
Newspaper items used in the compilation of this issue outline (see more sources in Web Links and Documents section)

The Australian:  May 5, page 5, news item by Matthew Franklin, `Voters cynical about smokescreen on tobacco excise'.

The Age:  May 4, page 11, comment by Mark Davison, `Big tobacco's huff and puff is just hot air'.

The Age:  May 2, page 5, news item by Danielle Teutsch, `No-frills packaging to prompt all-frills ciggies?'.

The Age:  May 2, page 5, news item by Gordon and Fyfe, `Blue haze has gone, but a few MPs puff on'.

The Australian:  May 1, page 15, cartoon.

The Australian:  May 1, page 4, news item by Sid Maher, `Colour crackdown on smokes'.

The Australian:  April 30, page 13, editorial, `Deterrent or smokescreen?'.

The Australian:  April 30, page 12, comment by Tim Wilson, `Plain packaging ploy likely to go up in smoke'.

The Age:  April 30, page 11, comment by Fiona Sharkie, `Big tobacco's coughing fit a big tick for plain packaging'. (This is the same article as it appeared in the Brisbane Times)

The Age:  April 30, page 10, editorial, `Plain package:  elaborate content'.

The Age:  April 30, page 10, Leunig cartoon.

The Age:  May 13, page 3, news item by Mark Metherell, `Labor fails to tackle alcohol and junk-food giants'.

Scroll down for examples of how newspapers treated this media issue

The Australian:  May 1, page 15, cartoon.

The Age:  April 30, page 10, editorial, `Plain package:  elaborate content'. (with Leunig cartoon)