
Right: a primary school ethics class offered as an alternative to SRI. (This is a still from the ABC Compass program on the Web links, Documents page.)

Arguments in favour of primary schools running Special Religious Instruction classes

1. Special Religious Instruction as practised in Victorian state primary schools is not discriminatory
Defenders of Special Religious Instruction as practised in Victoria claim that it is not discriminatory.
It has been noted that other faith providers do offer SRI for students in Victorian government schools. There is Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Baha'i, Sikh, and Muslim SRI, as well as some separate Orthodox and Catholic programs operating in schools. Different organisations oversee the work of these providers.
The small number of instructors providing information about other faiths (approximately four percent) has been justified as reflecting the incidence of these faiths in the Victorian population. ACCESS Ministries states, 'The numbers of students participating in other SRI programs is smaller than the number participating in CRE, which reflects the demographic spread of religions within our Australian context.'
Each of the various providers of SRI teaches only their own religion to students in their classes. This is what is provided for in the Act of Education and the Department of Education guidelines.

2. Special Religious Instruction is within the terms of the Victorian Education and Training Reform Act
Special religious instruction is provided for in the Victorian Education and Training Reform Act (2006). The Act provides for religious instruction to be given in Victorian government schools by approved instructors from recognised religions (not just Christianity). The provision of SRI is under the direction of the Minister for Education and DEECD.
In the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, 'special religious instruction' is defined as 'instruction provided by churches and other religious groups and based on distinctive religious tenets and beliefs'. This is not, its defenders argue, some form of ethics or comparative religions study, but education provided by churches and centred on their beliefs.
The Act states, 'Special religious instruction may be given in a Government school in accordance with this section.'
The apparently discretionary element in the use of the word 'may' has been disputed. It appears that provision of religious instruction is only discretionary where there are no suitable instructors available. This is the reading given by Nr Evonne Paddison, the chief executive officer of ACCESS Ministries and apparently the reading endorsed by the Education Department. Dr Paddison has stated, 'It is not the school's prerogative to refuse SRI. The discretionary word "may" in the Act clearly relates to the providers of SRI. The principle and intention of the Act is to require school principals to arrange for SRI to be scheduled for 30 minutes per week on the school timetable where accredited and approved instructors are available.'

3. Those who teach Religious Instruction in Victorian government schools are well-trained volunteers
The Victorian Education and Training Reform Act, 2006, states
'If special religious instruction is given in a Government school during
the hours set apart for the instruction of the students the persons providing the special religious instruction must be persons who are accredited representatives of churches or other religious groups and who are approved by the Minister for the purpose.'
ACCESS ministries Special Religious Instruction (SRI) lessons are taught by some 3200 volunteers each week. ACCESS Ministries claims, 'They are among the thousands of volunteers who contribute 713 million hours of service annually to Australian society (Australian Bureau of Statistics, Voluntary Work survey 2006).'
All ACCESS ministries SRI teachers must successfully complete the prescribed application and training requirements for this role. All ACCESS ministries SRI teachers have a valid Working with Children Check, an endorsement from their local Minister/Pastor/Priest who has known them for at least 12 months, and have successfully completed their initial training.
They have also been approved by the Minister for Education for the purposes of delivering SRI. All ACCESS ministries SRI teachers are required to participate in ongoing training every year.

4. There are opt-out provisions for those who do not wish their children to participate in the program
Parents may indicate that they do not wish to have their children receive Special Religious Instruction.
The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 states, 'attendance for the special religious instruction is not to be compulsory for any student whose parents desire that he or she be excused from attending.'
ACCESS Ministries further states, 'CRE [Christian Religious Education] is not compulsory for any student to attend. The wishes of parents regarding their child's participation in any SRI are well respected by schools and the various providers of SRI.'
Under Education Department guidelines children who opt out are not to do other school work as this would create anomalies with the rest of the class which is undertaking Special Religious Instruction (SRI)at the time. Depending on the supervision that can be arranged, children whose parents do not want them to take part in SRI either sit at the back of the class, or in quiet rooms or corridors while religious education is under way.
A Department of Education spokesperson has stated, 'If SRI is offered it is to be scheduled on the school timetable; the usual period of time is 30 minutes a week. Secular instruction may not be timetabled while students from the class are attending SRI.'

5. Christianity is an important value system which underpins Australia's cultural and legal traditions
A Christian Religion Education instructor from Balwyn has stated, 'It is right for teaching about Christianity to be given a special place in our education system, for it has played an important role in shaping Australian society. Our values, laws, institutions, charities, literature and national history have all been strongly influenced by Christian beliefs and ideals. Kids today will be the better for understanding these things.'
Another CRE instructor from North Essendon has similarly stated, 'Christianity has a part in Australia's heritage, history and laws. Much of what makes our country a good place to live has come from individuals and groups who, because of their Christian faith, have sought to help those in need. Care, acceptance, compassion, and respect are values expressed in this work...
CRE explores and supports the values that our primary schools promote, that are important to our society, and is an asset to our children's education'
Access Ministries chairman Stephen Hale has likened Christian education to environment lessons, saying it was "not just about teaching things in a neutral way," but encouraging children to have an opinion and "be committed to doing something".

6. Many Australians support Special Religious Instruction in Victorian schools
Supporters of SRI argue that their program and their continued existence within Victorian state primary schools is well-established and accepted and that the pressure to remove them comes from a minority.
The number of students involved in the program has been used as evidence that it has substantial community support. Dr Evonne Paddison, the chief executive officer of ACCESS Ministries has stated, 'Over 130,000 students participated in some form of SRI in Victorian government schools last year. The ACCESS ministries CRE program operates in hundreds of schools across Victoria; our experience is that there is overwhelming acceptance of the CRE program in schools and communities from Wodonga to Warrnambool, from Mildura to Mallacoota, including those learning in Special Schools.'
Dr Paddison has further stated, 'The recent voices of opposition to the presence of the Christian CRE program do not come from non-Christian faiths; there is great respect and cooperation between the SRI providers, of all the faiths...We respect each other and our differences, and work cooperatively where we can. Much of the opposition to SRI is being voiced by Humanists.'