise from the critics, who have still "panned" the film as a whole.

Further implications

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is clearly of the belief that films are capable of influencing the behaviour of vulnerable individuals.  He is also aware that they are capable of giving offence.  Though Jim Schembri appears less convinced of film's capacity to influence behaviour, there would appear to be a general popular consensus that this is the case.  Dr Carr-Gregg and others have also noted that research into the influences on human behaviour supports the common belief that films can effect how some members of their audience behave. Certainly the Australian Film Classification Board applies a code which acknowledges that films can give offence and that young people may need to be protected from being influenced by the viewing of inappropriate material.
It may well be that the Board should reclassify 'Seven Pounds' so as to ensure that parents are aware of its potential to disturb young viewers.  Jim Schembri is obviously correct when he notes that merely classifying a film MA15+ will not prevent it being viewed by a younger audience.  However, short of banning all potentially disturbing material, our classification system is the best method we have of ensuring that the young are protected and that audience members make informed decisions about what they view.  Given  that an MA15+ classification would still allow younger people to see the film (in the company of a responsible adult), Dr Carr-Gregg's proposal does not seem an unreasonable one.  Whether it happens will depend on whether the Board receives formal complaints about 'Seven Pounds' and then whether in its judgement these complaints should be acted on.
However,  Dr Michael Carr-Gregg has done more than suggest that 'Seven Pounds' be reclassified.  He would like to alter the composition of the Classification Board so that it compulsorily includes a mental health expert. On the face of it, this appears a reasonable suggestion.
Currently, as outlined within the guidelines directing its operation 'the Board  operates on the basis of a majority-based decision-making procedure. Accordingly, it is essential that members have the ability to clearly articulate their views orally and in writing, to appreciate and contemplate the views of others and, in light of the statutory requirements for decision making, make decisions that are good in law.
Members of the Board are exposed to a wide range of material, including a large amount of sexually explicit material. Some of the material may be of a particularly confronting or offensive nature, for example, that cited in the 'RC' (Refused Classification) categories of the National Classification Code. Board members must therefore possess maturity and balance, and the ability to apply reason, commonsense and sensitivity in the performance of their duties...
The Classification Act provides that in appointing members regard is to be had to the desirability of ensuring that membership of the Board is broadly representative of the Australian community. Members of the Board are identified through a national recruitment process appointed by the Governor-General for a period of three years and may be eligible for reappointment. Board members may not hold office as a member for a total of more than seven years.'
These guidelines would appear to make Dr Carr-Gregg's proposal seem largely unnecessary.  The stipulated qualities of balance, moderation, awareness and representativeness would seem to ensure that the Board generally makes appropriate decisions, while the capacity to challenge a classification should give reassurance that any inappropriate classification can be corrected.
There is also the possibility that if it were mandated that a member of the Board had to be a mental health professional, then soon different religious groups could demand representation, as could representatives of other lobby groups.  If this were to happen the Board could become a battle ground of competing interest groups and its maturity, balance and moderation would be lost.