
2009/01: Should Will Smith's film, Seven Pounds, be given at least an MA classification?

Introduction to the media issue

PLEASE NOTE that there are "spoilers", or revelations about the plot and outome of the film Seven Pounds in this issue outline.

Video clip at right:
Upper clip: A TV film reviewer goes to great lengths to keep the film's plot secret.
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What they said...
'My strong recommendation to any mums and dads listening is that it's not suitable for kids and it's particularly not suitable for anybody I think whose been touched by suicide in their life'
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg,child and adolescent psychologist

'The chief drawback of this "blame the film" syndrome is that rather than tackling the social causes of a problem, it trivialises the issue by offering the public a simplistic, high-profile scapegoat'
Jim Schembri, film critic for The Age    

The issue at a glance
On radio station 3AW, child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg was interviewed by Neil Mitchell and invited to give his views on the new Will Smith film, 'Seven Pounds'.  Dr Carr-Gregg voiced a number of problems he had found with the film.. His primary concern was that teenagers who saw it might be led to consider suicide attractive.
Dr Carr-Gregg also complained that the film's trailer did not indicate that the film dealt with suicide.  Dr Carr-Gregg indicated that he believes the film should have been given an MA rather than an M rating.
The following day The Age's film critic, Jim Schembri, responded to Dr Michael Carr-Gregg.  Mr Schembri also failed to enjoy the film; however, he took issue with many of Carr-Gregg's comments about it.  Schembri does not believe the film normalises suicide.  He further doubts that any film has the capacity to influence which Carr-Gregg had been concerned about.
The issue met with significant reader response in The Age and with some listener response on 3AW.  The debate between Carr-Gregg and Schembri was also referred to on an American suicide prevention news and comment site.